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Everything posted by adrian

  1. @bernhard - could you please let me know how it goes when you disable the "Pages Loaded" section in the Debug Mode panel. This seems to be the main issue at my end.
  2. Looks to be great - thank you!
  3. Can you post a screenshot of the contents of the Field List & Value section? Or maybe you can send me a test version of the module so I can take a look?
  4. My guess is that it's the Field List & Values section of the Request Info panel. Can you try disabling just that section and let me know?
  5. I hadn't really thought about it, but if you think that's better, that's fine. The main thing is that I have a LOT of extra fields in my user template on one of the sites I am working on and I am missing that functionality.
  6. Hey @tpr - would you mind enabling field edit links for the user template please? I expect it's just a matter of adding ProcessUser instead of just ProcessPageEdit Thank you!
  7. Hi @szabesz - sorry I only have a minute at the moment, but I see that you are using an after hook, but in CustomUploadNames I use a before hook: https://github.com/adrianbj/CustomUploadNames/blob/master/ProcessCustomUploadNames.module#L98 Does that help?
  8. Actually, I got that wrong - the problem is that you need the trailing slash after the urlsegment for it to work, which doesn't seem right to me since it can be optional.
  9. Just noticed that using: $input->url(true) to get urlsegments doesn't work, you need: $input->httpUrl(true) Does this sound like a bug to you guys? According to the docs (https://processwire.com/api/ref/input/url/) it should work.
  10. Or if you prefer you could turn on the functions API: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.39-core-updates/#new-functions-api and do this: $homepage = pages('/'); PS Welcome to the forums!
  11. In my fork (linked above), the field is an images field (for the page specific SEO tab, not the default image).
  12. New ways to look at content management: ProcessWire http://www.davidkissinger.com/processwire/
  13. I just added new options for putting component labels in field placeholder and adding a custom class to each component input (eg. uk-input).
  14. adrian

    ASM Select?

    Alternate Select Multiple It refers to this (https://code.google.com/archive/p/jquery-asmselect/) developed by Ryan outside of PW, but included as an inputfield type for use with Page reference fields.
  15. Sounds to me like it should - I don't think module authors should have to worry about this. Are you interested in raising this with Ryan?
  16. Thank you for pointing this out! Sorry for not checking and making an incorrect assumption. What about module authors who use Markdown links on the config settings page of their module, or in the ReadMe or Documentation (and you have @netcarver's ModuleReleaseNotes installed). I can't seem to find any issue on adding noreferrer etc to Markdown links. Any thoughts on what we should do on this front, if anything?
  17. Oops - sorry, I committed the tag and release for 4.9.32 but not the actual code Try again now!
  18. Hey Robin - sorry for the delay on this, but it should now be fixed - please let me know if it works for you.
  19. Interesting discussion here I agree that the PW really needs to track module installs / uninstalls to give module authors some idea of module usage. I feel like it should be as simple as a call from the install() and uninstall() methods. These numbers should be displayed in modules directory - easy and transparent! As for the approach that @bernhard has taken. I have to admit that I thought about the same approach a little while ago, but thought it might illicit a response like @Robin S's. I am certain that in Bernhard's case it's all above board, but I guess you never know what module authors could potentially start tracking. Something to think about is that the PW core unintentionally does something vaguely similar already - take the links to Page, PageArray and NullPage (when editing a Page Reference field) as just one example. These links are to processwire.com which means that if you click on these from your site, the google analytics for processwire.com will show the domain of your site in the "Acquisition" section. This will include local dev domains, staging domains, etc, all because of http_referer. I realize that in this example you have to actively click on a link to trigger the call, but it's something to be aware of if you're really concerned about keeping a domain name private. Cheers!
  20. That's not actually true - it's the class name that has to match the file name.
  21. Hi @neosin - thanks for reporting - looks like it was a multi-language site bug that crept in at some point. Can you please try the latest version and let me know if everything looks ok now? Thanks!
  22. Thanks for looking into this - right now I am going to have to either build up the JSON, or wait for you to implement an API method. I think the API method is essential because I am sure others will also need to import dates from existing sites. I'd appreciate knowing whether you might have time to implement this relatively quickly, or if you think it might take some time to get to - not pressuring, just needing to know if I need to take the JSON approach to meet my deadlines. Thanks for your time!
  23. Hey @joshuag - not sure if I am just missing it, but is there a method for adding new dates via the API? I have a LOT of events to import. Or, do I have to manually build up the JSON eg: {"startDate":1518778800,"endDate":1518940740,"allDay":false,"timeEnd":"12:00 pm","dates":["W7/16/Fri/Feb/2018","W7/17/Sat/Feb/2018"],"excluded":[],"active":true,"showResults":true,"rrule":"WKST=MO;FREQ=DAILY;DTSTART=20180216T030000Z;INTERVAL=1;UNTIL=20180217T235900Z"} and populate with $page->event->date = $jsonStr; Thanks!
  24. Thanks @Robin S - I am seeing it too - the solution however I am not seeing I'll try to take another look tomorrow. Hi @neosin - this is not related to Tracy. Have a read:
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