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Everything posted by diogo

  1. by the comments i guess i will really have to try this one
  2. Oh man, sometimes it's not easy to tell things in the forum i understood what Ryan meant, and it's actually a nice solution. Anyway, your solution is great! I was trying to do that but somehow couldn't... i guess i needed some time away from the computer. Here is the working code, it has a small correction: $pa = new PageArray(); foreach($pages->find("template=xyz") as $p){ $h = $p->images->first()->height; $p->img_height = $h; $pa->add($p);// <- you had $h here, I changed it to $p } Thanks!
  3. I meant I don't want to do it manually. This is different
  4. I guess I already knew the answer... and i am trying to avoid storing this info in a field. Not sure if I get it, I'm not trying to sort the images on the same page, I'm trying to sort pages by the height of the first image. I guess I will have to do it with some array manipulation. Thanks for the answer Ryan!
  5. Ya, that's right, I really want to do that. Is there any way to do it with a selector? I tried this but it doesn't work since this info is not stored on the db... ("sort=images.height") with this selector i do get the first image, since it is ordering alphabetically in the correct way if I remove the .height part. Well, if not I will have to play a bit with pops and shifts and all those array things...
  6. Wow, that is cheap! I'm inclined to test it even though it's outside Europe. It doesn't seem to have a DNS manager, how do you manage your domains?
  7. Mahalia was always my sole problem with the logo. If nobody including Ryan likes it, i would say it should be dropped. I think a new logo should be designed carefully (not a new logo only, to do it well it should be an entire corporate identity), but meanwhile, why not replace mahalia by a nice serifed typeface, or even a different weight of avenir? i can't see Pu for how much i look at it, and in portuguese it also means what Ryan said
  8. I went for Linode following the suggestion from Apeisa on that second link, and i can only say good things. It can mean some work to have an unmanaged VPS, but it also means a lot of learning on a subject so important and that we ignore so much. The docs are very good, and if i screw up, for plus 5€/m i get all the server backed up regularly and on demand.
  9. diogo

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome! Not a ModX user, so your name is pretty new to me, but I loved your under construction website and how you seem so into writing about PW. Exited to have a look at the first results when they come!
  10. I totally agree with this, but lets do this carefully, you don't want to be changing the logo again in one year, and I really believe that it's better a reasonable already recognizable logo (what there is now), than an only slightly better new logo. As I said before, I think the square logo should be coherent with the logo as it is now. Here is something that I think is coherent with both the logo and the new website.
  11. I use fedora, and yep, SELinux can be annoying at times...
  12. Ryan, that was on the favicon, and it was a P inside a square, and I think the circle makes all the difference. Still, for the logo I think the W shouldn't be dropped. Honestly I don't think the P for itself represents ProcessWire. I must say I'm not the biggest fan of the typeface combination of PW's logo, but for the sake of coherence, and not being in favor of changing the logo if not for something much better, I think the logo should be this one or simply the avenir P with the mahalia W inside the bluish grey square.
  13. You can go to PW's unofficial complementary documents for this http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
  14. First of all, welcome to forums Patrik Aren't those files in sites-enables only symlinks to the files in sites-available?
  15. @Luis, must be on tinyMce. @Jens, this is how tinyMCE treats images and there are more people requesting the ability to od what you want. You can read about it here http://www.tinymce.com/develop/bugtracker_view.php?id=4770. Make sure to use images on tinyMCE only when you need them. I suspect that for this case it would be more suitable to output the images directly from the image fields. If you still want to have them in the middle of the text, you can use my Image Tags module as it doesn't assume any size for the images http://modules.processwire.com/modules/textformatter-image-tags/.
  16. Thanks for saying that, but where did you find this? I don't remember in what context I wrote it...
  17. There is a better way for this. In PW you can connect pages using the Page fieldType. Ryan made a video that explains it in detail http://processwire.com/videos/page-fieldtype/. To have an idea of how to create categories with it, have a look at this thread http://processwire.com/talk/topic/815-using-the-page-fieldtype/.
  18. The idea is that you don't have to create a module, I think it's very practical but unfortunately it depends on changing code in the theme, so making a module for this would be more logical.
  19. @marcin, see here http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1964-redactor-wysiwyg-editor/page__hl__redactor
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