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Everything posted by diogo

  1. I confirm that this works on Fortrabbit
  2. Not the ideal solution though... Maybe something went wrong when you installed PHP?
  3. This should work. create a date field besides the counter field. and put change the code to this: if (!$user->isSuperuser()) { if( date('Ymd', strtotime($page->day)) != date('Ymd') ) { $page->counter = 0; $page->day = today(); } else { $page->counter += 1; } $page->of(false); $page->save('counter'); $page->of(true); } echo $page->counter; written in the browser and not tested. But it should give you an idea.
  4. You can use the Page link abstractor module to prevent this from happening http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-link-abstractor/
  5. Apeisa, the interrogation mark is missing...
  6. diogo

    Code Dreams

    Did it land on top of your code?
  7. diogo

    .pw domains

    my.pw would be perfect for a future hosted pw sites project. I tried to check if it's available, but I keep getting a server error.
  8. There are no spy cams But check the first image that appears if you google your name.
  9. I think that this structure is good. Keeping one file per page will allow you to keep as many info as you want about each file and easily scale to have even more info in the future if you need.
  10. I had to give back the nice mention on Joss's song
  11. Pete, I have the idea that count($a) is better for performance than $a->count()
  12. diogo


    can I suggest one? favicon.ico
  13. I had the favicon of a web provider, from when I accessed on a coffee
  14. and then stream it for all of us
  15. And achso. With those three you can understand any conversation Genau http://www.jazzradio.com/
  16. Joss, I have a good one for you. Genau. You will hear this all the time if you go to Germany
  17. I love to listen to this while programming http://grooveshark.com/#!/album/Little+Joy/2892128 (for the Germans: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scilors-groovesharktm-unl/feegenemlbjkbnfpgdmjddbeiecdbpob?hl=en-US&utm_source=chrome-ntp-launcher) Edit: meanwhile I listened to the songs you posted. They are great, but don't think I could focus on programming with them edit2: right now this is what I'm listening to http://grooveshark.com/#!/album/Not+Music/5149661
  18. I didn't see the second example before... Soma, didn't you edit your answer?
  19. Try with a relative path. Assuming that you have this structure -domain.com --httpdocs ---index.php --wire use this: $wireDir = '../wire';
  20. Thanks for telling Ryan. Can't wait to know about the result.
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