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ProcessWire Love Story @ PHP Meetup Vienna 2023 ??


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I did my first talk ever yesterday @ PHP Meetup Vienna!!

Once more everything was a lot more work than I first thought, but I'm quite proud of the result ? What do you think? Did I forget something important? It was really hard to put 10 years into one hour...

The recording was not planned at first, but I thought I'd just give it a try and everything worked quite well ?

If you like what you see please share it with others so that ProcessWire gets the attention that it deserves ? Special thanks to @gebeer for showing me ProcessWire in 2013 ?

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During the showcase of Latte, you mentioned VSCode doesn't support Latte colorization. It might now. ?
I don't use Latte so I couldn't test it, but the star rating looks good.

Out of the entirety of the video, the only tiny issue was the one slide where your live video overlay was covering up the demonstration of accessing fields via code (page | template | fields). It was shown later so it was still covered - I'm being very critical here, which means overall it was very well done for a live-code recording! Thank you for sharing!

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Great Talk! And thanks for the mention ?

Very well structured introduction to PW. I like the clean aesthetics. This surely will get some people interested in PW. Please everyone go and like/comment this on YT.

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10 hours ago, BrendonKoz said:

During the showcase of Latte, you mentioned VSCode doesn't support Latte colorization. It might now. ?
I don't use Latte so I couldn't test it, but the star rating looks good.

Hi @BrendonKoz thx for the hint. I had a look and turns out I already have that extension installed ? Without that extension latte files have no highlighting at all. With the extension we get syntax highlighting for html but not for the parts within n:attributes. That's the only thing missing but it's really not a big deal fortunately ? 

10 hours ago, BrendonKoz said:

Out of the entirety of the video, the only tiny issue was the one slide where your live video overlay was covering up the demonstration of accessing fields via code (page | template | fields). It was shown later so it was still covered - I'm being very critical here, which means overall it was very well done for a live-code recording! Thank you for sharing!

Yeah, you are right. Also the PHP Meetup Vienna on the right side is a little covered. But the recording was kind of improvised so I'm very happy that everything worked out well. I've done the recording with a microphone that arrived at 14:00 on the same day of the talk ? And then at the talk I realised that my OBS settings don't work, because I'm not using an external monitor. Then I had to change some scenes and had to stretch the video to fill the video frame... Not ideal but also no problem imho.

But I could try to put some kind of "logo" or watermark at the position where the face-video will be lateron so I could try to avoid that area when working on the presentation!

9 hours ago, gebeer said:

Very well structured introduction to PW. I like the clean aesthetics. This surely will get some people interested in PW. Please everyone go and like/comment this on YT.

I hope so ? Thx!

PS: What about the dependencies? I guess I was wrong with that question ? We have jQuery and UIkit as dependencies for the backend. But I was thinking only of the PHP side of things. Did I miss anything else? I think it's an interesting question and as we are getting more and more attacks on that front it might be another plus for ProcessWire ? 

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Great talk and very good comparison towards Laravel and Symfony.
I wish I could have seen the faces or read their thoughts the moment you said


[...] have all the the tedious things like user management user authentication access control levels file assets so image uploads and all that it comes with all that features but it still has the flexibility of a of a PHP framework [...]

See here: https://youtu.be/ncS36UqaBvc?t=400


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On 4/22/2023 at 7:44 AM, bernhard said:

PS: What about the dependencies? I guess I was wrong with that question ? We have jQuery and UIkit as dependencies for the backend. But I was thinking only of the PHP side of things. Did I miss anything else? I think it's an interesting question and as we are getting more and more attacks on that front it might be another plus for ProcessWire ? 

I figured that was what you were thinking of too while you were giving that answer; in the spur-of-the-moment I would've probably answered the same way. The dependencies are included in the project though and don't (currently?) require a composer install, so you're not entirely wrong either (depending on perspective).

Not that it matters, but I think Ryan came from previously using MODx, not Drupal. I don't want to cheat my memory recall, so I'm not going to look it up! I could very well be wrong there too. ?

Considering the last-minute changes for setup with your recording, I'd say the end result was spectacular! ...and yes, if you plan to record, using a placeholder where you expect your overlay video will be is what I didn't put into words, but was hoping you'd get out of what I said (somehow?).

Thank you for all of the work you put into that. It was well-thought out and well-presented. I wouldn't have thought to use Git to jump around to speed things up during a live coding session; that was a great trick.

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Thx @BrendonKoz ? 

16 minutes ago, BrendonKoz said:

Not that it matters, but I think Ryan came from previously using MODx, not Drupal. I don't want to cheat my memory recall, so I'm not going to look it up! I could very well be wrong there too. ?

Luckily I seem to be right here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/27692-i-have-to-switch-from-processwire-to-drupal/?do=findComment&comment=227662  At least it's everything I know. And you are right, it does not really matter ? 

17 minutes ago, BrendonKoz said:

Considering the last-minute changes for setup with your recording, I'd say the end result was spectacular! ...and yes, if you plan to record, using a placeholder where you expect your overlay video will be is what I didn't put into words, but was hoping you'd get out of what I said (somehow?).

Thank you very much ? Unfortunately I have some hickups in the webcam stream sometimes. I also got that from time to time at home. Not sure where that comes from ? I think maybe it comes from the cheap usb hub and I should likely use a proper usb port for the webcam ? 

19 minutes ago, BrendonKoz said:

Thank you for all of the work you put into that. It was well-thought out and well-presented. I wouldn't have thought to use Git to jump around to speed things up during a live coding session; that was a great trick.

Thanks ? 

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15 minutes ago, bernhard said:

Luckily I seem to be right here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/27692-i-have-to-switch-from-processwire-to-drupal/?do=findComment&comment=227662  At least it's everything I know. And you are right, it does not really matter ?

I'm getting off-topic, but you are 100% correct now that I've searched. Now my curiosity is piqued. I want to find, from the source, what his personal CMS history was! ? Either way, looking forward to future videos!

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15 hours ago, BrendonKoz said:

I'm getting off-topic, but you are 100% correct now that I've searched. Now my curiosity is piqued. I want to find, from the source, what his personal CMS history was! ? Either way, looking forward to future videos!

Here you go ? https://codingpad.maryspad.com/2013/07/19/interview-with-ryan-cramer-processwire-cms-founder-and-lead-developer/

Here are the interesting bits for this particular topic:


I started RCD (Ryan Cramer Design, LLC) in 2003, and began to focus on a reusable CMS platform, rather than custom coding one for every site I did. Dictator CMS was the result. Around 2007, this evolved to ProcessWire 1.0.


Before deciding on open source, at one point, I thought I should stop putting so much effort towards my own CMS project and just use another like Drupal. So I spent some months with Drupal (and a little less with EE) and couldn’t believe how much of a pain these tools were, and how far behind they seemed.


I don’t have enough experience with MODX to offer any real comparison


I knew there was another one https://www.cloudways.com/blog/processwire-ryan-cramer-interview/

Edited by diogo
Added a second link
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  • 3 weeks later...


Very late comments here. I'd started watching but things got in the way and I didn't finish. I've just finished watching. 


Thoroughly enjoyed this one. Thanks for sharing and thanks for representing ProcessWire. It looks like a lot of thought went into the presentation. It was also interesting to hear about your background. I am guessing this perhaps explains why your work/modules are always so polished and of high quality!!  I suppose you don't get into a helicopter without meticulously checking everything works as it should ?

I liked the way you showed the basics first and gradually moved into the more advanced topics. I also liked the way you used git history.

I have learnt some new things as well and my interest is piqued. I have never been a fun of PHP template engines but that latte stuff you showed got me really interested. That is a lot like 'modern-js' like you said! Have you noticed any performance issues with latte?

I was also very impressed with ddev. I know you have mentioned it before but the 'docker' bit is what has put me off in the past. For some reason, docker was either slow on my machine (a Windows thing maybe?) or just wouldn't work. I am very curious about ddev now. Do you still use a Windows machine? How's ddev in terms of performance?

Anyway, great stuff and thanks again for sharing!


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18 hours ago, kongondo said:


Hi @kongondo thx for your kind words ? 

18 hours ago, kongondo said:

Thoroughly enjoyed this one. Thanks for sharing and thanks for representing ProcessWire. It looks like a lot of thought went into the presentation. It was also interesting to hear about your background. I am guessing this perhaps explains why your work/modules are always so polished and of high quality!!  I suppose you don't get into a helicopter without meticulously checking everything works as it should ?.

Yeah it took quite long and it was really not easy to put everything that I know in a 20min talk. Obviously. That's why it took 60 ? But yeah, I wrote down all that I love about PW over some weeks and then tried to wrap everything up and tried start from scratch so that everybody understands what I'm talking about, but then also show how much power it has under the hood.

Regarding the checks: We had technicians for that ?? But thx for the kudos ? 

18 hours ago, kongondo said:

I liked the way you showed the basics first and gradually moved into the more advanced topics. I also liked the way you used git history.

Thx for the feedback! I had one guy that gave me the feedback that he found the git thing confusing. But we currently stand at 3 who said they liked it ? For me it was a good way to make sure that everything works as expected and even if I forget something I don't end up in disaster trying to find a silly bug that I introduced somewhere... Also that way I can put it on github for everybody to inspect.

18 hours ago, kongondo said:

I have learnt some new things as well and my interest is piqued. I have never been a fun of PHP template engines but that latte stuff you showed got me really interested. That is a lot like 'modern-js' like you said! Have you noticed any performance issues with latte?

Same here. I never really saw the benefit. It always felt as something new to learn, with a different syntax than the one I knew for something that PHP itself can do really well. And I didn't see a lot of benefit in using {{ foo }} instead of <?= $foo ?> either. That totally changed when I saw things like this:

  <li n:foreach="$page->children() as $child">
    <a n:if="$child->editable()" href="{$child->editUrl()}">edit</a>

I didn't mention any performance issues. But I'm not using it on any huge projects so far. Though latte states that it's extremely fast because it compiles to pure PHP (you can inspect those files in /site/assets/cache/Latte when using RockFrontend).

18 hours ago, kongondo said:

I was also very impressed with ddev. I know you have mentioned it before but the 'docker' bit is what has put me off in the past. For some reason, docker was either slow on my machine (a Windows thing maybe?) or just wouldn't work. I am very curious about ddev now. Do you still use a Windows machine? How's ddev in terms of performance?

Same here again. I was never a fan of docker (though I'm getting to know it better and start liking it I guess). I'm using it on a MacBook Air at the moment. I'm not on Windows any more. Just like docker I've never really liked mac either, but I had to use a macbook in the agency I was working and despite the hassle that came with switching keyboard layout etc. it was actually a really good experience. I fell in love with the absolutely zero noise level. No fans at all. Never. Not the slightest noise unless it has to output some audio. Really great. Also battery life is great. It's a new experience for me to just grab the device without really thinking about if the battery will last long enough in meetings. It will.

DDEV was also one of the things that I "had to use" in the agency. And it's an absolutely brilliant tool so I'm still using it every day and it has helped me so much in some projects that would have been a lot of pain in the days when I was using laragon on windows. For example I'm working on a project where I need to transform PDFs in JPGs for quick and efficient previews and that's very easy to do on unix with poppler-utils. A single line of code. But on laragon+win that did not work, so I had to work around that or develop on the live system and then copy+paste things over to local to then push it back to git... Now on DDEV I can simply install poppler-utils in the web container and everything locally works just like on production.

I've been using DDEV on Windows in my first month at the agency. It worked very well first, but then it got reeeeeeally slow. Not sure what was the reason though. It was a quite weak device compared to my macbook (8GB instead of 16GB ram) and with all the virtualisation that might have been too little after all. But I have the feeling that something else was going on. I've had one issue on mac as well where it was causing high cpu all the time. That went away after an update, so maybe something similar was happening on windows as well.

But afterall I'm enjoying the unix system on my mac now and I found alternatives for all my programs that I've been using on windows (the only one that I'm still missing is "search everything" - so if anyone has a mac alternative for that, please let me know!).

18 hours ago, kongondo said:

How's ddev in terms of performance?


That's saving a page... fast enough for my taste ? 

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Hello Bernhard,

2 hours ago, bernhard said:

(the only one that I'm still missing is "search everything" - so if anyone has a mac alternative for that, please let me know!).

Usually, I use Find Any File (to me FAF performs better over the network than EasyFind does) but keep EasyFind on my Mac just in case.

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Good work, @bernhard!

Reading those links linked above made me smile... especially the pig-with-wings vs. panther analogy from Ryan ?


"but we don't want a pig, we want a panther" - someone pls make a meme anim. GIF, or a T-Shirt please ?


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Brilliant talk Bernhard - I picked it up through the PW Weekly over the weekend.

You're a great spokesperson for PW on the whole and of course very talented - I use your modules like RockAwesome and RockMailLogger on just about every PW instance.

Now I need to learn more about Latte!

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