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Add to pagefield after creation


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I'm now understanding the basic of PW but for this one, I have no idea where to begin.

I have 2 pages : publication and member. I want to add publications (automatically as I created them) to its member. Since I have hundred of publications, I want to create them using csv import. I used a specialised software to export them in the way I want. The format would be

Name LastName1, Name LastName2 (2016) Title. Journal. Vol:Number. Url.

I have variable numbers of authors by publication. My member's template have the title containing "Name LastName" and have a pageField "publi".

How I can achieve that? I read in the forums I could assign page to a field via hooks. But I'm not sure what I should do.

Also a more design question, do I should create all authors as unique fields? How I can create the good number of those fields? Or can I just create 1 author field in publi's template and search inside this value? Also for the others fields, do I should create them individually if I want to output this specific markup (italic, bold)?

Hope it is clear... Thanks


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Hi Mel,

I'm not sure I understand your intention in full.
Assuming that "members" and "authors" are different entities, I would create templates for members, authors and publications.
The publication template gets a multiselect pagefield to the authors, so you easily cover the case of more than one author of a publication.
And yes, the members template contains a pagefield to the publications (multiselect too).
What about the markup: That's a question of the template files, not of the templates.


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Hum, sounds interesting to get authors as pagefields. I suppose I can do find this template for each member to get them displayed. So I don't need a publication field in member? Still have to see if it's possible to import, will try later this weekend.

For the markup, I know, but I'm asking because I'm still unable to import html markup through CSV import. So I'm not sure what to do in that case.



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I'm stuck for 2 days to search how to output this pagefield.


Member (template)

Publication(template). Contains a MultiPagefield called "Author".


I want to output in template.php

//stuff from member template (works fine)

  // get publication from this author
  $author = $page->find("template=member, title=$page");
   $publi = $pages->find("template=publication, author=$author"); //doesn't work
   foreach($publi as $p) {
      $out .=  "<li>{$p->title}</li>";


Where is my error? Do I have to add a children somewhere to get all pages from pagefield?



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Could you reveal more details about your templates? (Their fields, etc.)

And what is the structure of the CSV file? (First line of column titles, and a sample of the following lines)


$author = $page->find("

Wasn't that intended to be

$author = $pages->find("
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Thanks everyone.

The simplest solution works fine (with the "s" in pages!):

$author = $pages->find("template=member, title=$page");
$publi = $pages->find("template=publication, author=$page");


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I now remember why I didn't want to use pagefield for authors. The problem concerns authors which are not members (by contrast, all members are authors).

So in member template:

For each member  : display his publi (this is fine and now works correctly).

In publi template:

For each publi, link to his author like this : Member 1, Author1, Member2 and Author2.

There is 2 cases:

  1. Import author who are member in the page field as mentioned. Use a simple textarea to list all authors and output directly. I will lost the capability to link to member's pages.
  2. Create a new page for each author within importing. It works fine but even if I unpublished the pages, they still have an url and got a link like if they are members.

How I can make the difference between authors and members? I know how to find unpublished pages with a selector but really don't know how to write the loop. When displayed on the page, they have to be in the specific order which I imported them, with a comma between names and without for the last one.

Thanks again.

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Two possible solutions for your author/member pages:

1. Use separate templates for your author and member pages. For the author Page field (used in the publi template) your "Custom selector to find selectable pages" is:


To differentiate between author and member in your foreach loop:

if($item->template->name == 'member') { 
    // do something only for members

2. Only use a single template for all authors (including members), but add a checkbox field 'member' to the author template to signal if the author is a member or not.

To differentiate between author and member in your foreach loop:

if($item->member == 1) { 
    // do something only for members


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With the second option (using a checkbox) the handling would be easier in the case of non-member authors who later on may advance to member status.

What about the output of the comma separated list of authors: The loop could be something like

foreach ($authors as $a){
    $out .= $a->lastname . " " . $a->firstname . ", ";

Then to remove the last two characters (", ") you just use a PHP string function:

$out = substr($out, 0, -2);


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Thanks again for your answers.

Since it make more sense to me, I will create authors and checking if they are members. It's works fine.

My very last question. I have now a problem with url, which should link to member's page and not author's page (that will not exist)

	foreach($page->author as $a) { 
		if($pages->count("template=member, title={$a->title}")){
				$m = $page->find("template=member, title={$a->title}"); //why this doesn't work?
				$out .= "<a href='{$m->url}'> {$a->title}</a>, "; 
			else {		
				$out .= "{$a->title}, ";
$out = substr($out, 0, -2);


@ottogal : wonderful suggestion, it did it so easily!


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  On 8/14/2016 at 12:47 AM, mel47 said:

Since it make more sense to me, I will create authors and checking if they are members.


In that case your template should be "author" with a checkbox "is_member".

foreach($page->author as $a) {
    if($a->is_member) {
        $out .= "<a href='{$a->url}'>{$a->title}</a>, ";
    } else {
        $out .= "{$a->title}, ";
$out = substr($out, 0, -2);

If you don't want non-member author pages to be viewable on the front-end then at the top of the author template:

if(!$page->is_member) {
    throw new \ProcessWire\Wire404Exception();


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Finally get it (forgot a loop)!

I wanted to avoid an extra checkbox. So :

	foreach($page->author as $a) { 
		if($pages->count("template=member, title={$a->title}")){
				$member = $pages->find("template=member, title={$a->title}");
					foreach($member as $m) { 
						$out .= "<a href='{$m->url}'> {$a->title}</a>,";
			else		{		
				$out .= "{$a->title}, ";
$out = substr($out, 0, -2);


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  • 3 months later...


I was thinking I solved my problem but I ran to an exception. My members are not unique, so I get some duplicates, but it shouldn't.

Now the loop is written as

  • for each author
  • if found some member
  • for each member
  • add link
  • if not, do as usual.

But I need

  • for each author
  • if they are member
  • add link
  • if not do as usual.

It sounds really strange, but I'm unable to do it even after spending hours (not kidding...). If someone could help...


foreach($page->author as $a) { 
		if($pages->count("template=member, title={$a->title}")){
				$member = $pages->find("template=member, title={$a->title}");
					foreach($member as $m) { 
						$out .= "<a href='{$m->url}'> {$a->title}</a>,";
			else		{		
				$out .= "{$a->title}, ";



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Why didn't you try what Robin S proposed above:

  On 8/15/2016 at 12:02 AM, Robin S said:

In that case your template should be "author" with a checkbox "is_member".

foreach($page->author as $a) {
    if($a->is_member) {
        $out .= "<a href='{$a->url}'>{$a->title}</a>, ";
    } else {
        $out .= "{$a->title}, ";
$out = substr($out, 0, -2);




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Because author's page are created automatically with a CSV import. Since I didn't really want to manually check this checkbox on dozens of pages, I will prefer an other solution. I'm trying something else now, but it's not working yet, still have to think. ;-)

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