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Animated hamburger icon mixin (Sass/Stylus/Less)


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hamburger-mixin.pngHere's a mixin I put together for creating hamburger icons.

It utilizes the checkbox hack so you can use CSS only to show a mobile menu (or off-canvas menu, etc).
Unlike other mixins here you can specify a selector for the label tag if it's not directly below the checkbox, so the label (the icon) can be placed anywhere in the DOM.

There is also a "hamburger_tint" helper mixin included to easily colorize the icon/text on hover or in a checked state.


  • width: the width of the icon. default: 32px
  • thickness: the thickness of the bars. default: 3px
  • gap: the vertical space between the bars. Overall height is: thickness*3 + gap*2. default: 7px
  • color: the color of the icons. default: #000 (black)
  • radius: border-radius value to round edges. default: 0
  • anim: seconds of animation duration (transition-duration) or timing function + duration (eg. "ease-out 0.3s"). Use -1  to disable morphing to an "X". default:0.25s
  • labelselector: in case the label is not right after the checkbox, use this setting to tell the mixin where to find it. Eg. "~ div.content header nav label". default: "+ label"
  • padding: extra spacing around the icon. default: 0
  • text: show text next to the icon, by default on the right. Values: "left" or false to disable. Requires an extra "span" tag. default: "right"

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