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Everything posted by diogo

  1. diogo

    20.000 massages

    half i wouldn't say, but if you count words instead of posts...
  2. Welcome Bethanie! I'm on mobile and in a hurry to leave, but I'm sure that when I come back in the evening you will have already an entire course on ftp from the guys here in the forum
  3. This will had complexity and force the table to have one more index, no? Personaly I'm happy with $pages->get(1919); // get "teams"
  4. will read more carefully next time
  5. Well, template files, css, and js are lost too unfortunately... you have the content but not the code. Maybe you can recover the raw html, the css and javascript if the site was cached by google. If so, you just have to rewrite the php with base on the html.
  6. hm, this relationship starts with the wrong foot...
  7. Not if he is using a framework, I guess... but if not, I'm totally with you: item{ float: left; } item:nth-child(3n+1){ clear: left; }
  8. You answered your question: $i=1; foreach($latest_portfolio as $item) { $thumb = $item->portfolio_image->size(270); echo '<div class="span3' . ($i % 3 === 0 ? ' last' : '') . '"><article class="item"><a href="' . $item->url . '"> <img src="' . $thumb->url . '" alt="' . $thumb->description . '" class="teaser"/></a></article></div>'; $i++; } edit: too slow... Wanze takes the prize
  9. I think clients listen to us much more than we sometimes think. Admittedly, not knowing all the story and context, I tend to think the problem here is the agency.
  10. sorry... i just answered to the last post of the previous page
  11. There something wrong with the past popups page. This is what I see when I click an image on that page. Happens on chrome and opera and firefox.
  12. $user->email, I think...
  13. if you don't assign a file to it's template, the page will show a 404 redirect
  14. diogo

    other CMSs

    I also came from symphony, but didn't put it on the list because with the time using pw I came to the conclusion that those things that symphony does well, pw also does, if not even better I love their debug tool, and when I joined the forums here I tried to think of something similar for pw http://processwire.com/talk/topic/260-breadcrumbs-how-to-and-what-it-says-about-the-system/#entry1882 (end of the post). That kind of tool makes all the sense in symphony (i guess you can't develop a site without) but not in pw, and I think Nik nailed it with the selector test.
  15. This is what I was going to say edit: you can also do: wire('input')->post->char_name For others reading this post, the documentation is here http://processwire.com/api/include/ And welcome to the forums Valery
  16. diogo

    other CMSs

    Thanks for showing up Mathias. I'm glad my post brought you here I must say I was very impressed with Webpop when I found it. The interface is great, and you can see the care that was put in building it. I also love that you respect freedom of markup so much. Since you are here, have a look at ProcessWire, I can guarantee that it will impress you @Joss, the internet is magic!
  17. Happens a lot It can also get more particular: photographer website microblog music band website public bookmarking system and so on...
  18. PortfolioJoss, I hope you don't mind that I add one dot to your list
  19. I was even thinking of {fieldname} {fieldname} Label {fieldname} Label but I can imagine that it makes it more difficult... Anyway, If the brackets are sanitized, couldn't you do the str_replace() using { and } instead?
  20. Yeah, very nice tip, but it was completely wrong
  21. diogo

    other CMSs

    I thought it might be good to have a place where we can post other good CMSs and transparently talk about their positive aspects and, why not, compare them to PW. This might help PW grow by learning with the others, and hopefully, could even bring those tools devs to explain them to us. This idea came up to me after this discussion, and from realizing that after discovering PW I'm not as curious about finding other CMSs as I was before. I can Imagine that this has also happened to others here, and can never be good to stay in ignorance I almost stopped looking for other CMSs, but there are two that I would like to share for starting: The Secretary -> http://www.secretarycms.com/ (this is a free self hosted portfolios CMS. For a portfolios tool it's quite flexible. The user interface is also nice) Webpop -> http://www.webpop.com/ (It's a cloud CMS that gives complete control over the markup. This one is not free)
  22. If you have it outside the templates folrder, use $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] to get the absolute url of your documents root. It will prevent problems if one day you change the domain. edit: sorry, wrong function! That one gives you the path, for the url use the new one.
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