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Everything posted by diogo

  1. Why not let people add fields on the image field options?
  2. There is also a plugin for sublime text http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/sftp
  3. You don't have to be a PHP developer to work with PW, but what you are trying to do is not that simple. About the month, that was just an example, there are lots of possibilities to fix it. For the dates you can use all these http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php, so you can use the number of the month for instance. So, imagine you have this structure: You could get the current month by cheking the position on the tree like this: $this_month = date("n"); //gets the number of the month "2" $this_year = date("Y"); $year_page = $pages->get("name=$this_year"); // get the page that is in the position that the current month has in the year // eq() is 0 indexed so we have to subtract 1 $month_page = $year_page->children->eq($this_month - 1); foreach($month_page->children as $child){ echo $child->render(); } Hope this example is clear
  4. Hi Manfred, welcome to pw. I'm not sure I understood what you want to do, so I'm making a guess. So, right now you have this, right? If you change it to this: You could simply change your selector to get only the recommendations from January to this: foreach($page->get('name=january') as $food) Of course this would imply that someone would have to change the code every month, not ideal... What you can do, is get the current time to find out what month we are in and publish only the children of that month: $this_month = strtolower ( date("F") ); foreach($page->get('name=$this_month') as $food) Just an idea of the kind of things you can do. Of course you have to adapt it to exactly what you want. How exactly do you want this to work?
  5. Do you also have a hotmail email? (just kidding, the new hotmail, that now is called outlook live, is actually pretty cool)
  6. For really simple text editing this one looks good. It's lightweight and configurable. http://nicedit.com/
  7. Ryan, you mean this one? http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2311-processwire-on-the-web
  8. Adam Alan, you really must living under a rock (and that counts also for discovering ST2 only now )
  9. I know this is not why you posted this here, but just wanted to make a comment on that article you linked to. On the article it sounds like all the fault of the terrible things that happens to websites after they are delivered are from the client, when it couldn't be farther from the truth. You can't give a box full of tools to someone, and tell them to use only the hammer.
  10. It's very nice to see my figure on the website, but unfortunately I still don't speak German... I do say tschüß with a nice German tone though
  11. Yes, go to the field options, and in input tab select "Allways collapsed..." for visibility.
  12. I agree with Wanze. Just think of the pages tree as an easy to query database, and of the page fieldtype as the foreign keys. Pages are not always pages.
  13. diogo


    I don't think so, but you can create one like this: ⊠ ABS ● Airbag↴ ⊠ Airbag conducente ⊠ Airbag passegero ⊠ Airbag lateral ⊠ Anti-furto ...
  14. What's the name of the image field inside the repeater? Assuming it's "image_field" for example, your code should look like this $img = $page->featured_project->images->image_field->first()
  15. The shop system looks great. In the portfolio page the elements feel a bit lost a detached from each other, did you consider centering the Hallo and the Kontakt blocks? Also this is happening on my browser
  16. I found the thread about this http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2266-images-not-uploading-in-repeaters/. Apparently it was fixed in 2.2.10.
  17. just a little bit, and ground pepper, not big balls. You don't even notice it
  18. I remember that there was a problem with images inside repeaters on older versions of PW. What's the version you are using?
  19. As I told, I'm not an expert, but for this I will stick to my answer
  20. I prefer to bake them with integral flour and yellow sugar. My favorites have butter, almond or hazelnut, oat, cinnamon, and sometimes a bit of black pepper. I let them bake a lot until they get really crunchy. Hm, not sure if I ever tried those ingredients... are they tasty?
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