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Pre Select Page References


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Is it possible to pre-select values in the Page Reference field? I am currently using 'Page List Select Multiple' that allows my users to pick from a large number of FAQ's. Can I pre-populate this field with a default 5 answers (Pages)? Allowing the user to add/remove from this default selection.

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Not sure about pre-populating, but maybe this would help too: Define custom sort order (tab "children" -> manual drag-and-drop) in the parent page that holds your FAQs. Then simply move your 5 default answers/pages to the top, so that they're always the first ones in the list. Sort of like you usually see country dropdowns: The top countries at the top, followed by the rest in alphabetic order.

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@r.loeber, I'm not sure why the "Default value" option that is available for most Page Reference inputfield types isn't available for Page List Select, Page List Select Multiple and Page Autocomplete, but I made a module that extends default value support to these inputfields:


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