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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Looks good, Luis. I would also like to test it, am I on time?
  2. Stripe looks really nice, but for it's only available in North America edit: well, this tells a lot http://www.larryullman.com/2012/10/10/introduction-to-stripe/
  3. Soma, PW is flexible to that point. You can tell people one simple way to achieve something, and they will discover with time that there is plenty more beyond that. This is what happens already with the default install.
  4. There is a "more reply options" button next to "post" For the eShop, you should also consider integrating something like Shopify or Jumpseller with PW. Edit: Ammo is in open beta now, and looks also interesting
  5. Everyone wastes everyone's time here If what you ask is useful, it will end up helping someone else. This was widely debated here already. There is a long talk here http://processwire.com/talk/topic/550-e-commerce-with-processwire/ There is also already a eCommerce plugin, but doesn't have many payment systems incorporated http://modules.processwire.com/modules/shopping-cart/ If you are completely sure that you are allowed to use the code from the plugin that you bought, I'm sure it might help more people than just yourself.
  6. Choose the most important for you and ask one at a time, like this is not possible to help...
  7. Each case is a case. Some of those you don't even need in PW, others are really easy to implement, others are a lot pf code for sure, and even if you could try to adapt them you would most probably be breaking their license. A word of advise: if you decide to leave WordPress, just forget that you bought those...
  8. Check the GD library, You can do it quickly like this: <?php if (extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info')) { echo "hm no, GD is not the problem..."; }else{ echo "ah! I think we found it "; }
  9. Soma, your shortcuts are nice and everything, and the alt+q feature is great. I even think it would be great to expand on that and have a natural language search module (think spotlight). But in PW there's nothing more powerful and clear than the tree, and IMO would be handy to have it quickly available.
  10. Another way would be, having the tree visible and occupying all the screen by pressing a button, or even a shortcut key. No animations, just visible or invisible.
  11. it might work well with something like this http://museudoresgate.org/videos/ (page it's slow at the moment)
  12. You can call only by the name, but there is the risk of matching more than one pages because you are allowed to give the same name to different pages if they're not under the same parent.
  13. diogo


    :D I'm terrible at multitasking! Already corrected the link... And yep. Another PW site using Soma's great module
  14. diogo


    I just received my beta invitation to koding.com. I have three invitations to give away to those that promise that they will give at least two of their own invitations here in the forum PM me your email if you want one.
  15. Assuming that $page->teams is a pageField, this is the correct way of doing it. Check again the settings from the field. Is it allowing multiple pages?
  16. You would have to build a module that extends InputfieldTextarea, limits the amount of characters, and that calls the necessary javascript counter.To know how to do this, have a look at these two examples on github AceEditor and TinyMCE. Notice how the configuration fields are created with ___getConfigInputfields() on both of them. You will need it at least to set the limit on a per field basis.
  17. I don't think this ever happened to me, can you try in another browser just to test? the immediate way to solve it would be to put 49% to each
  18. Hi, and welcome to the forums! Not exactly what you are asking, but there is a TinyMCE plugin for wordcount. To enable it in any TinyMCE field go to the edit field "input settings", and in "TinyMCE configuration options" add "wordcount" to the plugins list and "theme : advanced" and "mode : textareas" in two different lines to "Aditional TinyMCE settings"
  19. The problem with "Le" is that, by default, mysql fulltext searches don't return words smaller than 3 letters (you can confirm it by searching for small words here in the forum). See here http://dev.mysql.com...l-language.html. You could change this behaviuor in your mysql install, but it would affect all your sites, and it's not that easy or recommended: http://dev.mysql.com...ine-tuning.html I'm don't know about the "die" thing... still scratching my head
  20. In a simple site these things can also go on the homepage template. Imagine, for example, a blog where the homepage doesn't have any content of it's own. You can simply populate it's template with fields for the footer, sidebars, and whatever else that would be global on the site.
  21. diogo

    Processwire Wiki

    NIco, mediwiki doesn't use markdown. Althought there is an extension for this http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MarkdownSyntax. And textile is also possible http://nigelball.org/2007/08/30/using-textile-markup-with-mediawiki
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