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This techwars stuff drives me a little nuts because we're not "at war" or in "a fight" with anybody, as they imply. The other CMS projects are our peers not our enemies. Though I understand, wars and fights are controversial and thus marketable. Techwars on Twitter has been spamming the #processwire hashtag for several months. I like to occasionally search for ProcessWire on Twitter to see what's up there, and you can't search for ProcessWire without getting 80% techwars tweets… All implying we're in all of these fights, skirmishes, duels and bloody battles to the death with modx, silverstripe, expression engine, etc. Their average tweet count per day is 1075 (all appear to be the same auto-generated tweet with different product names substituted). I just don't like that people searching for ProcessWire on Twitter might be getting the wrong impression, like we're not friendly or something. That being said, I love the comments that you guys added to their site. If there is a battle at the techwars site, ProcessWire is winning it. 

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Hmmmm i think both are good but I prefer processwire more because of various reasons however this reasons are my opinions

I love the fact that Processwire doesn't force any form of templating because I got so much in my head Twig,Smarty,Handlebar,AngularJs, C# Razor the last thing I want is to cram another templating engine, what I love about Processwire also is the Module Dependency system, however I do admit as a Developer I like the SilverStripe API especially the ORM i don't really enjoy using pure SQL query. But other than that Processwire all the way

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  On 1/15/2015 at 2:39 AM, ryan said:

Techwars on Twitter has been spamming the #processwire hashtag for several months. I like to occasionally search for ProcessWire on Twitter to see what's up there, and you can't search for ProcessWire without getting 80% techwars tweets…  I just don't like that people searching for ProcessWire on Twitter might be getting the wrong impression, like we're not friendly or something. That being said, I love the comments that you guys added to their site. If there is a battle at the techwars site, ProcessWire is winning it. 

Yes, I can see there does seem to be a bit of spamming from them going on using the #processwire hashtag and understand the point that people might think we are not very friendly starting wars all over the tech world like some CMS blood thirsty warriors though I do think we could turn it to our advantage by posting great comments such as Charles, Joss and Matthew have already done. That way people will see that we are quite a friendly bunch with the added advantage of informing others that click through their tweets what a great CMS Processwire is.

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Nothing - but isn't it nice that people seem to get their answers here?

I have no proof, but there always seems to be a link between a lack of questions getting answers on a software's own support forum and the number of questions on StackOverflow.

I have four outstanding questions on another bit of software's support site that have never been answered or even viewed.  Frustrating, to say the least. 

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In my former cms forum community (exForumAdmin) there was the same state like here some years ago- good people good questions good answers.....then some things happens - less develepment & bad management->badquestions->badanswers->badpeople->emtyforum.

At the end nobody takes the time for other users - there was always posts like

"this is a php/html/css question you noob go google",

"this is not cms related - go google",

"or just go google"    => so find PW with google and i'm happy again now to get good answers from good people on all related topics.

@ryan 100% agree on this - What goes around, comes around.

So spread the word in a positiv way.

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Many people are lazy - like me, too!! No coder but DRY concept is not only based on code :P

But forum's search isn't that good, we know there are better tools to search the forum

What the most problem on this topic is that starters often are impatient - i'am definitely not!

Thats a little problem with sometimes someone gets fast disappointed - for them there is a special post from rayn to clear the fronts up.

With software and OS projects it is always a problem that users expect not really a instant answer - maybe sometimes they expect things the software can't do for them.

We all like the fact that we with PW the most things we expect.

Nevertheless there should be no room for irritation and a clear way to handle this things - but hey we have a great STAFF i think and this is here a little bit offtopic...

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A quick callout in defense of us 'starters'! 

My current process before asking a question in the forum is to:

1. google the forums, if I find code:

2. test the code on my site, noodling around for a few hours usually. If I don't find code, or can't get it to work:

3. google php references (I'm new to php, but fine with html & css)

4. test code I found at php references, if that doesn't work

5. google pw forums again

6. ask question on the forums

If there is something else I should be doing to avoid being typified as 'jumping in and expecting an answer' or being 'lazy' or 'impatient', please let me know!

I think we have a great dev community here, and I look forward to one day knowing enough to help others. 

Please don't hate on newbies... we're trying.

On another topic earlier in this thread... as for tech wars... I think this is an archetypal theme (battle to the death! Who! Is! Deadliest!) that will always make money, and is therefore never going away. The important thing is that we recognise it for what it is - a distraction - and work on feeding the good community vibe here in spite of such distractions.

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@cstevensjr Thanks for the confirmation! I try to be clear and thorough, but I always like to know if i can improve my contributions.

These comments about 'starters' had me wondering if I could do better. 

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I agree with Charles. @pwired, sorry but honestly I find that you are too harsh, if not insensitive, in some of your comments. And they don't always make sense actually.

Edit: Charles = cstevensjr :)

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My personal experience has shown me that the challenge with starting out with anything is knowing the right questions to ask.

None of us know everything but when you get to a certain level you become an expert at knowing what questions to ask then the ability to find the answers to those questions becomes that much easier.

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Very true Dazzyweb. 


You know what a foreach is in php:

"How do I loop through images in PW with foreach?"

You haven't ever come across a foreach loop:

"I have thirty pictures in my image field and I have tried to list them but nothing comes out, how do I do it?"

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Support Forums are hard to maintain.  There will always be an influx of new people with new ideas.  Our challenge is to incorporate these individuals while teaching them good web development techniques.  These people will be the next group of teachers about ProcessWire.

@pwired makes some valid statements.  I believe everyone should be heard, in a professional and mostly courteous manner.  There will always be newbies that will challenge our patience, however we need to just remember that learning takes time.  They are excited because ProcessWire is a fantastic development platform.

We will have troublemakers join our group, however we need to not change who we are based on their need to make trouble and discord.  There are great and extremely talented people from around the world actively participating in this forum.  If we maintain our technical excellence and dignity, then it doesn't matter what a few idiots have to say.  Anyway, once they see that we are about positive outcomes they will fade away.

We should be striving to see everyone reach that initial "AHA" ProcessWire moment, no matter how long it takes.

This is a great Forum and we collectively need to ensure that we keep it that way.

Best Regards,


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@pwired, sorry but honestly I find that you are too harsh, if not insensitive, in some of your comments. And they don't always make sense actually.

@ this issue:

It is called inconvenient truth. For some people here there will never come a point in time,

where they will say as things really are.

Then there are also people here who simply do not react at all on posts with a certain kind of content.

From now on I will join them.


For the sake of it, now go here:


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  On 1/15/2015 at 4:28 PM, cstevensjr said:

Support Forums are hard to maintain. 

This is a great Forum and we collectively need to ensure that we keep it that way.

Best Regards,Charles

Thats only what i meant in my last 2 posts on this.

As i'm a starter, too - the best thing here was that i'm felt like i'm at home now in this forum - not in any strange or foreign part of the web.

I'll give back other starters a helping hand since i'm no pro this my only limited skill.

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I don't care if a question is weird i'd happily answer them even starter questions, because a community is one where one shouldn't be afraid to ask a question with the fear of being ridiculed. worst case scenario for me would be to simply refer the forum with the answer. 

@kathep i like your system to finding out information. 

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  On 1/15/2015 at 4:28 PM, pwired said:

It is called inconvenient truth. 

This is why I have a problem with some of your comments, you tend see them as the truth (at least that's how they sound to me). We are never the owners of the truth, we have opinions, and should give them knowing that they are nothing more than our opinion.

I'm not trying to annoy you, just telling you how your posts may be read by others in case you don't have that notion. You're a valuable member and new people will take your words very seriously based on your number of posts and likes, this alone gives you an extra responsibility, and you should be aware of it. I must remind you that you were not an easy newbie ;)

Anyway, just to be clear. We all love to have you here :)

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  On 1/15/2015 at 5:45 PM, Martijn Geerts said:

People who are just one step ahead of the newbies are the best teachers for those newbies. Those newbies will be the next teachers for the new generation. We have a healthy forum and I love how the way it goes.

But don't ever never let newbies touch waterand never feed it after midnight!!!


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