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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. @horst This is a Pageimage object. $photo->mediaField; This is a Pageimages object. https://mediamanager.kongondo.com/documentation/frontend-output-of-media-manager-fields/media-manager-objects/
  2. Most likely a Textformatter module. I don't know if there is one already in the module's directory. You might need (to make) a custom one. Sorry, in a hurry, but hopefully this gets you started...
  3. There is no variable value in this module's API. The page id is at the variable info. So: <? php $pageReferencedByMarker = $pages->get((int) $dot->info); // do something with $pageReferencedByMarker
  4. Just read this quickly... ProcessWire variables such as $config, $session, $page, etc need to be accessed differently inside functions (check out PHP function scope). One way to access them is via wire, e.g. wire('config'), wire('session'), wire('page'), etc. ProcessWire variables are already global. I don't understand why you are using the PHP global keyword. Others will chime in, with better answers ?.
  5. Glad you got it sorted :-). I have never used srcset myself (I think it is a third-party module?) but this should work since media is a Pageimage object in this case. This is used in the ProcessWire sense of image variations as briefly explained here. Whilst you can certainly utilise variations for responsive designs, they are not limited to that use.
  6. Many thanks for the purchase. This is because your PortfolioImage is not a file or image field. It is a textarea field. Textarea fields do not have a url property. It is not clear to me how you want to display your MM image (i.e. inside a textarea, e.g. CKEditor) or independently of the textarea (i.e., some_media_manager_field->url). I am not sure if you have seen Media Manager's documentation? If not, please have a look at that first. Thanks.
  7. Hi everyone. It's been a while. A little update. There has been a delay, again, unfortunately! Lockdown hit really hard. There were also a number of technical issues but these have since been resolved. Finally, a number of you (having seen the preview videos) strongly expressed the need for the Padloper UI to resemble the ProcessWire admin theme even in the alpha stage. The message I got was that this was more important to them from the get-go than having advanced Padloper features. I accepted their reasoning but this came at a cost. Padloper 2 has been re-themed to look like the ProcessWire admin. Given that we are using third-party libraries to build Padloper 2, this took a lot of time. Focus was placed on basic features only, for now, in order to expedite the first release of Padloper 2. This means that some advanced features will be missing from the first release of Padloper 2. As for a release date, I was hoping for a 'spring baby'. That won't happen. I am now working hard toward a 'summer baby'. Screenshots Have a nice and safe day.
  8. Great! I have a feeling Windi CSS might have been a wakeup call ?.
  9. Not on a site, but I have noticed something similar (If I recall correctly), when approving comments sent to me by ProcessWire for approval with respect to comments left on my modules' pages in the modules directory (hope this makes sense...Friday, tired and all that ?).
  10. Aha! The tut I intend to write will explain what all those options do (although the WordPress tut has some good explanations as well).
  11. I see. Have you tried with the Custom PHP Code options? I haven't touched this in a while but (in my head) it seems like it is doable.
  12. I didn't, until earlier this week! I managed to get hotreload inside a ProcessWire Process Module that displays a Vue JS App in development mode, running under a different port from ProcessWire! I also threw in live reload in the mix for changes to my .module, .php files, etc. I'll do a writeup when I get some time. FYI, this only worked with vanilla Vue JS. I couldn't make it to work with Nuxt or Gridsome.
  13. Hi @3fingers, I don't understand the question I am afraid. However, you cannot define anything inside the CSV. Are you talking about different tables from different pages or different tables from a single matrix on a single page?
  14. Hi @RyanJ, No, unless they have access to the settings or set the setting themselves or have been informed about the setting. The image they are replacing is one that has an identical name. The image name is is used to create the media title.
  15. Hi @maddmac I haven't tried but I don't think so. Dynamic Selects works with Fieldtypes and I don't know if Formbuilder is a Fieldtype.
  16. Hehe ?. Yes, it's the first and only thing I disable by default whenever I install Tracy.
  17. Not sure if it is the TracyDebugger one, to indicate site you are on? I could be wrong. I cannot remember if that feature is still supported
  18. Hmm, for some reason, I cannot see your post @theoretic! I am just seeing navigation buttons <next page> etc! I can see the post when I edit it (as a moderator - I didn't actually edit it). I am not sure whether it is my computer or my eyesight, or age! Anyone else seeing this? @Pete??
  19. Hi @Confluent Design, This issue has already been fixed in Media Manager. Re-download Media Manager and copy over your current install. Please let me know if you still need help. Thanks.
  20. Hi @RyanJ, We are home now...moved us here ?. Currently no...but.. If it is simply an issue of giving editors the convenience of easily selecting the images that can be added to the page being edited, we could probably get away with a URL string appended to the URL that opens the modal which Media Manager would be able to read from when the page opens. Alternatively, we could get away with URL segments, which we already have for the page opening the modal and read the settings for that Media Manager field (e.g. with tags, etc) that should be used for filtering the media for the page being edited. However, if the usage is for something more restrictive, e.g. control access to media depending on some user permissions, then that would require some additional checks. I am just thinking out loud here (note-to-self-sort-of).. :-). Let me have a think, please. Thanks.
  21. And one more... Meet Brad, a proof-of-concept Bard Fieldtype ?.
  22. The Bard field in Statamic has been been discussed and mentioned several times in the forums, dating all the way back to 2018, as something worth emulating in ProcessWire. Here is a short demo of a proof of concept of an unimaginatively (temporarily?) named (and very colourful) module doing just that. Demo App running outside ProcessWire. Screenshot Screenshot of the app in InputfieldBrad, running in a modal, quirks and all. Way Forward I don't know but no current plans for any sort of release, paid or otherwise. I like where @flydev ?? is headed with FieldtypeEditorJs so let's support that ?.
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