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Tracy Debugger


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  On 12/20/2017 at 3:07 PM, rick said:

So basically a stack trace of hooks and their parameters and results. Correct?  Personally, I think this would be great, especially for those of us who have not dove into the hook pool yet.


... Of all hookable methods that are executed. So when you save a page you would see all methods you can hook into in the right order... Save, saveready, saved...

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Hi @adrian,

I just created a subdomain (sep pw install) where I installed tracy, but the bar does not show up. In fact, it was running fine on the primary domain, but after installing it, neither site shows the debug bar. When I uninstall it still does not show up on the primary domain even though it is enabled there.

Both sites are:
pw 3.0.62
tracy 4.8.24
php 7.0
maria 10

Other modules (upgrade, profile export) all function on both sites.

There are no errors in apache/pw logs.

Any suggestions where I should look next?

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Hi @rick - I would start with clearing your browser cache / cookies (at least any related to Tracy), or at least try in a private / incognito window to rule out something along those lines.

Next would be to check that Tracy is actually being loaded - the PW admin Debug Mode Tools > Modules Loaded is probably the easiest place to start.

Also curious about what settings to you - what mode, is superuser force dev turned on, etc.

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  On 12/22/2017 at 7:59 PM, rick said:

Didn't tracy look at config->debug before?


No the showing of the debug bar has never been linked to PW's debug mode.

I am hoping to start work on redoing the docs in the new year and I will try to better explain how the modes work (local dev vs live) and superuser vs other allowed users. I realize it's not super clear at the moment. The good thing is that it's super conservative about who gets access where.


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When I execute a portion of code in the terminal and output the result using BD() it is placed in the Dumps (Ajax) panel, which is fine. However, there is no Clear Dumps option. If I change pages (another admin menu option) and return, all results are now listed in the Dumps Recorder panel, which does have the Clear Dumps option. The Dumps (Ajax) panel is then empty.

Is there a way to add the Clear Dumps option to the Dumps Ajax panel?

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  On 12/25/2017 at 10:08 PM, rick said:

Dumps Recorder panel, which does have the Clear Dumps option


It sounds like you are running an older version of Tracy - the Dumps Recorder hasn't had a "Clear Dumps" option for a while now. Please try the latest version and see if the current behavior works for you. I rarely use the Dumps Recorder anymore - it's really only relevant if you need to compare successive page loads, or you have a bd() in an unusual location that that main Dumps panel (and the ajax and redirect versions) can't pickup - this usually only happens in module or PW core debugging.

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Sorry Rick,

I got confused between the Clear Dumps button and the older "Preserve Dumps" checkbox - my bad!

Back to your issue. I am not sure I fully understand the need. I would suggest leaving the Dumps Recorder disabled unless you really need it for something.

The Dumps (ajax) panel is designed to append new bd() calls so you don't miss any. As soon as you reload the page (or navigate to another page), they should be automatically cleared.

  On 12/25/2017 at 10:08 PM, rick said:

If I change pages (another admin menu option) and return, all results are now listed in the Dumps Recorder panel, which does have the Clear Dumps option. The Dumps (Ajax) panel is then empty.


I am still a little confused by this - are you trying to prevent the items from the ajax panel ending up in the Dumps Recorder panel? I could potentially add that Clear Dumps button if you really need it, but I would like to know if you are using the Dumps Recorder always - just trying to understand the use case so I can come up with the best solution for you.

On a side note, I almost always use d() calls when using the Console panel. I assume you know about this, but just in case you don't, it is usually a nicer experience.

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In this particular case, I am testing various parameters of a method in the console and viewing the output in the dumps panel (currently the ajax panel as in the first image). There can be many separate testing results listed in the ajax panel. So I thought there was a means to clear the previous result set before executing another test.

Two things.

1) I have to reload the page, or navigate away, to clear the ajax dumps panel, correct? When I do that, the content of the ajax panel is copied to the recorder panel where I can then clear the result sets. No, I'm not trying to prevent the results in the ajax panel from moving to the recorder panel. I was just looking to clear previous result sets from the ajax panel. The ajax panel is a small panel and not resizeable, and I can have quite a few result sets listed.

2) the d() command displays the raw data appended to the current page, below the footer. It does not display the dump result in any panel that I can find yet. Hence my use of bd(). I could write the results to a log file, but then I have the same problem clearing old data.

I'm not requesting a change to Tracy. I am not sure about the proper procedure, or if I am missing some configuration option. Either way, it is pilot error and not equipment malfunction.

Thanks for your help!

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  On 12/25/2017 at 11:32 PM, rick said:

There can be many separate testing results listed in the ajax panel. So I thought there was a means to clear the previous result set before executing another test.


I think this might be a worthwhile addition. Interestingly, the default behavior for the ajax dumps panel in the Tracy core is actually to clear previous results on each ajax call. I am overriding this because this means you miss consecutive ajax calls (if they happen without user interaction).

  On 12/25/2017 at 11:32 PM, rick said:

I have to reload the page, or navigate away, to clear the ajax dumps panel, correct?


Yes, currently this is true, but I am thinking of adding the Clear Dumps button for you so this won't be necessary.

  On 12/25/2017 at 11:32 PM, rick said:

The ajax panel is a small panel and not resizeable


It should automatically increase in height as more items are added to it. Once it hits the height of the viewport, the contents become scrollable.


  On 12/25/2017 at 11:32 PM, rick said:

the d() command displays the raw data appended to the current page, below the footer. It does not display the dump result in any panel that I can find yet. Hence my use of bd(). I could write the results to a log file, but then I have the same problem clearing old data.


If you call d() from a template or other file, yes this is the case, but if you call it from the Console Panel (which is what I thought you were talking about), the output appears below the code in the Console panel - much nicer :)

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  On 12/25/2017 at 11:42 PM, adrian said:

If you call d() from a template or other file, yes this is the case, but if you call it from the Console Panel (which is what I thought you were talking about), the output appears below the code in the Console panel - much nicer :)


I am calling d($result) from the console panel. I have a saved snippet that I refer to often. The result is appended to the admin page and doesn't display in any panel I have found.

I would keep the ajax panel functioning as you have overridden. Maybe the manual clear option is best.

The ajax panel does increase vertically. It doesn't appear to stop at the view port top, though. The same with the console panel. I have to clear the result on the console panel for it to resize back down where i can close it. But I am not concerned about that. One pilot error at a time. :)

Edit: We can take this offline to PM if you wish. I hate clogging up this thread with my stuff.

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  On 12/25/2017 at 11:52 PM, rick said:

I am calling d($result) from the console panel. I have a saved snippet that I refer to often. The result is appended to the admin page and doesn't display in any panel I have found.



I don't understand this. It should look like this. Can you please confirm you are using like this, and include a screenshot showing where the output appears? Just to check, what browser are you using?



  On 12/25/2017 at 11:52 PM, rick said:

I would keep the ajax panel functioning as you have overridden. Maybe the manual clear option is best.


Just implementing now - will appear in the next version.


  On 12/25/2017 at 11:52 PM, rick said:

The ajax panel does increase vertically. It doesn't appear to stop at the view port top, though. The same with the console panel. I have to clear the result on the console panel for it to resize back down where i can close it. But I am not concerned about that.


The console panel does have issues - I have a new version I am testing here (to be released shortly) that fixes this. I don't understand why the Dumps panels would not be stopping at the viewport though, but I would like to sort it out if it's happening for you - again maybe we have a browser issue here - what browser/version are you running?

Yes - let's take to PM now :) - I do want to figure out why you are having these issues.

I am going offline for the rest of the day now - so we can pick this up later!

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  On 12/26/2017 at 11:19 PM, Robin S said:

Hi @adrian,

Not a major, but the Console panel layout is a bit messed up when the panel is opened as a window.


Thanks Robin,

Please check your PM - a have a major new version in the works (probably released tomorrow) which already fixes this along with Rick's issues. I have sent you a preview to test.

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  On 12/27/2017 at 6:14 PM, Zeka said:


Does TD work in init method of autoload module? 

I'm trying to use bd(), but get 

Call to undefined function



Unfortunately it depends on the load order of the modules. If Tracy is loaded before the module you are trying to debug, then yes it will work. I use it regularly for debugging when developing modules.

Unfortunately, the order that modules are loaded seems to be pretty random (although I haven't looked into this properly). I have put in a request to Ryan to add a way for Tracy to be loaded earlier, but I haven't heard anything on that.

I'll keep it mind to see if there is a solution I can come up with to get it loaded earlier though - it might be possible to include the required files manually in the root index.php or something like that, but it could get messy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi @adrian,

With Tracy Debugger v4.8.24 (occurs in older versions too) on PW 2.7.2 the Console panel gives a JS error when opened.

ace.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined
    at a.$detectNewLine (ace.js:1)
    at a.insert (ace.js:1)
    at a.setValue (ace.js:1)
    at b.setValue (ace.js:1)
    at <anonymous>:307:33
    at HTMLScriptElement.script.onreadystatechange.script.onload [as onreadystatechange] (<anonymous>:43:33)

I was able to reproduce this on a clean PW 2.7.2 installation with only Tracy installed.

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  On 1/13/2018 at 1:00 AM, Robin S said:

With Tracy Debugger v4.8.24 (occurs in older versions too) on PW 2.7.2 the Console panel gives a JS error when opened.


Thanks for the report. I think I might have actually fixed this error in 4.9 (the closed beta I shared with a few of you last week). Would you mind testing with that version and let me know if the problem still exists. Sorry, I don't have a PW 2.x install at the moment - my dev machine is ridiculously low on space and I cleaned out a lot of unnecessary stuff recently. If it's not fixed, I'll have to get set up with 2.x again.

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  On 1/13/2018 at 1:28 AM, adrian said:

I think I might have actually fixed this error in 4.9 (the closed beta I shared with a few of you last week). Would you mind testing with that version and let me know if the problem still exists.


The problem exists in 4.9 also unfortunately.

But I think I may have traced the source of the issue. Code reference for 4.8.x but the solution is the same for 4.9.

When localStorage for the editor contents is empty (which is the case the first time the Console panel is opened - I used localStorage.clear() during debugging) the value of Ace editor is set to the PHP $code variable (string). This string needs quotes around it when used as the argument for setValue().




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Thanks @Robin S - appreciate the help, but it's actually not quite that simple - that works on a new install of Tracy before you have ever run any console code, but once you have, those quotes mess things up. I have a fix ready here - I also need to add to the new File Editor and then I'll post in that PM thread for you.

Hopefully I can get that new version released to everyone sometime next week.

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New dedicated documentation website is up at https://adrianbj.github.io/TracyDebugger

It's very early days still, but finally there is a home for doing a good job on the docs.

It's easy to navigate with a top navbar and sidebar menu and a search term option.

Once I get the key Debug Bar and Configuration settings added, I really want to do a good job on the "Tips" section because I there are a lot of users out there who are a little lost on all the things that can be achieved.

Hopefully lots of updates coming in the next few days!

PS  - if you're more artistic than I am and you hate the logo, please let me know :)



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Looks nice and handy, thanks!

Don't wanna steal the focus but when I bardump long (bdl) an object, eg. a field, the dump looks like this - the pink text should be above the filename:linenum I guess.


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