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Tracy Debugger


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  On 4/23/2018 at 5:36 AM, Robin S said:

I wouldn't mind an option that keeps the debug bar locked in the bottom right because personally I never move it from there.


This CSS seems to be working well for me so far...

#tracy-debug-bar { position:fixed !important; left:auto !important; top:auto !important; right:0 !important; bottom:0 !important; }


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Hi @adrian,

Until Ryan adds core support for loading Tracy early, what do you think about adding some Tracy option to make it easier for users to load Tracy early if they don't mind making changes to the core index.php for that purpose? Something like Tracy checks if $config->earlyTracy is true and if so doesn't load files that will have been loaded in the modified index.php. So the user only has to modify core file(s) and not Tracy files.

On a related note, I'm trying to follow the suggestions you made here to load Tracy early but I can't get it working.

I have these extra lines in index.php...

require_once $config->paths->siteModules.'TracyDebugger/tracy-master/src/tracy.php';
require_once $config->paths->siteModules.'TracyDebugger/includes/TD.php';
require_once $config->paths->siteModules.'TracyDebugger/includes/ShortcutMethods.php';

...and have commented out their equivalents in TracyDebugger.module, but I get this error:

Fatal error: Class 'TracyDebugger' not found in D:\_Websites\_www\1testing\site\modules\TracyDebugger\includes\TD.php on line 6


Could you explain again any tricks you know for how to load Tracy early? Thanks.


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Hi @Robin S - sorry for the slow response on this. Honestly I didn't really get very far attempting to load Tracy early. I thought it was ok initially, but as that thread showed, there were lots of issues I didn't initially see. I think it needs some significant investigation. I just don't have the time for that at the moment, but if you find a solution, I am very happy to implement any conditionals in Tracy to make it possible.


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  On 4/25/2018 at 9:55 PM, Robin S said:

I just thought you might have some trick, because in this post you seemed to be able to use Tracy to dump inside Page::resetTrackChanges but when I tried bd() was undefined inside that method.


@Robin S - I'll have to get back to you on that when I get a minute to look into it.

Totally OT, I just wanted to mention this issue to you guys because it cost me some time today.

Now that Tracy by default uses __debugInfo() for d() an bd() calls, I was getting empty responses for d($input->get), post, cookies etc. I have posted an issue for Ryan: 
https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/575 - please feel free to +1 it!

but in the meantime, you will need to set debugInfo to false or turn of __debugInfo() completely in the config settings.



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  On 4/26/2018 at 1:08 AM, adrian said:

I was getting empty responses for d($input->get)


I discovered the empty $input dump as soon as __debugInfo() was made the default dump in Tracy. Sorry, I should have raised it at the time but was in the middle of something so just changed back to the full dump setting and then forgot about it.

Maybe it's just because I'm more used the full dump, but I still prefer that option. I like having more info in the dump rather than less and don't mind wading through it to find what I'm looking for.

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  On 4/26/2018 at 1:19 AM, Robin S said:

Maybe it's just because I'm more used the full dump, but I still prefer that option. I like having more info in the dump rather than less and don't mind wading through it to find what I'm looking for.


Yeah, I am not actually sure which I prefer at the moment - I think it depends on the complexity and also how well Ryan implemented __debugInfo() for the object type in question.

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Welcome to the club, Adrian ? +1 for making the large dump default. I also think it's better to turn it off if you need but see everything by default so that misleading situations like yours and mine some days ago are less likely to happen

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  On 4/26/2018 at 7:49 AM, bernhard said:

Welcome in the club, Adrian ? +1 for making the large dump default.


Hey Bernhard - not sure on this yet - I think for the average new Tracy user using __debugInfo() is a more useful experience - a full PW object can be quite overwhelming for the uninitiated. Of course once you're comfortable with them they're fine, but they also often require the use of bdb() or bd($page, [8]) type calls to get to all the info you need and a new user may not know about those options yet and just think that those [...] mean that the info isn't available.

For those reasons I am tempted to leave as is for the moment.

Note that Ryan just implemented __debugInfo() for WireInput: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/commit/105ba2b8ebbdf4e65f2300bf79b233850107c4d6 so that issue is solved at least.


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  On 4/26/2018 at 1:01 PM, adrian said:

I think for the average new Tracy user using __debugInfo() is a more useful experience


Sure, I'm with you here. But I think it's much more critical to get an empty dump than to get a bloated one where you need to look for the correct information and maybe turn on the "cleanup feature". But I can live with both versions, of course ;)

Edit: @adrian could it maybe show a notice on empty debugInfo objects to turn "debugInfo cleanup" OFF to be sure it is really empty?

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Hey @bernhard - I get your issue with empty vs bloated for sure. When I get some time I'll look into the possibility of a check for an empty object, although I do think that maybe that's something the PW wire __debugInfo method might be the best way to handle this.

Just an FYI - Ryan just added a detailed PageFiles __debugInfo() method, so now we get this in the Request Info panel, which is pretty nice!


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Hi @adrian, what do you think of adding a Facebook Sharing Debugger panel to the module? It requires login and there's no GET way to force "Scrape again" (as I know) but still it would make easier to check the opengraph data on a page. For me a simple link would suffice (unlike the Validator panel).

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  On 5/2/2018 at 7:16 AM, tpr said:

For me a simple link would suffice


If you just want a link to that page with the site's URL passed, have you tried the Custom PHP panel?

That said, I am curious about a more complete integration and a dedicated panel - I'll add it to my list for when I have a spare 5 minutes - it's busy here ATM :)

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No, I haven't tried this time but recently I've added buttons to it. Just wanted to mention this because this feature could be useful also to others (or am I the only one blessed with such a client? :))

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  On 5/2/2018 at 3:48 PM, tpr said:

am I the only one blessed with such a client?


Not at all - lots of need to do FB debugging these days. It's on my list, but don't hold your breath - I am panic stations till the end of the week, then away for 2 weeks - maybe sometime late May or early June!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey adrian, hope you are enjoying your vacation!

what do you think of adding a section in the request info panel that shows the code needed for creating this field via api (for example in process module)?

  'type' => 'page',
  'label' => __('Mail auswählen'),
  'derefAsPage' => 1, // single or null
  'inputfield' => 'InputfieldAsmSelect',
  'template_id' => 73, // mail
  'value' => 23669,

The request info panel has all the necessary informations:


If we had a section "Field code" we could just create fields in the Backend and then copy/paste them in our modules ?

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  On 5/15/2018 at 8:41 AM, szabesz said:

It should be optional/temporary so that there is no extra markup generated when it is not needed. Tracy already outputs a lot... Anyway, I like the idea ?


You can already disable the request panel... And you can disable tracy completely. Don't think there is a need to overcomplicate things where we already have solutions ?

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Ok, I've created a PR that does at least the first part of what I requested: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/pull/22


@szabesz adrian was crazy enough to implement exactly what you requested, so that's is already possible ?



Regarding my PR: Not sure why, but I have an options field that does not show any information about the selectable options in the request info panel. Also I'm not sure how to work with multilanguage fields, as the inputfield seems to be always single language.

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hey @adrian 

just had to update thousands of pages via tracy and that's a bit of a problem using the tracy console because if the task takes a long time you have no idea what is going on behind the scenes... that's my workaround that i'm using:


ini_set('max_execution_time', 60*10);
file_put_contents('debug.txt', '');
$sel = 'template=feedback';
foreach($pages->find($sel) as $i=>$p) {
    file_put_contents('debug.txt', "$i: {$p->id},  {$p->path}\n", FILE_APPEND);

Then I do this to follow:

tail -f site/assets/cache/TracyDebugger/debug.txt

Of course that is totally fine to use, but it would be even nicer to have something like this:

$sel = 'template=feedback';
foreach($pages->find($sel) as $i=>$p) {
    fd("$i: {$p->id},  {$p->path}\n", 60*10);

fd() being filedump() setting the max_execution_time, flushing the file on each new console request and appending the dump to it while execution is in progress (just like in my verbose example above);

What do you think of that idea? I know there are other tools around and I'm thinking of implementing such a feature for my RockGrid batcher, but tracy console is always available and by far the quickest option.

Or is there maybe a similar option? fl() dumps only when finished, so if there is an error (max execution time or max memory or the like) you are lost... if the dump is in a file you can lookup how far you got and continue from that stage.

edit: fd() could also be handy when dumping huge amount of data or html code or the like, because then you could leave that file open in your IDE and anayse it quickly with syntax highlighting etc.


VSCode automatically updates the file while it is populated. For larger dumps tail -f would be better of course.

Another example of doing a cleanup, population of random values and creating cache:


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Hey adrian, me again ?

I wonder how hard it would be to have the option of enabling/disabling tracy for special pages. I have some performance issues (not severe) here while developing something with my RockGrid module, so disabling Tracy makes working a lot more comfortable. On another page (a custom process module showing charts) I need tracy, so what I do is using the enable/disable button in the debug bar. This always needs a reload and is tedious if you need it more often.

Could there be an option "disable tracy on this special page"?

It seems there's already a config setting for tracy but that had no effect when I tried it. Maybe I did something wrong?

Edit: Tracy is already disabled on modals (when &modal=1 is in the url), so maybe we could just introduce a get variable ?tracy=off ?

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