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Everything posted by diogo

  1. How did we miss this (or it was only me)? Tidy CMS did a nice comparison of their CMS to some others that included PW. All in all, I think the review was as honest as it can be in a chalenge made by their measure although their CMS had unsurrisingly the best result of all by far Tidy Vs all the CMSs: http://tidycms.com/blog/2014/one-page-website-speed-test-summary.php Tidy vs PW: http://tidycms.com/blog/2014/one-page-website-processwire.php
  2. Oops, there's something funky happening with the third image in this page http://www.pipistrello.ch/mitspielzirkus/
  3. Great site Soma. Absolutely love the tinted images on the slider
  4. I actually think the reverse way would make more sense. Because you are likely to add more people than companies, and like this you have to edit only one page when adding a person. Also, the list in the asm field is also likely to be shorter this way. and... With that system you could use a single query for this: $people = $pages->find("parent=/people/,template=person,first_name=Joe, company=$companies");
  5. Not wanting to change completely the shift of this, but did you have a look at GraphicsMagick? It's a fork of iMagick that seems to have better performance and some large users. Maybe they have better support also. http://www.graphicsmagick.org/ Read about a use case at Etsy here https://codeascraft.com/2010/07/09/batch-processing-millions-of-images/ And the PHP support here http://php.net/manual/en/book.gmagick.php Why didn't I ever heard of this?
  6. You probably have the class name in the text of each item in the navigation, so why not use it? With jQuery, written in the browser, and making lots of assumptions about your markup. but so you get an idea: $('nav a').click(function () { // do your ajax thing // and then $('body').addClass($(this).text().toLowerCase()); }); or, in case you use the name of the page, or anything else instead of the text in the nav item, add it as title or even data-something attribute to the link in the nav and do instead: $('body').addClass($(this).attr('data-something'));
  7. diogo

    Plana Press

    Solved. Thanks!
  8. diogo

    Plana Press

    Thanks Macrura! I fixed it.
  9. diogo

    Plana Press

    Today we launched one more website. Plana Press is a small illustration books publisher from Porto. http://planapress.org/ This site is very simple, nothing special technically besides the fact that the initial image changes randomly with different sessions. Also the link underlining color follows the color of that same image. You won't see these differences during the visit to the site, so I'm sharing the way I used to check all the images and colors during development: add ?v=1 to ?v=9 to the end of the homepage url to see all variations: http://planapress.org/?v=1 ... http://planapress.org/?v=9 -- In 2010 they published a book with some sketches of mine. See it here http://planapress.org/livros/big-hands-small-mobile/
  10. Building one right now. For what Helder did, you could use a pliugin like this http://www.bytemuse.com/Pagify The one I'm building is a bit more complex because the url and the title are updated according to the real url and title of the page using html5 pushstate. In my case I'm using this technique http://rosspenman.com/pushstate-jquery/ There's also this one http://weblinc.github.io/jquery.smoothState.js/ I didn't use because it didn't fit my needs for this site. but looks great.
  11. Guest doesn't have password. I don't know if I could give you permission for that, I guess it's automated with the number of posts, but I think I can change it myself. What's the name you want?
  12. You might want to change your display name to something more personal. Right now you're just an arvixe user that looks like an egg
  13. Oh, you're in Porto, great! I'll travel to Germany next week and stay there for 2 weeks, but when I come back just tell me a place
  14. Have a look here https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2503-question-about-extreme-scale-hundred-of-thousand-maybe-millions-of-pages/
  15. Great website, and loved the sexy tables plugin. nice to see another tuga here
  16. diogo


    Thanks Craig! Appreciated
  17. Hi PaulAik, welcome to the forums! You're assumptions are in general correct, but: Actually, I would say this is 'the ProcessWire way'. In PW everything is a page, so, what you call "fake pages" are simply pages that are not shown in the frontend and are used mainly as data holders. Read this fun text by Joss about this subject https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2296-confused-by-pages/ You can also use repeaters, page table (core module) or even the image extra and image extra multilanguage fields. Not yet, but there is a module and drafts are in the roadmap. ProcessWire doesn't impose almost anything to you, you can use whatever strategy you prefer. MVC was already discussed a lot, have a look at these edit: dang Macrura!
  18. diogo


    Two days after announcing these two, we finished a third one. http://pingpong.pt/ Pingpong is the communication company of Ana and Pedro. Ana is my sister This is a simple one page site, responsive of course. The corporate image was also done by us and the images are old photos in the public domain.
  19. Hi bbeer, here you have https://github.com/somatonic/MarkupSimpleNavigation#build-a-menu-using-a-pagearray-instead-of-a-single-root-page
  20. Wow, this thread rose from the ashes Meanwhile we have the pages web services module, but it's good to remind this. Welcome to the forum @scienceape!
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