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Everything posted by diogo

  1. The retina screen will be replaced by a projection on the retina
  2. In the specific case of the checkbox to send the email I think the best is to add a note instructing people to save the page. Something like "send email after saving this page. Don't forget to save the page or the email will not be sent". A quick hack would be to use Admin custom files module to add some JS magic (read "hack") to do this instantly. You could for instance capture the change event on the checkbox to trigger the save button: $(".checkbox").change(function() { if(this.checked) { $(".save-button").trigger("click"); } }); ...or even replace the checkbox by a copy of the save button and change the text to "send email". The possibilities are infinite. -- PS: notice my first sentence. I still would prefer the simple informative solution.
  3. diogo

    ED newsletter

    Hey guys! Just announcing that from now on we will have a newsletter. Those that want to know about what we are doing besides of what I post in the showcase forum should subscribe it here http://eepurl.com/bk-QJz
  4. You can also put the file on the root of the website and call it directly, the .href rules are prepared to bypass the index if you call an existing file (that would imply moving the script also, probably).
  5. Welcome to the forum! You could of course add an exception to that file only on the href, but IMO the best way to do this is to have that file as a normal PW template and create a page with it, then, just call the page instead of the file: example.com/utilities/xcrud (or whatever you want)
  6. Sorry, ya, that's more a frontend thing, but you could interact with the notifications system using the same method, of course.
  7. You could have a pagefield "notifications" in the users template, and create the notifications as pages connected to the topic (not one per user, just one per notification, that could be used for many users), than you would link the user to the notification, and delete it from the pagefield as soon as it is presented to him. Does this make sense? PS: I know you asked how to not create pages, but I think this way would at least make them much less, and easier to delete when not needed. -- A little pseudo-code for the above: foreach ($user->notifications as $not) { echo $not->body; // show the notification $page->of(false); $user->notifications->remove($not); // remove it from the list if ( !$pages->get("template=user,notifications={$not}") ) $not->delete(); // if there are no more users to be notified, delete the page } $page->save("notifications"); //save the field with the notifications removed
  8. Hélder, before you choose FieldtypeOptions over pages (and may be the best option, depending on how simple is your task), make sure you understand the full potencial and flexibility that pages provide even when used for a simple dropdown select. You'll get it as soon as the weird factor goes away
  9. Had to happen one day... Grooveshark closed! I started a 30 days trial at rdio and so far so good. Listening to some Portuguese bands
  10. New kid on the block https://code.visualstudio.com ! Is this the same Microsoft that kept IE6 alive for so long??
  11. Two suggestions. If I make a mistake, writing the db password for instance, I have to start all over from the download. Even if I noticed that I typed the wrong info, there's nothing I can do to correct it. 1. allow to correct wrong input before submitting 2. create a command to install from the last download
  12. Great site Nico! Feels ok to me. And I think this is css animations on hover, there's no Nico can do to change it without switching to js. There's this problem though Maybe it would be worth to use js to reduce the size of the font on large words. If you Germans wouldntwritelikethis this wouldn't be such a problem
  13. Not an easy task. The bigger they are the dumber they get... Because it's late and I'm sleepy, I will answer directly to those points: This won't be an easy one. If I look at the developers directory there are only two PW Devs in Porto <- On the left it's me, and on the right it's you. You can state that PW is growing fast, supported in factual statistics preferably (you would need them, of course). You can also argue that ProcessWire has a lower learning curve than other CMSs for an experimented developer. And, of course, they're not forced to hire someone in Portugal in case something happens to your company (make sure you keep the comments on your code and all namings in English, which is good practice anyway). If you think it can help, point them here http://www.cmscritic.com/dir/products/processwire/ and tell that even their website is built with PW. That's an easy one! You don't have to look for a long time to find recent examples of security holes in WP. As for Drupal, a quick googling brought this up http://brightlemon.com/blog/community-pulls-together-drupal-highly-critical-security-announcement. As for PW, you have tis http://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/2zzo0t/any_reason_i_cant_find_anything_about_processwire/ Can't look for it now, But there are one or two posts where Ryan talk about this subject. Anyway. Processwire is Open Source and was forked hundreds of times. There are already a lots of great devs depending on it to earn their living to be sure that, whatever happens, PW won't go anywhere. Show them how active PW's development on github is.
  14. Actually, it's pretty simple, this is how I have my server set up and it allows me to upgrade all sites in one go. Just point all your domains to the same ip and directory and place the index.config.php in the root (it's originally inside wire) and place a line like this 'mydomain.com' => 'site-mydomain' for each site. See the complete instructions in the file https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/blob/dev/wire/index.config.php#L39
  15. If you are really afraid that this might happen, rename it to something like "forthesakeofgoddontdeletethis" and create a symlink to it, named "site".
  16. https://cloud.google.com/launcher/details/bitnami-launchpad:processwire?gclid=CjwKEAjw9uypBRD5pMDYtsKxvXcSJACcb9AYQYmo3gq6uBZnB--Gx_25FwkcigJ4YaYbR7TNh-OF_hoCMwnw_wcB
  17. I still don't get it howcome google doesn't filter them. Would be so easy to put a report spam button and do exactly the same as they do with email. Isn't filtering emails more risky than filtering visits for analytics purposes?
  18. You can actually get away without using foreach now. Have a look at the last updates http://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-core-updates-2.5.27/
  19. Hi mattcohen, welcome to the forum! Quick answer here, sorry for that. Hope someone will step in with a more complete answer, but for getting you started: $gyms = $pages->find("parent=/gyms/, sort=location");
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