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Everything posted by diogo

  1. I think this opinion by Chris Coyier is quite to the point https://css-tricks.com/the-trouble-with-preprocessing-based-on-future-specs/
  2. Google is taking too long to fix this. I'm trying Yandex metrica with success for now https://metrica.yandex.com/
  3. Like Soma said. For more details see here http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php#language.types.string.parsing
  4. Try to set the image url to a variable first: $n = 0; $image_url = $page->images->first()->url; echo "{$image_url}<img src...
  5. Thanks @eze102! Could you tell in what device that happens?
  6. Assuming that your languages have the names "fr" and "be", and that you want to do this for a field named "body", you could loop through all pages with that field and do this: foreach($pages->find("body!=") as $p) { $page->of(false); $page->body_be = $page->body_fr; $page->save(); } See here: https://processwire.com/api/multi-language-support/multi-language-fields/#language-alternate-field-values And welcome to the forum!
  7. I actually need those 1000%, but only on desktop sizes. Removed it from mobiles sizes, should be fine now. Thanks for your help
  8. Try: <?php foreach ($articles->practice_publication->filter('practice_publication_type=1') as $article) : ?>
  9. Thanks @tpr! overflow-x was already set in the body. I added max-width: 100vw instead, can you check if it dit it, please? Would be great, thanks!
  10. Hi Guys, Here's another website from us. It is some months old, but I was waiting for all the content to be in place before showing. http://davinci-porto.pt/ This is a frames workshop and art gallery in the main art neighbourhood from Porto. the content is in Portuguese, sorry Exceptionally in this site, there was no intervention from Erika, so the design is mine.
  11. Marth, you have three posts, and none of them about ProcessWire. Plus, your picture is from a rather obscure actress that doesn't fit your name. I'm tempted to mark you as spammer right away, but will give you another chance. Care to explain?
  12. Hey guys, this may be interesting to join http://alistapart.com/blog/post/cms-event August 25, via Google Hangouts. Of course they will try to sell Craft and EE, as usual, but might still be good.
  13. They are pages. Look for them under "Repeaters" inside the admin page in the tree. Repeater pages are under a page with the name "for-page-1234" (1234 is the ID of the page that holds the repeater field) under a page named "for-field-123" (being 123 the id of the repeater field. You can see it o the URL when editing the field). This means that you can easily get all pages from a repeater field in a page by using the selector: $pages->find("parent=/processwire/repeaters/for-field-123/for-page-1234") Or even construct that selector dynamically when needed: $pages->find("parent=/processwire/repeaters/for-field-130/for-page-{$page->id}")
  14. I think your solution is the best option here. You could also add a class to that <p> instead and use it in your advantage on the css: $('p img').parent().addClass('image-inside'); -- .image-inside { display: inline; }
  15. I was going to answer, but Teppo did before. Good I still would like to say that all you're questions had quite obvious answers and that you asked them in a quite rough way, in the context of being the one that's using an excellent free tool, asking these questions to the one that provides this tool to you for free (repetition intended) and takes the time to give such complete explanations to every question that comes up. Anyway, if you're worried about guests, just make sure your editors are the first guests after saving a page, by telling them to do it.
  16. Julia, can you tell us about your experience with PW on that host? I removed the link from your answer, you're too young to link.
  17. Nice reading Rick, welcome to PW!
  18. Did you try not giving them access to create and edit pages with that template in the template "Access" settings?
  19. I think Padloper will be it, but it's still very young Been playing with it for the last minutes. Just have one thing to say: Wow!
  20. This look veeeery interesting! https://schema.io/ Notice the PHP docs here https://schema.io/docs/clients Edit: This tool is API centric —seems to work a bit like GatherContent and the likes— The platform holds all the needed info and takes care of operations, but doesn't seem to have any front end, and offers instead a nicely built API to allow integration on any framework.
  21. Just by curiosity, why do you prefer the older version? What changed for the worse?
  22. A small google search will tell you that they are
  23. Adrian, read Mikel's correction above. Mikel, next time you want to say something this important, do it in a new post so people know about the change
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