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ProcessWire Dashboard

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@zoeck I implemented modal editing for the collection panels. See the latest release. You can set the mode to modal or blank for edit or view links.

The modal auto-closes on page save and the panel reloads via AJAX when an edit modal closes.

/* Open edit links in modal, view links in new tab */

  'panel' => 'collection',
  'data' => [
    'editMode' => 'modal',
    'viewMode' => 'blank',


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@gmclelland There's a few good ideas in there! I do have an at-a-glance/counter panel on the roadmap, but I'm not sure how to exactly build that since ProcessWire — as opposed to Wordpress — doesn't have any pre-configured content types, so I would have to make it a bit more configurable.

I also like the idea of having different tabs, although it's not a requirement I see many pages having. It should be relatively simple to implement, though (apart from the permissions stuff).

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6 minutes ago, Jens Martsch - dotnetic said:

It would also be nice, if you provide a complete copy and paste solution for the admin.php, so one could directly see a working example.

I'm planning on revamping the documentation at some point — split it into sub-pages and make it more navigable. Next on the list is an example section with code snippets for all panels, as you suggested.

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It would also be nice, if I could add panels as an array of arrays (or objects) like

            'panel' => 'number',
            'title' => 'Neue Seiten',
            'data' => [
                'number' => 484,
                'detail' => '100 mehr als im vorigen Monat',
                'trend' => 'up',

            'panel' => 'page-list',
            'title' => 'zuletzt bearbeitete Seiten',
            'data' => [
                'collection' => 'template=basic-page, limit=10',
                'sortable' => true,

Right now, it seems, that I have to use $panels->add for every single panel, is that correct?

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7 minutes ago, Jens Martsch - dotnetic said:

Right now, it seems, that I have to use $panels->add for every single panel, is that correct?

i agree here with this – i actually tried to add an array of panels first before I realized you had to do each panel on a different call..

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1 hour ago, Jens Martsch - dotnetic said:

Right now, it seems, that I have to use $panels->add for every single panel, is that correct?

@Jens Martsch - dotnetic @Macrura Correct. The problem here is that the config object is an array, and the outer array is also an array. There's no way of telling if it's a config array or a collection of config arrays without it getting ugly.

Luckily, WireArray has an import() method for that exact purpose. I added a release on GitHub that supports adding an array of panels via $panels->import([]);

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4 hours ago, d'Hinnisdaël said:

I do have an at-a-glance/counter panel on the roadmap, but I'm not sure how to exactly build that since ProcessWire — as opposed to Wordpress — doesn't have any pre-configured content types, so I would have to make it a bit more configurable.

Couldn't you loop over all templates(excluding system templates) and use the template's name along with a count?

For example:

  • Basic Page (55)
  • Calendar Postings (77)
  • Job Postings (88)
  • community-event (55)  <- this one doesn't have a friendly template name, the others above do
  • Total Pages (400)

It would probably be helpful to show file information as well.  Like:

  • Documents (1,000)
  • Images (2,000)
  • Audio (30)
  • Videos (40)
  • Total Files (3,000)

The number of users would be helpful per role

  • Editors (20)
  • Contributors (25)
  • Vendors (22)
  • System Admins (2)
  • Total Users (60)

All of that would probably need to be cached so isn't too taxing on the server.  Maybe only displayed to admins as well?  I thought I remembered a module that already provides similar counts?  I can't remember the name. Maybe I'll remember it later?

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15 hours ago, d'Hinnisdaël said:

@zoeck I implemented modal editing for the collection panels. See the latest release. You can set the mode to modal or blank for edit or view links.

The modal auto-closes on page save and the panel reloads via AJAX when an edit modal closes.

/* Open edit links in modal, view links in new tab */

  'panel' => 'collection',
  'data' => [
    'editMode' => 'modal',
    'viewMode' => 'blank',


This does not work directly, only after I have written the following code into the admin.php file


But after that, it work likes a charm ? Thanks!



and I still have a few ideas for the PageList:

  • open collapsed
  • edit in modal, too ? 

and one little design bug in the PageList:

  • showRootPage => false -> no margin/padding left/right/bottom
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@gmclelland I can see this getting a bit out of hand with a CMF like ProcessWire that doesn't set any boundaries on the shape content can take.

The most versatile solution would be to create an at-a-glance panel, but to rely on the programmer to supply the counts that are relevant to their site.

I can see the template and role counts working the way you suggested. Still, not all templates are meaningful units of content, e.g. a `country` template for populating forms is really not that interesting to site editors. The role naming / pluralization would only work in English here (e.g. vendor becomes Vendors), so there'd need to be a way of naming them in other languages.

The documents and images are a bit more complicated, however. ProcessWire doesn't have a central media or file library to get a count from. So you need to run a cronjob to scan the site for images across all pages. You'd also need to figure out which images are meaningful content (photos) and which are e.g. system-created QR codes for event invitations.

How do you count videos? I have a file field called videos, and a repeater field with a video_url field. There's no way of counting that without doing it yourself.

Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, but I don't think automating it is feasible or the right solution in ProcessWire. I'll be happy to be convinced otherwise ?

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6 minutes ago, zoeck said:

This does not work directly, only after I have written the following code into the admin.php file


Strange. I added that to the module itself and it only worked for me after I added it:

protected function includeModalScripts() {

/* And then later */

if ($modal) {
  $button->class .= ' pw-modal pw-modal-large';


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24 minutes ago, d'Hinnisdaël said:

Strange. I added that to the module itself and it only worked for me after I added it:

protected function includeModalScripts() {

/* And then later */

if ($modal) {
  $button->class .= ' pw-modal pw-modal-large';


You Added it to "renderButton" in the "DashboardPanel" Class, but the Modal is used in the "renderPageActions" Function in the "DashboardPanelCollection.module" (The renderButton/renderFooterButton isn't used in the Collection)

When you add "$this->includeModalScripts();" to "if (self::windowModeModal === $mode) {" (Line 300) it works ? 

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@zoeck Slow day in the office — I added the editMode and viewMode options to the PageList panel as well. See the latest release.

  'panel' => 'page-list',
  'title' => 'Information',
  'data' => [
    'parent' => 'template=basic-page, name=info',
    'editMode' => 'modal',
    'viewMode' => 'blank',


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When I add 'editMode' => 'modal' to the collection panel, this pops up: PHP Notice: Undefined index: host in ...\Dashboard\DashboardPanel.class.php:329 Perhaps you could use isset? 

if (isset($info['host']))

When modal is closed, there is an error in the console: Uncaught ReferenceError: UIkit is not defined Dashboard.js?v=0.5.0-1579071638:2 Can't debug this as js is minified.

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19 minutes ago, matjazp said:

I guess "Add dashboard page to user dropdown navigation" isn't supported in AdminThemeDefault?

I'm using the standard AdminThemeFramework::getUserNavArray hook. Looks like that's a newer addition and not available on default.

Any particular reason you're still using the default theme? I switched all of my client sites over to UiKit and I don't regret it. The old one looks so... old.

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Some encoding problems, this is how it looks when dashboard is empty:

Learn how to add and configure panels reading the <a href="https://github.com/philippdaun/processwire-dashboard" target="_blank">documentation</a>.

I guess documentation should be a link.


EDIT: I see now it's multilanguage issue, 


Edited by matjazp
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