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Everything posted by kongondo

  1. @Loges, Thanks for purchasing Media Manager and giving me your feedback. I'll address each point you raise in a later post. Oh, and welcome to the forums
  2. Just don't click the upgrade button
  3. It's difficult to give a recommendation because: We don't know what your needs (for the form) are We don't know exactly what other 'modules and descriptions' you've looked at already. We might just refer you back to one of them We don't know what you mean by easiest We don't know what is a small, nice contact form (nice: are you talking about CSS here? small: number of fields?) We don't know how you wish to capture and store the form information (in a field, in some page?) OK, maybe it's just me who doesn't know these things . Your question is a bit vague. If possible tell us what exactly what you've already considered and what your needs are. Having said all that, any HTML form can be used as a ProcessWire form. You just need that and some template file and you are done
  4. Hi Martin, Thanks for your purchase. Glad you like the module. I almost exclusively use Admin Theme Reno (and will be recommending this to others) when using Media Manager - it gives you better real estate. It works just fine for me but I notice (and maybe this is the way it works for any linked page with child pages) I have to double click on the link to make it load Media Manager. The same goes for 'Pages', 'Setup' and 'Modules' links. There is an example in the README.txt. The Easter break and illness have meant I haven't been able to finish the official documentation (mediamanager.kongondo.com). The API is quite straightforward. Note that you will first need to create a field of type Media Manager, add that to your template(s), then add media in your Media Library to the field. I have added some examples in the first post of this thread. Current its tags only. I'll see if there's a way to make this better. Cheers, /k
  5. Maybe this thread could help? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/268-processwire-on-windows72008-server-with-iis-webserver/
  6. See Ryan's comments here: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/432
  7. Since you asked for 'created' you can swap datefield in the example by @Alxndre' for created (we also have 'published')
  8. kongondo

    Simple navigation

    @note: optimised code above (use numChildren instead)
  9. kongondo

    Simple navigation

    The topics I linked to should be able to help you (@see my edited post above yours). The code at the first link is pretty straight forward and solid... Edit: If you don't want to use a function and you'll have no more than 2 levels, you could probably get way with this: <div class="collapse navbar-collapse navbar-right"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav menu navbar-right"> <?php $out = ''; $root = $pages->get("/"); $children = $root->children("limit=7"); $children->prepend($root); foreach($children as $child) { $out .= "<li><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>"; if($child->numChildren) {// @note: you could do some more checks here; foreach($child->children as $c) { $out .= "<ul>"; $out .= "<li><a href='{$c->url}'>{$c->title}</a></li>"; $out .= "</ul>"; } } } echo $out; ?> </ul> </div>
  10. kongondo

    Simple navigation

    By sub-pages you mean the children of each $child? Edit: I'm too lazy to write code at this time ..Have a look at this recursive navigation topics/posts: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/563-page-level-and-sub-navigation/?p=4490 https://processwire.com/talk/topic/110-recursive-navigation/ Even if you menu is simpler (say 2 levels deep only), it's probably still a good idea to use a function...you never know when you might need to change things...
  11. kongondo

    Simple navigation

    @Mijo, I have previously advised you to wrap up your code in code blocks. Otherwise it makes it hard to read (and maybe even get a response in some cases)
  12. I had a feeling you'd do that
  13. Maybe ask in the smarty forum. It's just a syntax error so clearly there's something it doesn't like, or you have a typo or a whitespace in there. Maybe you are supposed to be using set method or the new setMultiple() methods? I don't know, again just guessing. See if this helps:
  14. Hi @centaur78, Welcome to ProcessWire and the forums. Thanks for using MenuBuilder. The error is being thrown by TemplateEngineSmarty.module. I have not used that module before so I am guessing here. It probably doesn't like the single quotes. Try using double quotes, i.e.: {$options = array( "wrapper_list_type" => "ul", "list_type" => "li", "menu_css_class" => "type-1", "submenu_css_class" => "dropmenu", "current_class" => "active", "default_title" => 0, "include_children" => 4, "m_max_level" => 1, "current_class_level" => 1, )} You also seem to be missing semi-colons at the end of your PHP statements. Is that how Smarty works?
  15. What version of Blog are you using? I am also not sure what exactly you changed/didn't change (from your explanation above - where you talk about header.inc and _main.php) This error: says you have a variable called blog ($blog) in there somewhere (in blog-side-bar.inc). This one... says you the function formatDate cannot find a field called blog_date or that the field is empty (no date entered). Could you paste the contents of your blog-side-bar.inc below? By the way, the template files that come with Blog are there really for demonstration purposes. For instance, I hope don't have line #64 in the demo and other subsequent code in your implementation.
  16. Maybe it's getting late here but is that (rather general question) really about ProcessWire (on the web)?
  17. Have a look at this diagram https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12933-getting-field-name-in-the-loop/?p=117417 // this returns an object; either a Page object or PageArray object // depending on whether p_contact is a single or multiple page field (@see diagram in post I linked to) $contactId = $page->p_contact; // toString() method will return this object's ID (1234) or IDs if multiple page field (1234|3456|6889) echo $contactId; // no need for this. You already have an object $contact = $pages->get($contactId); echo $contact->title; // if p_contact is a single page field echo $page->p_contact->title; // OR $contact = $page->p_contact echo $contact->title; echo $contact->parent->title echo $contact->id; // echo whatever property // if p_contact is a multiple page field (i.e. returns a PageArray) foreach($page->p_contact as $c) echo $c->title; // OR foreach($page->p_contact as $c) echo $c->parent->title; // OR $contacts = $page->p_contact; foreach($contacts as $contact) echo $contact->title; // OR echo $contacts->first()->title; // OR echo $contacts->eq(3)->name; Good practice to always check if your page field returns something (i.e. that it is not empty) before outputting from it // single page field if($page->p_contact)// do stuff // OR if($page->p_contact && $page->p_contact->id > 0)// do stuff // OR for multiple page field if(count($page->p_contact))// do stuff
  18. Blog doesn't install FieldtypeComments. I'm not sure but I think it is auto-installed when you install ProcessWire. Glad you like it. Thanks!
  19. Dumbfounded by this one. Are you able to start over (i.e. a fresh install)? Otherwise this really is a FieldtypeComments question (a core module) since that's what Blog uses.
  20. Try getQueryLog(); (with $config->debug to true) https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11483-duplication-in-query-results/?p=106994
  21. I would remove the comments module altogether from the core
  22. Of course... (Monday morning blues... ). So, an extra column in the database of type varchar.
  23. From what I can tell, this is not going to be easy programmatically. That data has to be stored somewhere, yet with some flag indicating it is not a 'new comment' plus inserting those in between other comments....Then again, we have some crazy talent here
  24. This sounds like it could be accomplished by the threaded (nested) comments feature https://processwire.com/blog/posts/core-comments-upgrades/ Older posts: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2623-comments-core-reply-feature/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9273-nested-comments-in-stable-version/
  25. Good call Tony. Forgot about that. Amended my code.
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