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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Adam, sorry, with the hurry to leave I forgot to answer to your question about the typeface. It's not my work unfortunately The font is called "LiebeErika" and was designed by the German designer Ulrike Wilhelm. Her fonts are here http://liebefonts.com/. They are really cute and well designed, and not expensive at all. Matthew, thanks for your nice answer! I also think that the idea has potential to be used in a different way, but that way we did it was conscious attending to the very specific objectives of this site. The site will be shown to a very limited, hand picked, number of people (besides the forum, of course). And the idea is to state that Erika has some experience in designing books to take these contacts a step further, not showing a lot of the books themselves. So, it's not really meant to be a gallery.
  2. Not really... this is a usability problem, so it's my bad. I will be away from the computer, but as soon as I come back I will think of a solution. Meanwhile, and as a temporary solution, I changed the cursor to the dragging hands hoping that they give a clue already. This is also why I like to post my sites here in the forum
  3. Thanks Adam. Tiny? Hm, what's the size of your screen?
  4. Erika needed a simple website to showcase the books that she designed. I think this is as simple as a book showcase can get http://diplom.erikagrafika.com/ There are lots of transparent PNGs to be shown at the same time (transparency because of the shadows and cut corners), to make them smaller I found an amazing tool http://pngquant.org/. No kidding, this tools can cut the size of a "saved for web" transparent PNG to half. I love how you can use it in a bunch of directories at the same time from the terminal, but if you only need it for a few pictures and don't want to mess around with the terminal, this online tool uses exactly the same process http://tinypng.org/. edit: I must have messed up the title, can someone entitled change it to "diplom.erikagrafika.com"?
  5. @Nik, you are right of course. Already changed it. @Matthew, seems interesting but I really like to keep it simple and adapted to each situations need. What you are asking can be closely achieved by creating a "dev" folder inside the templates folder and copying there your styles and scripts folders. Then, put this line on the top your header.php: if ($user->name == 'me') $config->urls->templates .= "dev/";
  6. A very simple tip, but that might be useful for someone that didn't think of it... This is what I usually do if I want to change something on a live site. if($user->name!='diogo'){ // live code }else{ // my new code } Like this I'm the only one that sees the changes. More examples: // test new javascript. do the same for styles <?php if ($user->name!='diogo'){?> <script src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>scripts/main.js"></script> <?php }else{?> <script src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates?>scripts/main-dev.js"></script> <?php }?> // test new head file if($user->name!='diogo'){ include(head.inc); }else{ include(head-dev.inc): } and so on... edit: corrected the first block by Nik's suggestion
  7. I understand perfectly but I think it's nice to present both
  8. Yep, Luis, by looking at your code I think that this is what will happen because you defined the class outside the foreach. Like this, the variable will be populated in the first time, and will stay with that value for all the others. You can change it to this: <div class="tab-content"> <?php $i = 1; $activeClass = ' active'; foreach ($page->children as $item){ if ($i == 1) $activeClass = ''; echo "<div class='tab-pane $activeClass' id='{$item->name}'>{$item->body}</div>"; $i++; } ?> </div> or even better, do it in a more PW way <div class="tab-content"> <?php foreach ($page->children as $item){ $activeClass = ($item === $page->child ? 'active' : ''); // page->child returns the first child of current page echo "<div class='tab-pane $activeClass' id='{$item->name}'>{$item->body}</div>"; } ?> </div>
  9. Nice to know you will be sticking around, and be very welcome! You will understand why people here defend so much PW as an alternative to EE as soon as you start building your first webpage
  10. Hi Axis, glad you are enjoying PW. You can't access the templates directory by url, since it's protected by the htaccess file. What you can do, is create a css page in the tree with your css.php file as it's template and access that page url instead. wrote on mobile... can be clumsy edit: not on mobile anymore, you can see more about my answer here http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2210-help-getting-a-custom-styles-php-file-working/#entry20641
  11. Joss, that's a long story... PW was already there and hit the first place very quickly, then suddenly it went to last in only a few minutes. You can read about it here http://processwire.c...ages/#entry5671
  12. diogo

    Happy new year!

    --completely out of context-- Matthew, I noticed you use ArtRage. Have you tried MyPaint? It's great, and now there is an installer for mac.
  13. diogo

    Happy new year!

    :D Nice one Ryan! And I thought that after Josh arrived the forum couldn't become any sillier
  14. I just used rsync to backup the public files from my server to my fedora laptop and it works really well. It's comes by default in most linuxes and apparently in macs too. Have a look http://www.maclife.com/article/howtos/using_rsync_keep_your_files_sync_0
  15. Not really answering your queston, but I just tested using the tab fields on the repeaters (I imagine it wouldn't work, but was curious) and this is what happens. Ryan, wouldn't be too difficult to move those tabs inside the correspondant repeater on the module, right? If not in php, maybe with js.
  16. Some people are learning php while working with pw, I'm doing it myself. I think it would be better if things like this would be explicit on the documentation.
  17. Just used the form $a->eq(-n) to choose the element that is before the last in an array ($a->eq(-2)) and it works, but it's not mentioned on the arrays page of the documentation http://processwire.com/api/arrays/ and, naturally, neither on the cheatsheet.
  18. The modules can use jquery. Have a look at how Apeisa's thumbnails module is structured, for instance https://github.com/apeisa/Thumbnails/tree/master/ProcessCropImage
  19. Ok, just to be sure that's what you wanted. It's funny that I was thinking the same thing some days ago, and came to the conclusion that it could be done with some kind of fieldSet with a checkbox attached and that would work with jQuery hide()/show()... hm, let me see if I can explain... imagine a fieldSet field, those that you get field and a field_END where you can wrap a bunch of fields. The conditional can be on the field settings with a checkbox field, then, with javascript is easy to show or hide all the other fields. only a proof of concept of course...
  20. Can you give an example of what you want to do?
  21. I don't think something like this is going to happen on the degault field, because PW doesn't make any assumptions concerning your markup or css. What you can do is copy the Inputfieldimage module and add a dropdown or radio field to it, so you have that options also with multiple images. The preview thing won't be that simple, but have a look at Nico's preview module, maybe it will be useful in this situation.
  22. Thanks for reporting @Achrist. And very welcome to the forums!
  23. Very nice Nico!! Love where you are going with this! There's a problem you might want to solve with longer usernames I understand why you put the breadcrumbs on the bottom (I usually sweep them under the sofa), but I agree with Ryan, and besides the chrome problem, it makes them a bit invisible also. What if you would bring it inside the main div?
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