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The all new Processwire homepage design


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oh dear, between two page refreshes the look and feel of processwire.com has changed completely. while more call-to-actions are there, which i like personally, the dominating color now is a "sky-blue" ... how do you feel about that?

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I'm excited! It feels like processwire is preparing for something big (2.3?)!

I too miss the old "Build bigger, stronger, faster, easier." tagline too. That's exactly what brought me to processwire. In fact I just made an adhoc photo gallery last night, in about 30 mins it's done! I couldn't have done it using anything else.

"Reaching the sky" is a bit vague and presumptuous. But if you think it works, then sure. Can't wait to see what else is up, and i think we're all up for a treat! :D

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I think it's nice, I think the old look was nice too but the new look definitely fits modern web design much more in my opinion.

Not a huge fan of vertical menus but am sure I'll get used to them.

The overall look is very bright and contemporary, without going too far from the original. Now all we need is for the forum to match! :rolleyes:

Am I the only one to like the forum?!

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Soo ...


Upon looking at any cool web page, I instinctively 'View Source' and was pleasantly surprised to see this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/site/templates/styles/layout.css" media="all and (min-width: 43.236em)">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/site/templates/styles/layout-small.css" media="all and (max-width: 43.2359em)">

Of course I quickly resized my browser window.

GREAT job gang!!!!

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Well, that woke me up!

Yep, very nice.

The great thing about Processwire is that it is different, clever and really really modern.

The bad thing is that the website used to make it look old fashioned.

The new site addresses that - which is a good thing. (and it is responsive)

I hope the standard install of 2.3 will look as fresh and bubbly - all good marketing stuff this! (And PW deserves some good marketing stuff)


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I'm really happy with the new site too. I wish I could take credit for some part of it, but didn't have anything to do with the design or development (other than some last minute tweaks before launch). It was designed and developed by the forum community here. The designer asked not to be named yet until the site is fully done (we consider the current one a 'soft launch', and some changes are yet in store). Though I think he should take credit, because the site looks great. Antti and Soma did most of the primary development, and I think Teppo did too? Most of the development took place awhile ago, so please let me know if I'm forgetting anyone. Several of us also participated by offering feedback through the process. These guys did all this months ago, and they were patiently waiting on me to take care of a couple thing and launch it, which I finally did last week. In addition to viewing this site on the computer, I'm loving how it works on the iPhone and iPad. Antti initiated use of the Goldilocks approach in the development, which seems like the best responsive way to go.

Something that I think still needs some work on the homepage is the screenshots. I'd like to setup a few different sets of screenshots that can appear there, where what you see now is just one example. If anyone has any good screenshots they think would work there, please send them over and we can test them out.

I agree about the headline so went ahead and changed it after a couple comments here mentioned it. Since we're already showing the sky, we probably don't need to literally say "the sky". I think the headline still speaks well if you think of it in relation to skyscrapers, but the current headline (build bigger, faster, stronger, easier) probably has better substance, especially when combined with the new look. But keep thinking of new ideas too, we may be able to find something even better.

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I'd like to setup a few different sets of screenshots that can appear there, where what you see now is just one example.

Just a very minor and not-at-all-important suggestion, but what about a bit of OS sniffing, and showing Mac users screenshots with Mac browser chrome, Windows chrome for Windows users, etc?

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Clouds move for me (chrome in OS x, and safari on iPhone). Though Soma is very good with details and its possible he's got the quantity and speed of clouds hooked in to your local weather conditions. :)

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Glad to see Futura admin template featured on the front :)

Was just wondering about that — seems misleading to me.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Futura admin theme, but I think it would be better to feature the default theme.

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