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Everything posted by Joss

  1. Joss

    404 Hits

    On one site I added a little bit of code to just keep a track of page visits. For fun, I also added it to the 404 page. Over the last month I have had over 1000 hits to the 404, which made me wonder who was getting my site addresses so wrong. Obviously, this is a terribly course tool and does not tell me anything other than it is being hit. So, being curious, I chucked an email at the hosting provider, asking them if they had a clue from their logs (i am terrible at reading logs) Yes, they said. The vast majority of 404s are being caused by people trying to hit the following page: mydomain.com/wp-admin Now, what a surprise!
  2. I also forgot to mention all the pacing I did or the late night argument with a bottle of rum
  3. Okay, I have turned Cloudflare off and it seems okay - but I also tried that yesterday with no result. So, confused? You bet I am!
  4. This is now happening with a second site hosted with the same company: http://claysvehiclerepairs.uk/ UK2, the hosts, are thinking that there is something wrong or not compatible with the htaccess file, but I have no idea what it might be. Clays hasn't even been undated in a while so nothing has changed there. I am at a loss what to do, to be honest. Both clients have paid for two years on UK2 and have ages left on their contracts. I am hoping level 2 support might have some answers. Grr!
  5. Love the people on here - so warmly encouraging!
  6. Since it is a shared server, I am reliant on them coming back on my urgent ticket - silence so far! What sort of misconfiguration? Any guesses?
  7. I am trying to get my head round the concept and it makes me feel queasy...
  8. You mean the one about the service not working?
  9. Martin I would like to fix that, but I have run into a different issue not. In CPanel (shared hosting) when I try and edit a file or upload a file I get, guess what? This web page has a redirect loop ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
  10. I have done a ticket, but as I said, I have downloaded it and run it locally and it is all fine. I am updating the local one and will try reuploading it.
  11. Works fine locally Just for interest - is it breaking for you guys too, or is it just for me?
  12. Htaccess looks fine The strange folders with the random letters change every time on reload. So... /QbYiZ/QbYiK/site/templates/css/site.css - first time /QpbWU/UhMMK/site/templates/css/site.css - on reload I cant see anything strange anywhere in the files.
  13. Hi I am having this terrible problem with this website: http://justrightmarquees.co.uk/ Now, I am not sure what on earth is going on, but it is not loading properly and I am getting huge amounts of too many redirects showing in the chrome console. The strange thing is that the files shown have really odd file paths like: http://justrightmarquees.co.uk/QciXK/site/assets/files/1023/muta-member-logo-100.png and http://justrightmarquees.co.uk/QciXU/site/assets/files/1079/slide-cereals.jpg They seem to have gained random folder addresses. However, these seem to come and go and change. Completely out of my depth and have no idea where to start. The site has been up for ages and was fine. Joss
  14. Joss

    ProcessWire on the web

    You make me sound like a beverage!
  15. Joss

    ProcessWire on the web

    I did ... but I did it sneakily....
  16. Hi Teppo! Do you mean console? I am getting: POST http://claysvehiclerepairs.uk/claysadmin/page/edit/?id=1012 500 (Internal Server Error) uploadFile @ InputfieldFile.js:294 traverseFiles @ InputfieldFile.js:329 (anonymous function) @ InputfieldFile.js:339 claysvehiclerepairs.uk/:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token E
  17. I have just had to update a couple of things on an older site (2.5.8) that I haven't touched for ages. For some reason I cannot upload images into a single image field it shows the image file name and says 100% but the image does not show and if I save the page the image is not there. Never come across this problem before. Anyone any clues? All the best Joss
  18. Joss

    ProcessWire on the web

    Processbombing, surely!
  19. Some of us still maintain Wordpress sites, so.... Security Advisory: XSS Vulnerability Affecting Multiple WordPress Plugins https://blog.sucuri.net/2015/04/security-advisory-xss-vulnerability-affecting-multiple-wordpress-plugins.html
  20. Hi Horst I just went to update this via the updater on a site and got this error: Error: Cannot redeclare PageEditFieldPermissionConfig() (previously declared in /home/justright/public_html/site/modules/PageEditFieldPermission/PageEditFieldPermissionConfig.php:8) (line 8 of /home/justright/public_html/site/modules/PageEditFieldPermission/PageEditFieldPermissionConfig.php) Which produced an server internal error for the entire site. I have removed the page edit field permissions module (removed the folder) and that solved it. But why does updating your module break this other one? On another PW site I tried uninstalling yours instead and the same thing happened. Removing the PIM folder didn't solve it.
  21. Solved - I needed to tell it what it was: $testimonials = $pages->get("/")->testimonials; $testcount = $testimonials->count(); $resultnum = ceil($testcount / 2); echo $resultnum; foreach(array_chunk($testimonials->getArray(), $resultnum) as $list){ echo "<div class='block block12 '>"; echo "<p>hello column</p>"; foreach($list as $test){ echo "<p class='quote'>{$test->text}helo</p>"; echo "<p class='from'>{$test->from}</p>"; } //end inner foreach echo "</div>"; } So, added getArray Thanks to this little post as a clue from Netcarver https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7803-implement-array-chunk/?p=75573 Aww! You beat me to it, LostKobrakai
  22. I am trying to use array_chunk to split a pile of results from a table field into two columns This is my code: $testimonials = $pages->get("/")->testimonials; $testcount = $testimonials->count(); $resultnum = ceil($testcount / 2); echo $resultnum; foreach(array_chunk($testimonials, $resultnum) as $list){ echo "<div class='block block12 '>"; echo "<p>hello column</p>"; foreach($list as $test){ echo "<p class='quote'>{$test->text}helo</p>"; echo "<p class='from'>{$test->from}</p>"; } //end inner foreach echo "</div>"; } The problem, according to debug, is that it says that: Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given in /home/justright/public_html/site/templates/testimonials.php on line 30 Parameter 1 is $testimonials. I am echoing out $resultnum, and that is giving the right value and I have used my selector without array_chunk and it is definitely outputting the content of the table field. So why does it not work in the above case? Joss
  23. Joss

    Hanna Code

    Because you have set the code as php, the module assumes anything you write is in php, which is why you don't need to use php tags. But that means you need to close the php first before you put any pure html
  24. Well, initially it seemed to be fine. Then various bits kept hanging during installation (esp MySQL) and then when I did manage to get most of it sorted, I could not get it to connect to MySQL properly, so I ground to a halt. Then the client said he had not actually ordered the server yet, so the problem went away. I was grateful as anything, as my main system needs to be kept primarily for audio production and I do not like adding too many background services.
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