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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Just add the period in: echo "<option value='.".$sanitizer->alpha($subject->title, Sanitizer::translate)."'>{$subject->title}</option>"; This will result in: <option value='.mapsampgeo'>Maps &amp; Geo</option> Is this what you are looking for?
  2. I think the issue is likely php 5.3 - is that the version you are using? Any chance you can upgrade? If not, let me know and I can make an adjustment to support 5.3
  3. Thanks Ryan! While I think this is a great idea in principle, I can't honestly see any of my clients wanting to use this. I guess at least protecting superuser accounts will be a nice improvement. Does anyone else think this will be a hard sell to clients, or do you think they will be really keen to use it? Maybe I need different clients ?
  4. Not sure if this is the issue or not, but in your selector for the Page Reference field please try adding: access=0
  5. Honestly I haven't looked into it at all. As I mentioned in my first post, this module is converted from a Drupal one and so that JS file is almost unchanged from the Drupal version. Just taking a quick look now and I agree that it all looks like a pretty straight-forward conversion and given that I hardly ever use jQuery on my sites, I would welcome the change. That said, I don't have an immediate need for it at the moment so it won't be high on my list - do you feel like putting together a PR ? ? I am happy to implement this if it helps. I am curious though what scenario this is useful for - why do you prefer to manually inject them?
  6. @Macrura - I decided to take a different approach with this. Now all the issues I noted above are no longer relevant. Please grab 1.0.4 and let me know how it goes.
  7. I would still recommend the module that soma linked to - if it's just for Youtube or Vimeo videos, this is a much nicer approach than pasting in iframe embed code.
  8. I guess that is another situation where my implemented fix may not be great. I did look at an alternative which is to grab the title from the locked div (rather than the title <input>). The only catch with this approach is that you can't be certain there isn't other html in there - for example, AOS adds a link to edit the field and with locked fields, this is also in that div, so you need to exclude that when extracting the title via js. I suppose I could pass the title to the js file in a different manner so that the updating will still work - do you think I should look into that?
  9. Are you by chance using the master instead of develop branch again? Remember this was fixed on the develop branch:
  10. @Macrura - I implemented a fix based on my assumption mentioned above. I have disabled the "Rename Without Title Change" option when the title field is locked. I think this is a reasonable approach. I guess the only scenario where this isn't perfect is if a title is changed via the API such that the name is different. Could you please try the new version and let me know if it works as expected for your needs?
  11. foreach($subjects as $subject) { echo "<option value='".$sanitizer->alpha($subject->title, Sanitizer::translate)."'>{$subject->title}</option>"; } Check out the inspection of the select options and you can see it's working as expected.
  12. Looking at this now and it seems like it's only an issue if you have the "Rename Without Title Change" option checked. Can you please confirm that you are using that option?
  13. They will be removed as you'll see in my example - isn't that what you want?
  14. If you don't care about keeping the uppercase, then why not use the alpha with translate option that I posted above? Doesn't that take care of everything you need?
  15. I was all set to suggest that you do this: but apparently the Sanitizer::translate option forces lowercase (https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/643). Here's another interesting thing I just found: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/644 which doesn't seem expected to me. If Ryan agrees that the first one is a bug, then the alpha sanitizer with translate should result in this:
  16. @AndZyk - nice catch - I am seeing that problem with users also.
  17. Good catch Ian - please grab the latest version which fixes this.
  18. Sorry, I didn't actually test it on a blog page tree - it was more of a theoretical question/consideration. So long as siblings() sorts automatically everything should be good. This is weird - it has that error when installing it via class name, but it works fine when installing from an uploaded zip. Can you reproduce the issue when installing via class name?
  19. I see you have a limit=25 which is a great idea, but I am wondering whether it would also make sense to order by modified date descending? I am just thinking about blog siblings as an example.
  20. Looks awesome, but just got this on attempting to install:
  21. My fork of MarkupSEO has this ability.
  22. https://www.1and1.com/digitalguide/hosting/cms/processwire/
  23. Hi @netcarver - thanks for your thoughts. Nico has just given me push permissions to the repo for this module so I could now start maintaining this module moving forward. However, I honestly don't really want another high profile module on my list of things to support at the moment, so if I do take this on, I will be looking for the community to help with PRs moving forward. Regarding your suggestion to me via PM about a community Github organization - I still think this might be a good idea, but I am also ok with being the gatekeeper for the module, just not wanting to take on being the support person - does that make sense? The other issue is that my fork has several breaking changes that prevent easy upgrading from the current master version that is in the modules directory, so without some manual DB changes, it should only be used for new installs. Anyone else have any thoughts on how best to proceed to ensure no-one breaks there site when upgrading to my new version? Maybe I just need to add an upgrade() method that prevents the module from updating old installs?
  24. It's true that it works by user role, but you could easily give one (or some) of the superusers a different role and block access based on that.
  25. Thanks @Mike Rockett for the fix to prevent saving of unnecessary settings - that will be a huge improvement. Regarding the hidden/unpublished parents preventing children from appearing in the sitemap, isn't it simply a matter of adding include=all to the children() selector on this line: https://gitlab.com/rockettpw/seo/markup-sitemap/blob/142c86571aca9cb80569398b94d69a73676272b9/src/Traits/BuilderTrait.php#L190
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