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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. And another one: https://tobiasahlin.com/blog/move-from-jquery-to-vanilla-javascript/ Helped me once when I couldn't trigger events using vanilla js.
  2. Thanks everyone. I have also found some brilliant articles at Hongkiat including this one on moving items in a CSS grid.
  3. Quick follow-up @psy, can I then use margins (top or bottom) as needed to further pull/push the overlapping element as required or that is a 'no no'? Thanks.
  4. Thanks @psy. I saw his other older ones but I missed this one.
  5. Here's one for you CSS ladies and gents. I am trying to improve my knowledge (and use!) of CSS Grid and Flex. I have pored over tutorials, both written and visual. However, I have hit a brick wall with something seemingly simple. I would like to overlap two divs as illustrated in the image below. There are two layouts, one slightly different than the other. I would like div two to overlap div one. In the good 'ol days maybe a negative margin and position absolute would have done the trick. I would like to achieve this using CSS Grid and if needed, CSS Flex. I don't care about IE. Thanks for any code, pointers etc.
  6. I take it you mean vanilla JavaScript? Here's a short list of candidates ?. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLillGF-RfqbbnEGy3ROiLWk7JMCuSyQtX https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLillGF-RfqbZ7s3t6ZInY3NjEOOX7hsBv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcQyJ-gxke0&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9jx2TTZk3IGWKSbtugYdrlu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWOYAxlnaww&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9haFPT7J25Q9GRB_ZkFrQAc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l3bTDlT6ZI&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9i5yvDkJgt60vNVWffpblB7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIORjGvT0kk&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9gfoKa5la9dsdCNpuey2s-V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Mp2kwE8xY0&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9gKfw25slm4CUDUcM_sXdml https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxWMxJONp7E&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9jAhrjtZ9U93UMIhnCc44MH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Mp2kwE8xY0&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9gKfw25slm4CUDUcM_sXdml https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANDyf6VEYHE&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9gdqHxcUgGhl_cV6xET1_0N https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoSksQ4s_hg&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9i9Ae2D9Ee1RvylH38dKuET
  7. Well, hello somebody! Look at what I've stumbled upon ?. Tailwind Starter Kit A beautiful extension for TailwindCSS. Tailwind Starter Kit is Free and Open Source. It does not change or add any CSS to the already one from TailwindCSS. It features multiple HTML elements and it comes with dynamic components for ReactJS, Vue and Angular. Yes and vanilla JS as well! (currently, 16 dynamic components.). License: MIT GitHub: https://github.com/creativetimofficial/tailwind-starter-kit Site + Demos: https://www.creative-tim.com/learning-lab/tailwind-starter-kit/ A tutorial on YouTube. I haven't dug in deep yet (e.g. purge/tree shaking, etc). @Jonathan Lahijani. What do you think? ?
  8. I am saying you can use the shop itself to manage your featured products. Conversely, you also have the flexibility of pulling anything you want from Padloper into your ProcessWire pages (for GUI edit). In such cases though, you will have to develop the Fieldtype/Inputfield yourself. Padloper will provide the API necessary for the pulling of the data. In a nutshell, I meant, you choose what is convenient for your use case :-).
  9. By the way, and I know this was just an example, but in my book, this is something that should be handled from the shop side. Surely, it is a bit much to build a whole custom Fieldtype/Inputfield just to show featured products on the home page ?.
  10. Yes, I did get that but now I realise my example of repeater fields was not clear enough. By complex fields I also meant page fields (page reference fields). @nabo, By complex fields I also meant page reference fields since they don't just output simple values. Either, way there are no such plans. However, a custom FieldType/Inputfield field should be able to accomplish this. All the field would store are the IDs of the product. The Inputfield would display the title of the selected products. In the frontend you can use the Padloper API to get those products using the saved IDs.
  11. There is no such plan currently. With respect to ProcessWire fields, are you perhaps referring to complex fields such as repeaters? Apart from such fields, I can't think of any other reason you would need a ProcessWire field for your products. As an aside, to display Padloper products and to have a 'URL for them' you would need to use a template with URL segments, e.g. /products/my-pl-product where products is a ProcessWire page and /my-pl-product is the segment referring to the Padloper product. These will all be covered in the documentation. Yes but they are connected. In a sense, PL users are an extension of PW users. If your store/shop does not require users to register/log in, then such users will not be PW users and neither PL users. Those are considered guest checkouts. Only their order records are kept as per the law/regulations. If they are registered users, then they will be PW users, with authentication processed and passwords stored by PW in the usual manner. They will also be PL users to the extent that they have extra fields/properties, e.g. addresses, tax exemptions, etc. The extra data is stored on the PL side, not PW.
  12. Hi @ro-bo, Yes it is. See the topic below for starters.
  13. In programming, it is called variable scope. This throws an error because you are using the variable $modules inside the anonymous function and that function does not know what $modules is :-). This should work: <?php $forms->addHook('FormBuilderProcessor::emailFormReady', function($e) { //$pdf = $modules->get('RockPdf'); <= DOES NOT WORK. function does not know 'modules' $pdf = wire('modules')->get('RockPdf');// <= WORKS. function knows GLOBAL FUNCTION wire() $pdf->write('TEST'); $pdf->save('./generated_pdfs/' . date('yy-m-d_H_i') . '.pdf'); } ); PHP variable scope https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.scope.php wire() Function https://processwire.com/api/ref/functions/wire/
  14. I will send out an expression of interest request nearer the time. I haven't yet decided on a criteria for selection. Current plan is PayPal IPN due to its multi-notifications types. However, I may also do PDT, but not 100% sure at this time. No decisions made yet regarding Stripe's implementation. All frontend implementation is up to the developer. You will have the API at your disposal to do whatever you need to do. In the backend/model, orders can have different status (paid, unpaid, complete, partial, etc). Order line items also have individual status (returned, delayed, refunded, etc). This means you should be able to implement a pre-order feature yourself by, for example, marking an order as unpaid, in progress, etc. Padloper 2 does not render anything in the frontend. It is like ProcessWire. There will be no more in-built Padloper templates. You implement Padloper 2 however you wish using the API. I will, however, as part of the technical documentation, write a tutorial on ajaxifying the frontend. In addition, a separate frontend commercial module (fully functional frontend shop) is in the works. Good question :-). Padloper 2 does not utilise a single ProcessWire field, nor any custom ProcessWire fields, nor any ProcessWire pages (except just the one for the Padloper Process Module). All data is stored in custom Padloper tables. Having said that, it uses ProcessWire selectors just the same way you are used to, offering the same security and ease of use you are used to. You won't have to learn a new syntax. In addition, it is fully multilingual (descriptions, titles, etc). I plan to do a write-up of this when I'm done, a sort of 'the making of Padloper 2', the iterations, decision made, etc. No, you won't be able to do this. Not this way. There are no (ProcessWire) pages in Padloper 2 :-). That said you would still be able to use hooks. You've got some very interesting (albeit very advanced) ideas/thoughts there. Whilst not yet planned, when the dust settles, I'd like to further discuss/explore some of these with you. I cannot make any promises as to the outcome. Yes. There are four types of products (housed under Shipment Type). Physical Products that require shipping. Physical Products that do not require shipping (POS, etc). Digital Products. Products that are Events or Services (e.g., booking system). ---------------------- I hope I have managed to answer all your queries. I decided to just do it inline. I might reference some of the responses in the first post if I need to. Thanks.
  15. Curly braces...around {$item->images->first()->url} <?php <a rel='tag' href='$item->url'>#$item->title <img src='{$item->images->first()->url}'></a>";
  16. I need to sleep and I need to test this..ignore previous post ?.
  17. This doesn't look right. <?php $item->images()->url; From the looks of it, $item is a page. You are then calling a method on images() which does not exist for Page objects. If your field is called images, then change it to this if it is a single image field: <?php $item->images->url; OR, if it is a multi-image field: <?php $item->images->first()->url;
  18. The answer is right there in the documentation you linked to ?. It's a hidden folder...maybe that's why you couldn't find it?
  19. ?. Please see my post above yours. If your purchase date is more than 12 months, then the link has expired. Please confirm that and let me know. I can send you the relevant file to update via email. For anything involving order numbers etc, please either send me an email or a PM. Thanks.
  20. Hi @entschleunigung, Is this a new install of Media Manager? Did you use the updated Media Manager? It still says version 12 but grab it from your download link and install that version. It resolves the issue.
  21. @cjx2240 This depends on the selector you use to grab those pages. In the example, a $post->get is used, meaning it will be retrieved, by-passing restrictions. Are you using similar code? Please see documentation: https://processwire.com/docs/selectors/#access_control ps: I am not sure if ->child is also get-like.
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