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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Kendo UI has a great documentation http://docs.kendoui.com/ I also like the one from FuelPHP http://fuelphp.com/docs/
  2. Ryan definitely set the positive tone on the forums, whether by answering to every kind of question or by cutting any discussion with a more negative tone (toward other open source projects for instance). This kind of attitude is somehow very contagious I'm very pleased to see new people coming and becoming quickly part of the project, and the last two weeks were great in this matter. A big welcome to every one!
  3. I like to use this tecnique for my pages under construction: <?php if($user->id==40){ include("construction.inc"); }else{ // home code } but today it occurred to me to do simply this: <?php if($user->id==40) include("construction.inc");?> // home code and in the end of the included file: <?php exit; Is there any problem on doing this? I don't think there's something going on after the page is rendered, but just wanted to be sure...
  4. ok I didn't test it and wasn't sure... you look different suddenly...
  5. $commentPage->comment->last()->id ?
  6. This would be great. It's something like the Wordpress "functions.php" http://codex.wordpress.org/Functions_File_Explained
  7. So YOU are "jjxhvcxhjhxkzgjyusyas"!
  8. I confess I got carried away
  9. Thanks for checking Ryan. I will give this issue a thought. One thing that is making it slower, it that I'm checking with the youtube API if the videos uloaded during the last 7 days are private or public. I will put a field in the videos with a checkbox, and check periodically from the admin instead.
  10. Oh... Check again please, just edited it.
  11. Maybe we should open a discussion about this idea from Mindplay, and start an effort to help him out http://processwire.c...ome/#entry19695
  12. Oh, I forgot to mention one thing: If you guys are curious, you can test the uploading form until the end. The inserted data will be discarded if there's no video upload. edit: very nice site @panictree
  13. Thanks Ryan! We did the design with base on Daniel's (the owner of the site) graphic concept for the project. I do like it that the site is very coherent with the posters and panflets that Daniel designs (here is one example). Yep, the videos page grows infinitely. I'm trying to avoid paginating it to make it a really big wall, but I'm aware that it can get pretty heavy. It's not a mobile site for sure... If I will have to paginate at some point, maybe I will apply a infinite scroll script. UT Austin has a very interesting partnership with some universities in Portugal. You can read about it here http://utaustinportugal.org/. Another interesting project where they participate is this one http://futureplaces.org/
  14. diogo


    Stack overflow AND Twitter
  15. in chrome/ubuntu is as sharp as it can be
  16. Keep us posted on this. I'm trying to learn German, maybe I will give it a go
  17. Welcome to the forum Claudio! Hopefully it is
  18. I started by using Markdown but switched to Textile after using it. I think it just feels less criptic and friendlier to editors. One main thing that I prefer in Textile over Markdown is how they handle new lines. markitUp works with both. And you can even use it's examples to checkout the differences http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/examples/textile/ http://markitup.jaysalvat.com/examples/markdown/ Indeed, having netcarver here is a big plus in favor of Textile
  19. Thanks for the kind words, totoff and apeisa.
  20. It's a style thing. If you can do it with CSS, do it with CSS It won't work on old browsers, but this is where I think the degradation is perfectly acceptable.
  21. You could do it easily adding classes with PHP, but CSS allows you to do this: tr:nth-child(odd){ background-color: red; } tr:nth-child(even){ background-color: blue; } edit: Joss was faster and mine would be a damn ugly table...
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