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Everything posted by Joss

  1. Really? Why didn't I know about these! Damn.....
  2. From the security point of view, there is no need to rename the wire folder at all. Unlike Joomla, which has a defined administration directory, there is no admin directory for your site, so the same considerations do not apply. In fact, there is no need to touch it. It is simply the engine that drives the system - keep the lid shut and ignore it. With ProcessWire, the site directory is your entire world and is yours to mess around with as you like. For 99% of the time, you will want to leave the directory structure as it is. Modules in modules, assets in assets and so on. The templates folder is your fun bit. Just think of it as the root of your static website. This is nothing like wordpress - you have no crazy messing with themes and child themes and strange constructions that MUST work in a certain way. Just use the directory in the way you like to build your sites.
  3. It is an interesting concept I wonder what the limitations on things like disc space are and whether you can do things like CD downloads where the file is big? That has been a problem with Prestashop before because you had to upload a file through the interface which would suffer from PHP restrictions. Better to be able to FTP a file up, then enter the path.
  4. ooh, I will try this later! Nice one.
  5. Joss

    ProcessWire on the web

    Very true Dazzyweb. Eg: You know what a foreach is in php: "How do I loop through images in PW with foreach?" You haven't ever come across a foreach loop: "I have thirty pictures in my image field and I have tried to list them but nothing comes out, how do I do it?"
  6. Joss

    ProcessWire on the web

    Hey I am always lost and asking stupid questions - it is my speciality!
  7. Joss

    ProcessWire on the web

    Nothing - but isn't it nice that people seem to get their answers here? I have no proof, but there always seems to be a link between a lack of questions getting answers on a software's own support forum and the number of questions on StackOverflow. I have four outstanding questions on another bit of software's support site that have never been answered or even viewed. Frustrating, to say the least.
  8. Joss

    ProcessWire on the web

    if anyone fancies posting a comment, you might like to say something about the community being so good that no one feels the need to post on stackOverflow....
  9. *whistles innocently*
  10. No one tells me anything!
  11. I am sure this thread should actually be called "I've got a brand new pair of roller skates." (Apart from a nice fit, deal old Melanie really does have the most incredible brown eyes. My bother took me to see her play at the Glastonbury Fair when I was young and I was totally besotted!)
  12. Oh, okay! Yes, I did similar several years ago, but we were having too many problems with power outages at the time - I gave up. Now I just have a little dev server by my desk running ubuntu and webmin/virtualmin.
  13. @pwired What do you do about things like power backup or maintenance if you away (or asleep) and so on? Those things have always put me off having a home server except for development.
  14. This is a good case for being able to use a page table to not just create additional pages for a given page, but also to be able to select any existing page table created page. (A bit like a page field, but with the creation advantage of a page table) In the meantime, you can use a page field. So: You create a page called Colours. Below that you have children, each representing a colour. Those can have other fields associated, for instance a price field if colours cost differing amounts. Using your page field, you can select the colour parent and that gives you access to all its children. Using ASM select, you can now add lots of attribute parents and their children in the same way. They will need some common fields like a price field so that you can have just one method of adding up the numbers. But other than that you can rely on the individual templates for rendering out the info.
  15. Okay, half worked. I had just one custom field of "location" - switched and that was fine. I then created changed the config adding a couple more customs "location, type, date" Created a new field and then switched type. Confirming the switch it said: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1072 Key column 'type' doesn't exist in table
  16. I have always tended to look at these as more of a problem in titles and so on than in URLs - if you have a lot of "of" "in" "at" and so on, your titles are going to be waffly and probably too long for good SEO. Making the Title of the page neat and sensible means the resulting name will be the same - it is a copy writing problem. Over use can also make bad copy - when being attentive to SEO, you should first and foremost be attentive to the audience. If removing all stop words from a URL or title turns it into gibberish, you have not done yourself any favours from either the SEO or readability point of view. From the little I know, it seems like these days Google et al do not just remove all stop words - they have lists of phrases where stop words should be left alone and generally seem to be growing a more pragmatic approach to everything. In these sorts of circumstances human editing is much better than automation.
  17. From my point of view this has less to do with html5 and more to do with SEO. The general thought is that you should have one H1, then a group of H2s, more H3 and so on. Though there are arguments against that as well. It is all about second guessing Google and Bing When it comes to HTML5 and SEO, however, it is probably more important to look at structural elements such as <article> and <section> and then the relevant attributes from Schema.org: <article role="article" itemtype="http://schema.org/BlogPosting" itemscope> And so on
  18. Just trying this out without any language stuff. As soon as I add anything to otherField I get: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'field_imageextra.location' in 'field list' What am I doing wrong? This is with the latest dev.
  19. I thought this was meant to be user friendly for someone without much tech skills? If you want to go for the one at a time approach, Page Table will probably be better than repeater, by the way. That way, you get to choose where all the new pages are created (you define a parent as part of the field). But as I said, if you want them to be able to just drag and drop a pile of images in one go, then you need to use an image field.
  20. I haven't used it, but you might want to look at this module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-image-extra/ The trouble with the page per image approach is that you wont be able to do multiple uploads in the way you suggest. Using this module looks like you can add extra info while still having all the advantages of the image field array
  21. To start with, payments should always be handled by a payment provider like Pay Pal or worldpay or sage or one of that lot. You should NEVER be keeping payment information on the server with the website. Next, there is an argument that ALL new websites should have certificated now - Google has said they would prefer such sites in results to give users more confidence, which makes sense. All hosting providers supply certificates with many of them doing free offers. It is just a question of following the wizards through when you set up the account, to be honest.
  22. My link from earlier is working https://www.otreva.com/blog/deploying-wordpress-amazon-web-services-aws-ec2-rds-via-elasticbeanstalk/
  23. One thing that has stopped me using Amazon before is that I can never work out what it is likely to cost!
  24. Once you work it out fully and are sure it is stable, you should write out the complete procedure from scratch for anyone else who wants to do this
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