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Croppable Image 3


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  On 9/6/2017 at 12:26 AM, PWaddict said:

@horst I fixed the cache problem on cropping by replacing the 145 line on ProcessCroppableImage3.module with this:

'imageUrl' => $imageUrl . "?nc=" . $img->mtime,



I added the timestamp to the url. So I wasn't able to reproduce this issue, but cannot see any harm by adding the timestamp to the url.

If you think this should be added to the core Variations Page, please make an issue at Github.

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  On 9/6/2017 at 4:43 PM, tpr said:

@horst Could you add this JS fix too?




Using this js fix or not when I press "Accept Crop" and the modal closes the icon-size thumb disappears. I'm getting this error on console: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () testing.-thumbnailn.jpg. This issue happens only after you saved the page.

It should load the file as testing.-thumbnail.0x48n.jpg. The timestamp also must be used on that too in order to get always the last modified thumb and not the very first cached one.

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  On 9/6/2017 at 6:09 PM, PWaddict said:

It should load the file as testing.-thumbnail.0x48n.jpg


No. After you make a crop and close the modal (Accept), no 0x48 image is generated (perhaps the module should do this?). That's why I load the original thumb instead (this is fast because it's cached by the browser). On next crops I toggle the "?v=1" "?v=2" params, in my tests it was enough to bypass the browser cache.

It's hard to tell what goes wrong for you until I can duplicate the issue. Could you share your settings and workflow exactly? (PM is ok too)

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  On 9/6/2017 at 7:36 PM, tpr said:

No. After you make a crop and close the modal (Accept), no 0x48 image is generated (perhaps the module should do this?). That's why I load the original thumb instead (this is fast because it's cached by the browser). On next crops I toggle the "?v=1" "?v=2" params, in my tests it was enough to bypass the browser cache.

It's hard to tell what goes wrong for you until I can duplicate the issue. Could you share your settings and workflow exactly? (PM is ok too)


I'm currently testing it on localhost. It doesn't load the original thumb. It loads an image that doesn't exists.

Original thumb

Currently loads this non available image

You have to modify the js code to remove the cropping values too. I'm using cropping = north. That's why the "n".

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@tpr if this is right, (I haven't tested it), we would need something that works with all possible variation names. On weekend I can setup a test system, (also online), and check all combinations. (and give you access to it if you like).

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Yes, crop orientation is the culprit (added via $config->imageSizerOptions array, at least that's how I could see it).

I've made the fixes here, please try:


This should be a generic fix, I pass the image url from the crop review modal to the js. Additionally, only the current preview btn image is refreshed and not all (unlike before).

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  On 9/7/2017 at 5:24 AM, tpr said:

Yes, crop orientation is the culprit (added via $config->imageSizerOptions array, at least that's how I could see it).

I've made the fixes here, please try:


This should be a generic fix, I pass the image url from the crop review modal to the js. Additionally, only the current preview btn image is refreshed and not all (unlike before).


Works great. One small fix from me. After saving the page or revisiting it I'm seeing a previous cached icon-size thumb. This happening even on localhost. So, I fixed it by replacing the 155 line on InputfieldCroppableImage3.module with this:

$out .= $warning ? '' : " <img src='{$pagefile->getCrop($suffix)->height(48)->url}?nc={$pagefile->mtime}' alt='' />";  // added a small indicator thumb to each crop-button


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I've made a few CSS changes, now preview buttons look the same in all 3 image grid modes and I've fixed some other glitches too. The CSS file was a bit overcomplicated, I could eliminate large blocks so I hope I haven't broken anything :) 

I also checked the preview images with more than one crop setting (multiple buttons) and it's working fine here. All is in the PR.

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Hi, I have a problem with the automatic cropping of pictures which are in other orientations. The automatic correction of pw works like a charm and the manual cropping works also fine. But the automatic cropping gives me the other orientation in which the picture was uploaded. Is there any fix for this?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 9/12/2017 at 3:26 PM, hheyne said:

Hi, I have a problem with the automatic cropping of pictures which are in other orientations. The automatic correction of pw works like a charm and the manual cropping works also fine. But the automatic cropping gives me the other orientation in which the picture was uploaded. Is there any fix for this?


@hheyne the orientation problem is core related. Whereas it is no problem in all core related api image handling, it is one in CAI3. But there is no simple fix known atm. Maybe one should hook into upload and save those images rotated (with quality 100 and sharpening 'none') as original replacement?! At least as workaround until there is found a system wide solution for the orientation problem.

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Hi Horst, I saw from a screenshot you posted earlier that you found a way to remove the PW Crop button (next to the Variations button).

(My users get confused by the cropping the module requires and they need to do -  and the additional generic PW cropping button.)

How did you hide that generic PW crop button? Did I miss a setting somewhere?

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  On 10/3/2017 at 9:02 PM, ceberlin said:

Hi Horst, I saw from a screenshot you posted earlier that you found a way to remove the PW Crop button (next to the Variations button).

(My users get confused by the cropping the module requires and they need to do -  and the additional generic PW cropping button.)

How did you hide that generic PW crop button? Did I miss a setting somewhere?


Install the Admin Custom Files module. On site/templates/AdminCustomFiles folder create a css file named ProcessPageEdit.css and add the following code:

.InputfieldImageButtonCrop {
	display: none !important;

Then on the Admin Custom Files module settings at the "Activate for process" section select ProcessPageEdit, (Page Edit).

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  On 10/3/2017 at 9:02 PM, ceberlin said:

Hi Horst, I saw from a screenshot you posted earlier that you found a way to remove the PW Crop button (next to the Variations button).

(My users get confused by the cropping the module requires and they need to do -  and the additional generic PW cropping button.)

How did you hide that generic PW crop button? Did I miss a setting somewhere?


I used this line, (uncommented), to hide them. But maybe this will have side-efects if you use it together with core imagefields in your pages.

Better to use it the way @PWaddict said!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for this great module! I am finding responsive image solutions and then I luckily come here.

I have encountered an issue after I install the module. I tried to change the inputfield type of an existing image field to croppable image3. The croppable image3 specific crop setting is not there after switching. So, in the edit, it is just look the same as the normal image field. Sorry if it has been reported before as I did not read all replies one by one.

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Hi there. I have encounter another issue that what ever I change the sharpen and quality during cropping, the sharpen and quality are always showing soft and 90 respectively after confirm the crop. The resulting images are the same too, so it is simply not a display issue.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The module is installed by module installer using module name. The module version is 1.1.10. PW version 3.0.83.

Step1: Change the seting and hit "Crop And Go".


Step2: Jump to the confirmation. The quality and sharpening remain unchanged. (Should be changed to 75 and none as above here)


Step3: Repeat above steps with default setting(soft, 90).

Step4: Check the image cropped by changed setting and default setting. They have the same file size.

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