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Module: PageTableExtended


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I'd noticed the field and used it, just not the bit where you can add multiple templates in order to be able to drop in different content editor "blocks" (I hate that term, but it fits here) in whatever order you like.

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Hey Martijn,

I managed this by using the automatic naming option and by setting the title field to hidden and not required in the template context settings (so it doesn't affect other templates) and that seems to be working ok.

The one thing I am really missing (and maybe this is just me) is for the PageTable sub pages to be stored in some sort of hierarchy when using an alternate parent page. I can see a complete mess of hundreds of pages ending up in there, with various -n name appendices. Maybe it would be unnecessary extra cruft, but what if sub parent pages (named to match the actual page that uses the PageTable field) were made to store the PageTable pages. e.g.:

----About (has a PT field called Sections)
----Portfolio (has PT field called Jobs)

PageTableItems (hidden)
-----------Section 1
-----------Section 2
-----------Section 3

-----------Job 1
-----------Job 2

instead of the current situation of:

PageTableItems (hidden)
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Job 1
Job 2

I know the latter looks simpler, but I can see it becoming a mess and confusing when page names were automatically changed to avoid conflicts.

Anyone agree, or am I on my own :)

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I managed the title thing now with making the title not global. ( Gonna try your thing, think thats better :-) )

Yesterday, I played the first time with the pageTabeExtended and didn't even looked at the parent where the subpages are stored.

Building a small website for a friend so storing isn't an issue right now.

Your example looks way better IMHO, but I would go for page id instead of page name (uniqueness insured)

Just to throw one more option in:

PageTableItems (hidden) 
----1234		         // page id (where tablefield is used)
-------sections		         // fieldname
-----------template-timestamp    // name of the template used + timestamp date-created

Edited by Martijn Geerts
When using ID it's not unique when using multiple pageTable field per page
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  On 9/4/2014 at 7:43 PM, renobird said:


I have about 8,000 pageTable pages under a single parent (invasive plant species database). I just consider it a closet that I'm never going to look in. :)

So far I haven't had any issues.

Maybe you're right - maybe I shouldn't worry about it - maybe it really doesn't matter how messy it gets in there :)

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When I found out about ProcessWire I missed a configurable Repeater right from the start. The new PageTable module is nice but not quite there. Your module is a step in the right direction. If it wasn't required to enter a title for every added block it would be perfect!

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Does anyone know why I would be having trouble updating this module? I have tried to update it manually and through PW's interface, but I keep getting version 0.0.8. ModuleManager keeps telling me there is an update to 0.1.0 available, but when I go through the updating process, it still says I have 0.0.8. I am just working on a local wamp setup, so it isn't a matter of life and death; I'm just wondering if I am doing something wrong.

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Hmm. If "check for new modules" didn't clear it up, you can try deleting the module cache files in /site/assets/cache/.

Someone else might have a better explanation as to why that's happening. I feel like I've run into it before, but can't remember exactly what I did to resolve it.

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I was seeing the same thing. I went in to the two .module files and changed the version numbers from "010" to "10" and refreshed the modules list and voila. Not sure if that really was the issue, but it worked for me. Ryan mentions this:

"The module version number shouldn't have preceding zeros, as this starts PHP thinking it's an octal number or something else (I don't recall). So version number should be 10 rather than 010."

PS The module files were actually already the correct version - just the reporting that was off.

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I have a couple more issues. I'll add, let's say, a block of text using the PageTableExtended field. When I hit the publish button in the modal window, it does not publish. I check the settings panel in the modal box, and it consistently has the box checked for "Unpublished." When I uncheck that box and go on about my business, everything works out wonderfully, but I cannot get it to publish the "regular" way. Am I doing something incorrectly?

Also, I have noticed that when I make changes to one of the PageTableExtended blocks on a page and save the page it is a part of, I get a warning about a "Missing required value" under the Title label. I assume it means I'm missing a title somewhere, but the page has a title and the PageTableExtended blocks have automatic titles. Anyone have any guesses?


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