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Today I want to tell you about my most recent Project: Cooking-Couple.de

Maybe you've already seen it.
I've got it listed in the ProcessWire Sites section for quite some time now.
Also it has been mentioned by ProcessWire Weekly as the Site of the week:

ProcessWire Sites Section: https://processwire.com/about/sites/list/cooking-couple/
ProcessWire Weekly: https://weekly.pw/issue/137/

What is this website all about? Why did I make it?

I'm using ProcessWire at my day-to-day job and this project is my private playground for learning.
Besides of that of course it's actually really what it claims to be.
We seriously love cooking and I hope we'll find the time to get enough content together so that all the powerful search capabilities make sense after all. :-)

Technical depth

@teppo has already provided a great technical overview to the project.
In this thread I want to give you the opportunity for digging even deeper.
Want to know how I've implemented a specific feature on the site?
No problem, I'll try my best giving you detailed answers about it so that you can build something similar.

What happened since the review on ProcessWire Weekly got published?

  • I updated Vue from 1.x to 2.x
  • The faceted search has become even more intelligent and easy to use. (Especially on mobile devices)
  • I've added suggestions on the detail page that respect content types and tags to show actually really relevant content instead of just showing some random pages.
  • The website is no longer using the built in template cache. I've switched completely to ProCache. (Since template cache was already carefully implemented the whole switch was a breeze and the site is now blazingly fast)
  • All the assets are now being served by a CDN (thanks again to ProCache)
  • Several minor CSS improvements

Now that I've made these updates I think the website is actually a very good showcase for the power of ProcessWire.
Just have a look at the source code of some of the pages and you can see what is actually being cached. (<body ... class='ProCache'>)
This alone is a huge proof of the scalability of this system. Almost every single page is being cached with static files thanks URL segments caching.

Yes I'm really excited about ProcessWire and it's optimization opportunities. :-[


Most of the features I've initially planned for this project are already implemented.
Anyways there are some more ideas I find quite interesting:

  • Adding some more filters (time, difficulties)
  • Negating specific search filters (show recipes without specific ingredients)
  • Rating recipes
  • iOS and Android apps that are reading the data from ProcessWire

I'm not exactly sure which of these I'll implement or if other ideas will come to my mind that I like even more.
Maybe you also got some input for me? :-)

When it comes to the apps I'm actually pretty excited about that idea. I've even started building a simple API:
https://www.cooking-couple.de/api/v1/recipes/ (Yes that's cached with ProCache as well O0)

Anyways I might wait until we get the Front-end JS $pages API mentioned at: http://processwire.com/blog/posts/roadmap-2017/


So I guess you get the idea. I'm really excited about ProcessWire and am willing to share the knowledge I've obtained while building this website.
I'm looking forward to your questions, feedback and / or input.

Have a great time and thanks for being part of the community! :-)


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