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Everything posted by Joss

  1. It is a side I know very little about, to be honest. But looking at article like this: http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2014/04/02/april-2014-web-server-survey.html It seems there are a lot of sites using IIS out there. Certainly, as I mentioned, the web installer that is commonly used to manage IIS installations has a plethora of well known PHP applications ready to install - click the button and they install all the dependencies as well, including IIS itself. That makes it attractive to some, I would think. The web host I thought I was going to be forced to use does not use linux or apache at all on any of their solutions. I think the reason is that their complete service includes things like Exchange server and other MS products offerings, so they are very much a MS shop. But he did tell me that 50% of client websites are Wordpress on IIS. I don't think this is some big market opportunity for PW at all, but I do wonder whether it is something that should be catered for anyway. As I said, I am no expert, so I do not have a definitive answer.
  2. Not being a user of IIS, I really do not know the answer to this. But it did come up last week where it looked like I would have to use an IIS server. That problem has gone away, but I am wondering whether this should be catered for automatically so it is as quick and easy to load on IIS as it is on Apache, without having to dig through tutorials. Obviously, there are some requirements that have to be met - php, mysql, url rewrite. When trying to install IIS on my local machine (not as easy as I thought!) I noticed that in the Web Installer wizard, Wordpress and Joomla are both listed as ready to go. Anyway, any thoughts?
  3. @kathep Well, I like to have a little bit of work to justify getting up in the morning. My workflow kind of goes like this: I copy my default of installation of processwire. It has SEO built in, a half built mini-blog/news system in there and the complete tool kit (that list is only the minimum, there is lots more). I then have a folder called elements which has bits of layout ready to go - wide panels, multiple boxes and that sort of thing. It gains bits occasionally. I start up sublime and Prepros and a web browser. I then sit down, pour a coffee and say, "what am I going to copy and paste today?" Then I go and write some music for someone. I think I might have concentration issues.
  4. I must admit that I have moved away from using fully fledged frameworks and instead have created myself a sass based toolkit. So,,,,, I have a default templates folder I use with the following jammed into it:# scss directory filled with things like Pocketgrid, bourbon, meyer-reset, mq.scss and so on. I have little sub directories in there where I have created some of my own starters like typography, colorscheme, a handful of useful grid bits to go with pocketgrid and some blank files for custom functions. I then gather that lot into a site.scss file. I also have a selection of javascript like respond.js. response.js, enquire and some other bits. Lastly, I have a lot of this included into head and foot scripts. When it comes to developing, I have it all enabled, but then chuck out what I don't end up using. Because it is all individual bits, that is easy to do. So, my started templates folder is pretty well stuffed, but unless I have gone mad, the production version is cut right down. So, that is the way I am going .... for the moment!
  5. Joss

    Windows IIS

    Okay, I am not in a position to test anything at the moment as I don't have the right environment, but I have used the URL rewrite module to do a conversion and the only problem seems to be on line 72 which seems to refer to: # If any conditions above match, isssue a 403 forbidden RewriteRule ^.*$ - [F,L] Anyone know how this effects things? <rewrite> <!--This directive was not converted because it is not supported by IIS: RewriteBase /.--> <!--This directive was not converted because it is not supported by IIS: RewriteBase /pw/.--> <!--This directive was not converted because it is not supported by IIS: RewriteBase /~user/.--> <rules> <!--#################################################################################################--> <!--# START PROCESSWIRE HTACCESS DIRECTIVES--> <!--# @version 2.5--> <!--# @indexVersion 250--> <!--#################################################################################################--> <!--# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --> <!--# <FilesMatch "\.(inc|info|info\.json|module|sh|sql)$|^(\..*)$">--> <!--# Require all denied --> <!--# </FilesMatch>--> <!--# <Files .htaccess>--> <!--# Require all denied--> <!--# </Files>--> <!--# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --> <!--# Override a few PHP settings that can't be changed at runtime (not required)--> <!--# 500 NOTE: Try commenting out this entire section below if getting Apache 500 errors.--> <!--# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --> <!--# - - - - - - - - - - - - - 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  6. Joss

    Windows IIS

    Yeah, I have just managed to pull up a couple of posts, but so far the most useful might be a bit old - depends how much the htacess file has changed over the years.
  7. I am sure I have read this somewhere, but can't find it Can Processwire be made to run on Windows sever with IIS7?
  8. I think with all complicated systems, and this is considerably more complicated that your average little textformatter, it is always worth reading all relevant documentation before doing anything drastic. I speak as one who has often messed up because I didn't! Like all those times in front of clients I ranted and raved because yet again, the huge tape machine in our studio was not working! Only for the maintenance man to come all the way up to the top floor just to turn the mains switch on. Oops.
  9. The easiest way is to actually structure your site like that, to be honest. Or any other way you feel is right for a particular blog or site. That is what makes PW so powerful.
  10. I am assuming you are using the Pagination textformatter (there are a lot of text formatters) With normal pagination, you can use $input->pageNum as LostKobrakai says - this might work with the pagination textformatter too. So: if ($input->pageNum < 2) { $bigimage }else{ $littleimage; } Worth trying Oh, and welcome to Processwire!
  11. So, I am guess you have a pile of child pages under a parent and on the parent page you want to list and link to them? If that is so, then you can get the children of a page with $page->children http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/page/built-in-fields-reference/page-children/ So, you can loop through them with something like: foreach($page->children as $child){ // add the specific div in here that has all you pop up stuff in it including: echo "<a href='{$child->url}'>$child->title</a>"; } obviously, vary to how your functionality works, but something like that.
  12. I have just finished a novel about a group of 16 year olds set in the the long hot summer of 1976 (looking for an agent at the moment). Although it is partly a comedy, it also looks at things like anti-Semitism, the National Front in the UK, homophobia, racism and all the other things which were not just kicking around but were on main stream tv in the UK in the form of sitcoms and light entertainment - and our parents wondered why we all rebelled? So, for a special one-off treat, here is the introduction and first three chapters of my novel (before the story gets heavy) - without its title WhatHappened.pdf Note: this is from the draft, so ignore mistakes. PS: Note about subliminal ads - they never existed, but everyone believed it anyway. Something never change.
  13. It would be worse if that appeared over the Urinal in a public lavatory.....
  14. Changed to https (serves me right for copying and pasting!) There are probably a few config options that could be added. Adding a class is a nice one if someone wants to open in a popup of some sort and wants to target it with jquery, for instance. I might have another poke at it next week
  15. People giggle at me with my allotment, which I have had to give up. But it has always been important to me to be able to run away on my own terms. When I was sixteen in the hot summer of 1976, it was about running away on my bike, running to secret places with my mad girl friend, and picking up a guitar at any given point and playing with people not having a clue as to who I was, where I was from or what I stood for. In my fities (ish) the running away with the girlfriend (rather non-existent at present) is probably unlikely and my songs seem too "out there" for most people. But yelling at a stupid turnip that has refused to grow - Heaven! If my total disconnect idea does not appeal to most, maybe a partial disconnect is in order. One of the most successful and sustainable weight reduction diets is the 5/2 fasting diet - eat well for five days and fast for a couple. Perhaps that should be routine for technology too. Every five days, whatever the weather, you have to stand outside your door and just watch and listen (and shoot at anyone who walks past wearing VR goggles!)
  16. When I was a rebellious teenager in the 1970s, the idea of being so wired up to the world so the world would always know where I was would have been horrific. The whole point of being crazy and rebellious was that we could "escape" and "drop-out" True escapism, the real cool proper stuff, was something self-experienced and only shared in a very defined, personal way. Now, escapism seems to mean, "standing still so the world can see you are doing exactly the same as millions of others." The uniqueness is gone. I have always promised myself that if I woke up one day and was insanely rich, I would start a "Disconnect" movement. Under the terms you would set a point in your life (retirement, or whenever) when you would kill your internet connection, throw away your mobile, turn off your virtual reality and bin the PC/Tablet/inplant and simply deal with the life you could see and touch around you. It would be the final statement of being human: "That is it. I have used it as I wished and it got stuff out of me and I got stuff out of it. But now, I am going away and am no longer sharing. Goodbye and thanks for all the fish."
  17. Yeah, I copied and pasted the regex - it has always been greek to me. Of course, I can't make it completely fool proof - for instance a username that does not exist! "Did you mean....?"
  18. I have say the cynical side of me can think of all kinds of scenarios: Someone hacks them so suddenly all lamp posts disappear on the street, or you think a hole has appeared in front of you - you ignore it only to find it really HAS opened up in front of you. Your kid messes around with the setting and you are being attacked by butterflies at work all day. Hospital admission increase as holo wearers keep walking into people texting. It starts heated debates between designers and manufacturers as to what "blue" actually is. Advertisers are sued for all the accidents they cause. When you take them off you run screaming under the bed clothes because "my world is sooo empty!" People keep hitting each other as they swat at imaginary screens ..... And so on. Google is pulling google glass, I note. Good thing really. I went into a restaurant a couple of months ago and some bloke was wearing a pair. five or six people, including me, asked him to remove them so we could be sure he was not filming us. I did invent something called the Holonet about fifteen years ago in a book I was writing (which I really should finish one day) It was the replacement for the internet and was a sentient system where each package of data had its own sense of family and would deliver itself by any means possible. It might use a wire, it might use an air current, or invade the mind of a flea on a dog, or catch a falling star - the entire system becomes a mystery to the designers as they have no idea how packages get from one place to another. Bit like the beer service in our local pub, come to think of it.....
  19. Joss

    ProcessWire on the web

    The one thing about Processwire uses is that most of them have ended up here having really trawled round the field, so have a pretty good perspective. When I think of all those I have tried (and I have use less than many): PHP News script thingy (no database required and bugger all security either) Mambo Drupal Joomla/Seblod (an attempt to make Joomla more versatile, but ends up hugely bloated) Dreamweaver Impakt TikiWiki Liferay And all those I have long forgotten
  20. Thanks - but don't hold your breath for a run of them Loads of ideas, no skill!
  21. Joss

    ProcessWire on the web

    Yes, I did think that perhaps he should have said, in a friendly way, "Look, I am completely biased, but it is for very good reasons!" Edit: Which would be more than many of those people who promote wp and use wp ever say ....
  22. if someone can check I have done this right, I would be obliged as I ain't no module developer! This is a very simple text formatter that looks for @ and # and adds the appropriate links to twitter. So, @profile will become http://www.twitter.com/profile and #searchterm will become http://twitter.com/search?q=searchterm It uses preg_replace as a quick and dirty solution rather than the Twitter API - so no apps need to be created and so on. https://github.com/jsanglier/TextformaterTwitterReplace Obviously, if you use @something and #something regularly and DONT want them linked, then this is useless for you. But quite nice for blogging purposes Unsolicited thanks to Netcarver because I nicked one of his modules to work out how to do it Joss
  23. Thanks Pete - done a really good job here.
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