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Everything posted by Joss

  1. Joss

    Merry Christmas!

    Thank you kids! And seasons greeting to both of you and to all the other Processwirers* here. (* Process Wirers? That would make us webtricians then!)
  2. Me too! I always say there are two reactions to hand holding - the wrong one and the right one: Wrong - "Stupid machine! It finks I am stupid or something? I am not some stupid person that shouldn't be let near a 'puter! Stupid Newbs! And I fink Bill Gates is STUPID, btw!" Right - "I have got thousands of things to do and remember - I will take any help I can" Guess who I like having round for tea? (Satire comes free .....)
  3. If you are worried that back end users might try and edit it, simply make sure that it's template is only useable by superadmins or whoever.
  4. I think that if a new version is released that would break a previous version for whatever reason, then that should be listed as a unique version, even if a note is placed on the old version saying there is a newer version. Strictly speaking, that is probably neither an update or an upgrade. I get confused between the two terms anyway, as does everyone else, from reading around the net. For instance with Debian you update the listings then upgrade the version - but the upgrade does not (or should not) break the usage of the previous and might only be minor. But software will often be announced as "the latest update" in press releases, the difference normally being described as "major" or "minor." Either way, you are right, there should probably be something in the system to allow a bit more information or flags.
  5. We are going to HAVE to put something about pages on the front of the site at this rate A page is only a data container - so it can be used as a complex thing with loads of fields contributing contents, or it can be used as just a single line of data for something like a drop down or a row in a table. it had to be called something and Page was it. But it is not like saving thousands of dreamweaver pages. As for scalability - well, by the time you get to millions of pages and millions of requests, really, you are probably going to be more concerned about the size of your server farm than anything else!
  6. Just for interest, the fields I use in my sites are: Title - for the specific page title Meta Description (which is also used by og:description and twitter:description) Meta Author Google Profile address Business G+ profiles (which might be different) A featured image (that is resized as a square on the template) Twitter name Twitter Card (page field) Open Graph Type (page field) Both the last two have create new options. I am also thinking of adding bits for Schema, since those are also relevant to SEO, but obviously, if you added those, then people would have to manually add the relevant reference to their templates.
  7. On my own standard profile I have og type and twitter type as page fields so that I can also add new variations on the fly - especially useful with open graph as there are so many potential content types.
  8. I suppose this is an inevitable result of open source. If the company is solely responsible for all code, then they can put in tough QC measures in at source. Even then, they can get caught out by their own mistakes, but at least they know where to look. Having said that, you then might have security problems with the server, the OS or the language (PHP has had the odd issue...) The lower down the food chain you are and the more reliant you are on third party input, the more vulnerable you are. Or at least if feels like that from my one man band perspective.
  9. We have the same in the UK - but it is impossible to insist that companies outside the UK take any notice. We made a mistake in telecoms many, many years ago by making numbers public by default; printed in a directory back then. Companies now believe they have an automatic right to your contact information unless you say otherwise. To me, that is fundamentally wrong. If a salesperson wants to sell to me, I expect them to go to the trouble of coming to my door so I can scare the bejeebers out of them!
  10. Sitting here listening to the many scam phone calls my mother receives on her landline (and probably would on her mobile if she used it), I would love to have a little jokey functionality that simply did the following. On receipt of scam insurance, ppi, car accident, lottery or computer security call, she would simply press a button: SFX: Blaze of deafening siren down phone line (must make their ears bleed) SFX: (Under v/o) Dialling number bleeps (siren fades to background) Female VO (Authoritative): Your call has caused a security alert. Your number and location are being traced and security authorities have been notified. Please cease and desist, stay seated and place your hands on your head. Your company will now be subject to an official investigation. It is vital that you remain exactly where you are. Failure to do so will be seen as non-cooperation and will be subject to criminal proceedings. This message is an automated advisory. SFX: Bleeping and Siren stops abruptly. VO: Trace completed. Please wait for your local security forces. END Okay, so it is as fake as they are and they probably will only hear a few words of it before they hang up, but I would feel loads better having triggered it! PS: When I receive these calls, I now make it a policy not to hang up immediately as the gov suggest, but to get angry and foul mouthed and make their day as miserable as possible. If everytime they made a call they got an earful of very personal abuse, I am sure they would start looking for alternative careers after a while.... PPS: Multi language versions would also be cute .... PPPS: since so many of these calls originate from Indian call centres and English is the Lingua Franca of Calcutta, Mumbai and so on, do English speaking countries suffer from more of these than, say, German or French countries?
  11. Joss

    ProcessWire on the web

    Self promotion is such an undervalued artform..... (I must write that down somewhere - one of my better ones)
  12. True enough, Teppo - but like anything automated, it is a good way of starting the analysis. So you have 50 submitted modules to check, start by something automated and those that fail go straight in the bin. Those that pass, then go onto further scrutiny. It all fails when automated systems are the LAST stop rather than the first
  13. I wonder if bugs were running the show, would they suffer from malicious humans?
  14. The thing with Processwire, for the security conscious, is that you can create a huge variety of sites and address many different types of content WITHOUT touching any plugins other than what comes from Ryan's safe hands. You can add all the seo stuff you would ever need, add connections to social websites with links and opengraph or whatever, add caching and so on, without ever having to move outside the box - you just stick them in your template files and feed them from a field somewhere. And if you want singing and dancing with JQuery plugins, again, you just use them raw - you don't have to set up new database connections or anything else clever to make them Pw compliant - you only use the trusted API and keep the two well and truly apart. With WP, on the other hand, if you want anything more than the simplest of blogs, you are already on a plugin-fest from hell before you ever get going. Noting all that, I think it is VITAL that this principle is sustained with processwire with the vast majority of modules being about admin functionality (and vetted first as much as possible) and front end functionality left to the site development where the developers can make reasoned choices. If you want a completely plug-n-play CMS, unfortunately that will ALWAYS come with plug-n-play security issues ....
  15. Without going into too much complication, I have done something vaguely similar with a car site where you select a manufacturer or a model. In this case I used Hanna code to help me out. So, I might have a paragraph that says Bring your [[vehicle]] to my gararge now! We really will love your [[vehicle]] Then, the hanna code looks at the url and does the swap: if($input->urlSegment1){ $vehicle = str_replace("-"," ", "$input->urlSegment1"); $vehicle = ucwords($vehicle); $titlesuffix = "{$vehicle} "; }else{ $titlesuffix = "vehicle"; } echo $titlesuffix; If that segment does not exist, then it just prints out "vehicle", but if it does it prints out "audi quatro" for instance If you go to: http://claysvehiclerepairs.uk/servicing/ Look at the menu lower down on the right. Then click on one of the manufacturers in the grid and look at the menu again on the manufacturer page - the menu is regenerated and now adds the manufacturer name on the end - that is the URL segment that is picked up by the hanna code. It takes a bit to get your head around, but it is perfect for localisation. But one big warning - you risk duplicate content which might not sit well with search engines. So try and be as imaginative as possible. Maybe add some variation or something. You can even add whole specific blocks. So you can call in information from some child page somewhere that is specific to a county. Again, the URL segment and say if($county = some-name) print out this special para, else print out the default para. Or something. It does mean some extra work, but might make feel visitors and search engines loved
  16. Is this any help? http://www.geoffhayward.eu/blog/you-can-validate-open-graph-metadata
  17. 12000 is the normal mailchimp free offering. The business model is that serious list users shoot past that limit fairly early on and then it is a good earner. Mailchimp free offering has a Mailchimp logo at the bottom of any sent email.
  18. Okay, this is what is using it - https://wordpress.org/plugins/geoip-detect/ It basically does an automatic update weekly
  19. ummmm Didn't really look - I saw it because it is being used for a woocommerce plugin for the vat moss thingy
  20. I had also noticed this: https://www.maxmind.com/en/opensource
  21. One thing about use of a modal in the back end - how does this work out with mobiles and small tablets? I haven't tried, I must admit.
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