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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. @Torsten, Have a look at the option current_class_level documented here.
  2. MarkupActivityLog Example here: https://github.com/Renobird/MarkupActivityLog#api
  3. Hi @AndreJansen. Welcome to the forums... There's also tutorials here: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/ and the 'Docs' section as well: http://processwire.com/docs/
  4. Thanks for these mr-fan. I am a bit tied up at the moment but hope to look into these by next week.
  5. Nice one! That makes three of us at least working on calendar modules ...I have been working on one myself but it is not yet ready for public consumption...
  6. Have a look at how this is done in the Skyscraper's profile. Download the profile and look at the code, especially the search.php file. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2491-skyscrapers-profile/ http://demo.processwire.com/ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/skyscrapers-profile/ You also need to sanitize (and maybe whitelist) all inputs (even if they are coming from HTML select options).
  7. Mike, just curious why you are saving a zero dates? Shouldn't empty suffice and just check if $date_start and $date_end are empty?
  8. I'm not sure about this. In Menu Builder I have two hooks and they work fine but Menu Builder is not an Autoload module...
  9. Hi chuguruk, Welcome to the forums. I am not sure how familiar you are with ProcessWire. ProcessWire does not output anything (in the front-end) unless you tell it to, and even then, only what you tell it to. It is the same with Blog. Unless you either use your own code or MarkupBlog (part of the Blog module) to output your Blog, 'all Blog pages will be blank'. To get you up and running quickly, try installing Blog with the option to install demo template files. Instructions on how to install/reinstall/uninstall Blog are documented here. Documentation about how to use MarkupBlog can be found here. Let me know if you need further information.
  10. $item->body, $item->title, $item->url should be $page->body, $page->title, $page->url, I think
  11. Not sure. Better ask in that forum
  12. Maybe PageTableExtended? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7459-module-pagetableextended/
  13. Markup Simple Navigation: http://mods.pw/u
  14. @jordanlev, I have read the last couple of posts you've written about your experience with ProcessWire in respect of your 'custom/complex' application and I do understand some of your frustration. However, I think some of your assertions may convey the idea that somehow PW corners you to do things in a certain way. Or that ProcessWire is a one-size-fits-all for all kinds of needs. For instance, PW is not and has never claimed to be an e-commerce application. Whilst you can certainly build and e-commerce site with PW (or even a product - there's one in the mix actually) your end product depends on how you code your application. I am not in any way questioning your coding skills; just trying to point out that PW is mainly a tool....what you do with that tool is really up to you. However, for some jobs, you are better of using tools better suited to those jobs, e.g. foxy cart, etc for e-commerce sites. Secondly, the adage that everything is a page does not mean that you should always take that approach. Again, there are examples here in the forum. You can use custom tables, designed just the way you want. Although using pages gives you access to the PW API, you are not tied to using them. And here is another strength of PW...you can use custom tables with ease, and either use custom CRUD code or PW $database and $db to access them (though with some limitations) and you are good to go. Not many CMS will allow you to do this...at least not with ease Thirdly, I disagree with the notion that PW is not up to the job when it comes to custom applications. There's a couple of examples of custom apps built using PW right here in the forums. I don't agree that its only good in terms of the 'templating and the front-end portion of the site'. So this statement "ProcessWire had nothing to offer me on the "custom dashboard application" side of things." is not exactly true. PW allows you to build your own custom dashboards by not getting in your way. Yes, it may not offer a turn-key experience (although there are one or two dashboard modules) but it allows you to build your own without bothering you. Fourthly, PW does not demand that you use its inbuilt 'input' modules or as you put it 'a rather clunky editing interface' when building custom apps/modules with it. In fact, that's one of the strengths of PW. You can build your custom apps using custom code or extend other libraries and PW will happily let you. The 'input modules' are used internally by PW but are also there for convenience if you need to use them, but you are certainly not tied to using them. Build your complex forms by hand or another library? PW doesn't care nor will it get in your way. Anyway, if I misread your posts, I apologise. However, you've made the same assertions twice or thrice and I thought they needed clarification/qualification especially for newbies. Hope I haven't derailed the original discussion
  15. @David...Thanks for reminding me! I forgot the breadcrumbs!!! Will work on this. + the quotes...
  16. Mel, If you've gone through this guide: http://processwire.com/docs/tutorials/troubleshooting-guide/ and the issue is still not resolved and you've checked the logs, including Apache's if you have access to them, then I would suggest to contact your web host as 500 errors are definitely server related.
  17. Here I go again not reading things properly....I was obviously talking about something different....Thanks for the correction @LostKobrakai
  18. ...and in the documentation as well: http://processwire.com/api/selectors/#or-groups Edit: sorry, this is a different matter; ignore my post...
  19. MuchDev does credit Soma though...but instead of re-posting the script, could have just linked to it
  20. Lars, use this search tool instead: Search for 'staging' OR 'moving'...etc...There's quite a number of discussions on this already
  21. Update: version 0.1.0 Cleaned-up HTML output by MarkupMenuBuilder, thanks to @David Karich ( + added tab indentation for cleaner markup). Note that for included children things may not always align up properly with their parent/native MB menus Merged all latest changes in dev to master
  22. @Nico....Nope...everyone couldn't; but now they can after Pete's changes
  23. @Soma...Yes, I have. See my edited post above ....we posted at the same time...
  24. Post Edited: See below; I now see the issue and working to fix it asap... I am not seeing that here at all. By current version, are you referring to the dev version 0.0.9? Here's what I see in Chrome and Firefox... Chrome Firefox Edit: OK, Now I see it in "view source"...Web devs are prettifying it I guess. I am baffled by this one. Let me investigate, thanks.
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