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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. Is it a case of: Or...? If you are able to fetch (i.e. $my_array is NOT empty) but not display, then, as suggested, check the template file. If you cannot access (i.e. returns nothing), then check access controls, e.g. are the pages hidden? For instance, 'find' will not retrieve hidden pages although 'get' will...
  2. @tpr, Thanks. They are all part of the admin themes that natively ship with PW. In the first couple of screenshots, that's AdminThemeReno, followed by AdminThemeDefault using the color set 'Futura' and last screen the color set 'Warm'.
  3. I haven't seen any. You have at least two choices: 1. Create a Fieldtype module that you can attach to a page and use that to input your data. The page would mainly be a container for your input fields, although you would have to think about how to retrieve your stored data in which case the page ID might be handy. Behind the scenes, Fieldtype modules directly interact with the db - saving -> sleepValue() and retrieving -> wakeupValue(). This assumes that you will create a table only once for holding your data (when you create fields that use the Fieldtype) after which you will just be adding/modifying/removing db rows in THAT table. You would also be able to use raw MySQL if you wanted to. If you choose that, I highly recommend you use prepared statements for both security and future compatibility with ProcessWire. Have a look at the module matrix for ideas if you wish. 2. Create a ProcessModule with input fields to send/display your data. In this case you would have to use raw SQL to CRUD your data. Again use prepared statements and strict validation. Here too I assume you want to create only one table before hand (e.g. on install of the module - see changelog module for instance) and use that to store your data. There could be better ways of approaching this.....but I would create the tables once before-hand (on install of your module).
  4. Update: version 0.0.5 Fixed markup errors reported above in MarkupMenuBuilder Merged version to master (updated in modules directory as well)
  5. Thanks, fixed. Committing shortly...
  6. Thanks, will fix soon. As for the <li>, it works fine for me...are you seeing that extra space (as in your code above...)?
  7. Aaah, ye that's it. It works fine in dev branch. Please test and let me know? Thanks. I tested thoroughly with different combinations of multiple classes. I want to merge to master later today.
  8. I'm all for clean and valid HTML too...What I meant is that I forgot to put back a space when I went from this <ul to this <$wTag.....bundling a third-party PHP class just to deal with that seems like an overkill
  9. Hmm, interesting thought. Technically, it is not impossible - just a recursive function that only grabs one branch...I'll have think...
  10. We'll that's strange...I thought I had dealt with this.....Old code must have crept in. I'll look into it, thanks for reporting. No need for the HTML builder ....for the <ul, it's just a missing space I forgot to put back after switching to configurable menu wrapper and for the <li> just a space to trim...I'll update tonight...
  11. I have used this in the past: http://sewmyheadon.com/2009/mysql-search-replace-tool/ It might need updating though....
  12. This is case where Martijn didn't have a use for forms ....Otherwise (see post #2 and #3), it would have worked with ....$form = $this->modules->get('InputfieldForm');
  13. Did the above (see #8 and 10) solve the mystery for you?
  14. In addition to what I said in post #8 The line is this border: .Inputfields .InputfieldHeader, .Inputfields .InputfieldWrapper>.description { background: none; border: 1px solid #d7e2e6; border-bottom: none; color: #2F4248; } For the label <label class="InputfieldHeader InputfieldStateToggle" for="">Label One<i class="toggle-icon fa fa-angle-down" data-to="fa-angle-down fa-angle-right"></i></label> I am guessing the Wrappers were designed (CSS) with 'forms' in mind? So, if you render in a form, it works...
  15. This is where it is coming from - the markup label: $markup->label = $this->_('Label ') . ' ' . $number; To test, comment that out (in your original code) and the white line disappears but the overlap is still present. So, nothing you can't solve using CSS I suppose Edit: See post #10 below for the CSS/HTML
  16. Uh? Isn't the overlap the intended behaviour (just like the tabs in 'page edit mode') or I am not getting you? But I still don't understand why it is not working without use of a form. Btw, in my testing, your code does not even render as tabs - maybe am missing something in the JS...
  17. Only seen that where the tabs are not added to a form instead...So don't know if it is because you are adding a wrapper to a wrapper?
  18. Update: version 0.0.4 Added 7 permissions to control visibility/access to advanced settings by non-superusers as discussed above. Currently this is only available for testing in Menu Builder dev branch. Note that you have to create the permissions yourself and add them to a role. Please thoroughly read the updated README about how to use these permissions; depending on your situation, you may not have to create any of the permissions. In summary, these control: Locking/unlocking menus (menu-builder-lock) Trashing and deleting menus (menu-builder-delete) Use of selectors to add pages as menu items (menu-builder-selector) Use of markup/HTML in menu item titles/labels (menu-builder-markup) Specifying of PW pages that are selectable as menu items in the page fields AsmSelect and PageAutocomplete (menu-builder-selectable) Editing of nestedSortable settings, e.g. maxLevels (menu-builder-settings) Ability to change the page field (AsmSelect vs PageAutocomplete) to be used when selecting PW pages to add as menu items (menu-builder-page-field) Please test and let me know, thanks.
  19. Of course, how silly of me not to ask first ...Thanks Wanze
  20. By posts I'll assume you mean pages....What you want is to count the number of pages created by the specified author, hence you want to use created_users_id in your selector. Below author can be an object or an ID $cnt = $pages->find("template=foo, created_users_id=$author"); //find by current user $cnt = $pages->find("created_users_id=$user");//you can also get the user first... https://processwire.com/talk/topic/6423-all-items-from-member-on-member-page/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7403-module-blog/?p=85780
  21. OK...on my TODO. I have expanded it to other features, not just the selectors. See this also. What are your thoughts about controlling ability to delete menus too? Any other controls I am missing? Thanks.
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