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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Hi again joss try this: $('.PageListActionEdit a').text(' <i class="icon-edit"></i> ');
  2. That's strange... I changed my language to Portuguese and did the same test and everything is normal, there's no extra js file being loaded. Well, glad you solved it
  3. The default body field should work immediately after install, yes. Can you have a look at the browser console on the edit page of a page that has this field and see if you get any error?
  4. The "body" field that comes with the default install works?
  5. One day we will port the "Wire" template language to javascript
  6. Not an expert on this, but if what you want is to refresh the page in the browser (is it?) the indicated would be javascript. Maybe something like this would work (very rough and written in the browser... just to illustrate a point) // checks every hour if the hour of the day is 0, and if so, reloads the page setTimeout(function(){ var d = new Date(); if( d.getHours() == 0 ){ window.location.reload(); }; }, 3600000);
  7. That event would be .ajaxComplete(). Joss, try this: $(document).ajaxComplete(function() { $('.PageListActions').addClass('test'); });
  8. So now he must be on netscape already...
  9. chrome dev here (giving it another thought, i can't really complain, right?)
  10. Just don't create a template file for these pages template, and their urls will throw a 404
  11. Hold onto it. You'll get there
  12. You're welcome. Yep also happened to me the problem with the code after posting the first time, but it was corrected after editing and saving again... @Pete, sorry to bother you again with this, but the forum is acting a little crazy
  13. Arjen, 0 % 3 = 0, you want to insert the <p> on the first image?
  14. Welcome to the forums Marcus Your $number_of_images variable will always hold the same value (in this case 5), so the result of the module 3 test will always be false. What you have to do is forget about the images count (you don't really need it for this), and use a simple counter for the loop. With this change, your code would look like this: <?php //$number_of_images = count($pages->get(1012)->images); <- no need for this $i = 1; // <- the counter starts with 1 foreach($pages->get(1012)->images as $image) { $thumbnail = $image->size(118,112); echo "<a href='{$image->url}'><img class='photo' src='{$thumbnail->url}' alt='{$image->description}' /></a>"; if ($i % 3 == 0) { echo "<p>Insert</p>";} // <- the module test is made against the counter i++; // <- update the counter on each iteraction } ?> PS: use the code tag on the editor when writing code. It will look much nicer
  15. Yep, not that intuitive. This should be better documented for sure. What's the language you translated to? I'm curious
  16. Pf, I think I will start writing my posts in sublime text from now on...
  17. For the faq you should consider to use a definition list instead of (ul, li) because it will give you more control for styling the questions and the answers, and it's semantically more correct (arguably, of course): <dl> <dt>question?</dt> <dd>answer</dd> <dt>question?</dt> <dd>answer</dd> </dl> edit: what happened to the first part of my post?? I had a paragraph linking to this http://bio.mq.edu.au/Tools/jquery/plugins/riklomas-quicksearch/examples/... or didn't I? hm, I'm confused
  18. You could do the same thing in PW with repeater fields, but IMO the values that you have on these fields should be decided once in the design process and kept in the code. What's the point of sacrificing your website performance by having all this info in the database? @apeisa, same time
  19. Just watched this, thanks Dave. It's a very interesting talk, and I would say PW fits on her idea of a good CMS (besides, maybe that the content is associated to URLs), but the fact that our content chunks are grouped in something called "pages" would definitely put her away in a first impression...
  20. Amazing! Like Adam said on that other post "This is wonderful information and I believe it fits into FAQ section". So why isn't it?
  21. i think this is the intended behaviour. i even think that this limit it imposed only by javasscript in the admin, but not sure.
  22. this file is for setting multiple websites with a single wire folder. you point all the domains to the same ip, and create a "site-something" folder for each of them. then you just have to list the domains in that file and pair them with the correspondent folder.
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