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Tracy Debugger


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@gmclelland - I think you're issues should be fixed in the latest version (thanks for PM help with this).

@bernhard - I have modified the behavior of the large/small buttons in the Console panel to be fullscreen/halfscreen. Please take a look and let me know if you think that behavior suits your needs. I am ok with adding it to other panels as well if you think it works well, although obviously some panels would look pretty silly fullscreen :)

As for the z-index issues - I think that's maybe an AOS conflict - @tpr was working on that yesterday. Please let me know if they persist with AOS disabled.

Everyone else - while fixing the issue that @gmclelland was having, I make quite a few changes to the the Field List & Values section of the Request Info panel. It should now generally be even lighter and yet also show more depth of details. It also now shows unformatted and formatted values for each field. There is also a new Image Details column - displaying the thumbnails is optional (check config settings - you may want to disable if you have image fields with lots of images).


Please let me know if you have any issues with the new version or ideas for improvements.


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That Field Values panel is huge :) I guess it's available for a while but I haven't seen it (probably along with many others) :)

Here is a small tweak that could make such large tables easier to read - sticky table headers:

.tracy-panel th {
  position: sticky;
  top: -13px;


The value -13px is probably a margin issue, and the inverted TH colors are there for better separation.

Of course these sticky headers could be enabled separately for the different panels but I think they won't do any harm when applied globally but maybe I'm wrong.

And Now for Something Completely Different

Rollup panel on double-click on their titles:


This is only quick devtools implementation but if you're interested I can roll down a better one :)

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19 minutes ago, gmclelland said:

What do you think about the thumbnail linking to the original file?

Sure, I'll add to the next version.

6 minutes ago, tpr said:

Here is a small tweak that could make such large tables easier to read - sticky table headers

Sounds like a good idea - thanks!

6 minutes ago, tpr said:

Rollup panel on double-click on their titles

I think this looks awesome actually. I was kinda looking for something along these lines, but never really figured out the best approach. I went with the ESC to close all panels, but then there was no way to restore. I was going to add a Tab key option to work like tool panels in Adobe products, but you can't really make use of the tab key like that because it's needed for so many other things. I think what you have here looks like a great option for quickly getting a panel out of the way without closing it. Would appreciate some code whenever you get around to it - thanks!

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Of course several unforseen issues came up but most of them are fixed:

  • closing a rolled-up panel and re-activating it from the debug bar opened it in the rolled-up state. To fix, on closing a rolled-up panel "tracy-mode-rollup" class is removed so it opens up in normal state.
  • setting width-height were tricky here and there but seems to be OK now with all the panels I've tried (Chrome only though).
  • "ProcessWire Logs" panel has a link in h1, I've added pointer-events: none in rolled-up state to prevent accidental click on move
  • resized panels were loaded cropped after page reload (if they were rolled up before reload). I've fixed it with a "beforeunload" event to allow Tracy save positions correctly
  • keeping state after page reload: would be nice to have but I think this would be better handled in the core (Nette Tracy)



Lines at the bottom + added "user-select: none" on line 111 for h1


Lines 823-867 - I haven't found a better place to add the JS part, I thought there's a js file that the module always loads but apparently there isn't.


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Hey @tpr - thanks for your work on this - I think it's a great addition.

Not sure why, but I had to change max-height for the rolled up version from 39px to 47px, otherwise I got a scrollbar in the header. Does it look OK for you with this change (just committed).

I moved the js into main.js (which is new) as a place to load all general JS (that doesn't need injected PHP vars).

The last version also includes some z-index fixes (introduced recently in the Tracy core), your sticky table header, and I added the fullscreen/halfscreen button to a couple of other panels that I thought could benefit from it. Also added @gmclelland's idea of linking to fullsize version of image. In the PW admin this opens in a modal, but just same page in frontend.

Thanks again!

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Thanks, works fine here. The 47px vs 39px issue may come from a box-sizing border-box/content-box issue, perhaps my frontend CSS was interfering somehow. If so, .tracy-panels should get box-sizing: border-box in Tracy.

Sticky table headers are working fine too, thanks.

What do you think about making the panel headers a bit smaller? I feel they are a bit too large, a  slightly slower font and less padding wouldn't hurt imho.

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4 minutes ago, tpr said:

What do you think about making the panel headers a bit smaller? I feel they are a bit too large, a  slightly slower font and less padding wouldn't hurt imho.

+1 :) I am all for slim GUI for development tools...

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19 hours ago, adrian said:

I have modified the behavior of the large/small buttons in the Console panel to be fullscreen/halfscreen. Please take a look and let me know if you think that behavior suits your needs. I am ok with adding it to other panels as well if you think it works well, although obviously some panels would look pretty silly fullscreen :)

awesome! this helps a lot, thanks :)

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7 hours ago, tpr said:

What do you think about making the panel headers a bit smaller? I feel they are a bit too large, a  slightly slower font and less padding wouldn't hurt imho.

Sounds good, now what about the border width: 4, 3, 2, or 1?

I am thinking 2 or 3







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Yepp, the border is a bit thick now. I'm fine with v4 if you think panels doesn't merge too much with the rest of the site.

One thing though: the icon positions need to be adjusted (before the title and the window/close icons too) + the newly added rollup state needs adjustments too.

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Hey @adrian,

what do you think of adding a check if debugInfo is available for the requested object and if not, set it to "false" automatically?

I'm working on my RockFinder module and wanted to debug my subclass. This was the result:


Switching "debugInfo" to false I get this:


Which is of course much more helpful. Luckily I remembered about that because we were talking about it here, but if someone missed that it could be quite hard to find out what is going on and why the information does not show up...

Also it is quite annoying to always set ['debugInfo' => false] for every quick d($myobject)

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Hey @bernhard - I think it should already work that way:


So I am wondering if it's due to your class extending a PW class that does implement __debugInfo()

Could you please let me know what you trying to dump in your module so I can reproduce what you are seeing. 

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Ok, thx. My class is indeed extending Wire... Maybe there is a possibility to check for the number of properties the debugInfo object returns and in case it is 0 it falls back to the original object dump?

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2 minutes ago, bernhard said:

Ok, thx. My class is indeed extending Wire... Maybe there is a possibility to check for the number of properties the debugInfo object returns and in case it is 0 it falls back to the original object dump?

Maybe - I'll see what can be done, but to make it a little easier, can you let me know what variable in RockSqlFinder you are dumping, and where?

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I'm doing a complete rewrite (again :P ). What I have so far is this:

<?php namespace ProcessWire;
class RockFinderField extends Wire {

  private $name; // name of the final object property
  private $field; // name of the field to query
  private $closure = null; // closure to calc value

   * constructor
  public function __construct($name, $field) {
    // set the final column name for this field
    if(is_string($name)) $this->name = $name;
    else $this->name = $field;

    // check the field type
    if(is_callable($field) AND !is_string($field)) {
      $this->closure = $field;
    else {
      $this->field = $field;

And in the module I do this:

foreach($fields as $key => $value) $this->fields[] = new RockFinderField($key, $value);


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@bernhard - I have a temporary solution for you. Replace https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/blob/93fe130026244fe727e5553b82183a85b78e2c9f/tracy-master/src/Tracy/Dumper.php#L460


return count((array) $obj->__debugInfo()) ? $obj->__debugInfo() : (array) $obj;

There are other ways this could be achieved, but since this is modifying the Tracy core, I am going to ask them what they think is the best approach.

Let me know if it works as expected for you.

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@adrian Morning,

I've been having a hard time with the panels since you introduced the "resize feature". I use AOS with sticky header enabled in Reno. The panels keep moving under Reno's sticky header, making it impossible to move them anywhere, as the head of the panel is "covered" by the admin's header.

There are various occasions when this happens but here is a frequent example: I use bd() and click on the arrow to expand an object with a long list. The panel expands too, moving its head under the sticky header of Reno. BTW: I'm currently running AOS 1.9.0 and Tracy 4.10.18, so these are the latest.

Before you introduced the "resize feature" I had never had such issues. Is there anything that can be done? Maybe @tpr can do something? :)

See image:




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Hey @szabesz - I can reproduce, but it's fine with the default and Uikit themes with sticky headers so I think it's something that @tpr might need to fix. I know he made some recent changes on this front so maybe those changes need to be applied to the reno sticky header as well?

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I haven't found a way to make all the z-indexes work nicely together. I could add #tracy-debug { z-index: 100000; } or so when sticky headers are enabled in AOS but that would make menu dropdowns and such overlapped by Tracy panels.

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1 minute ago, tpr said:

I haven't found a way to make all the z-indexes work nicely together. I could add #tracy-debug { z-index: 100000; } or so when sticky headers are enabled in AOS but that would make menu dropdowns and such overlapped by Tracy panels.

But sticky headers are working fine with Tracy panels in the default and UiKit themes. Is there something different about the reno sticky header that you can't change to be like the other two?

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There are lot more elements in Reno, including the sidebar and many header elements. Setting #wrap { z-index: 0 } also solves the panel issue but still the panels are above menus.

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