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Everything posted by Joss

  1. I had a look - they seem nice. Saw just a couple of reviews and people liked them However, it looks like you need to be running windows 8.1 or yosemite to get the high resolution Edit: okay, not sure that is true ... might be a mistake on a review
  2. Hi iNoize You are right, I don't need it for music. But I do need it for my other work like photography, graphics, video editing and so on.
  3. Be careful of modifying anything in Wire as that will get overwritten during an update. You could of course create a new ckeditor pwimages plugin based on the existing one and just store it in /site/modules/inputfieldckeditor/plugins Sounds like its a lot easier to do it with jquery though and allows for lots of different variations depending on where the field is used.
  4. I think this idea has come up a couple of times in other threads, but this is just to rationalise it a little. Currently, the Page Table works rather like a repeater in that it is a way of adding and arranging new content in sections via a field. However, because it works in a more public way (the pages created can be arranged within a publically accessible part of the tree rather than buried under admin), the potential for the field is greater than with repeaters. Primarily, there is the opportunity for the field to have the characteristics of a page field. Take this case: A complex, technical article about using Processwire will be much improved by the use of additional information in the form of asides. Using a page table, it is possible to create the five or six asides needed, sort them into the right order and then insert them into the right places using hanna code. (the hanna code could either call them using their key in the array, or by title or by page id, even - if it were displayed) However, in such an article, it would be also very useful to use an existing aside. For instance, the nice aside "what is php?" might be very useful. But that does mean that it needs to be selected from the existing stock and that is not currently possible with a page table, though it is possible with a page field. What it looks like If the functionality were added to the page table field, this is how I would see it being used in practice: On the creation of the page table field, under the option for selecting a parent, a check box is added "allow selection of existing page" When using the field on a template, where currently you have "Add New" at the bottom of the field you now have a second button "Select" This opens up a lister in a modal window where you can select one or more Asides from the given parent as set in the field. These are then added to the list of asides in the field. Preventing Editing One of the dangers of such a system is that the content of a page called by a page table might be edited out of context. Back to our field! A third checkbox says "prevent editing if used in more than one page." Basically, if our aside is used in more than one page it can no longer be edited from the page table field. The only way it can be edited is by going to the page directly as normal via the page tree, and that might be subject to permission restrictions. There may also be a situation where asides are created in their position within a page tree and the ability to edit them via a page table is completely removed for everyone. Perhaps that is an automatic feature where the aside is created via the page tree and not via a page table field. However, in this case where an aside is not editable, another option may be available: Cloning Another possibility is the idea of New from Old. for instance, I want to use that very good aside about what is PHP but I want to add my own relevant information. In this case I can choose my starter aside and click on "Create New from this aside" in the lister modal. A new aside will be created using the same template and the same content which I can then edit. Limiting Inclusion There are situations in this case, however, where an aside has content that is really limited to that one article and should not be reused. (Legal reasons, perhaps, or just simple editorial context). Back on the field settings there would be another check box "allow limited use" Now, when as Aside is created, on the modal window in the Settings tab it has a checkbox that says "Limit to this article only?" This Aside can now not be selected for use by another article. Other Uses Using this modification as an aside is a very basic example, but there are probably hundreds of others. For instance, product variations or attributes in e-commerce where certain variations need to be available to a range of products. With e-commerce, the various restrictions about editing and limiting inclusion would become very important. So there you go, a lot more power and uses. (Note: this might be the wrong starting point, of course, as it could be argued that this should be a modification of a page field!)
  5. Hi Macura Was just thinking that this is a useful function for the pages field even on a single select. I am thinking here of categories where you might want to add a new category on the fly, and then also edit the contents of the category page, without having to edit separately.
  6. A bit of jquery to the rescue, assuming you are using jquery for things like your lightbox anyway. For the moment, lets assume that the output of your RTE editor field is in a div with the class .post Then you can add a class to all images within that div $('.post img').addClass("myclass"); Likewise, you can add classes to the <a> wrapper - this is for colorbox: $('.post img').closest("a").addClass("colorbox ").attr('rel', 'group'); Having it all inside some sort of containing div saves confusion.
  7. See my edit to my post about Soma's module. The problem with both the Foundation and Bootstrap markup is that they have used all kinds of different classes. That means you have to change classes depending what level you are on. Not very convenient!
  8. There are at least three foundation profiles on the forum - this is mine. Out of date so you might need to mess with it if any of the classes has changed https://github.com/jsanglier/foundwire/blob/master/templates/includes/navigation.inc (from an original code by Soma) EDIT: You can probably also use Soma's markup navigation module. Probably a better solution
  9. I think with the lightbox side you could add a field for a class, but some lightboxes need more than that and it could get complicated. Maybe a note in the instructions that this might be something better handled with a bit of javascript on the fly. I might find a mix between the two useful - adding a class at processing at least identifies the image and then one could decide what to do later. On the other hand, a blog might not always have images linked to bigger version - so not sure what to do then....
  10. Joss


    The look of any lightbox type plugin should be easy to customise to match the website, so I would just worry about making sure it functions well and then make it look how you want.
  11. Joss


    Hi KG60 PW does not really affect this kind of thing simply because it doesn't output anything much apart from the data - so really, your templates are just a static html website with some dynamic bits shoved in it. What you can do is to load your page, go to View Source, then copy and paste that into an html file and try and debug it that way. Then you can see exactly what is happening and if you solve it, just make the appropriate changes in your template file.
  12. Joss


    I can't see anyway in which this is being caused by PW. You might want to check whether where you have inserted the code in the dom is an issue. Also, check whether it is fully compatible with the version of JQuery you are using. If in doubt, try stripping away everything except the link image to the gallery, and if that then works okay, start adding the other parts of your layout back in and see where it breaks. Have you asked on the Prettyphoto forums?
  13. I got caught out like this several years ago on a Joomla plugin - actually, I didn't even know it was a ripped off plugin, it seemed to come from an ordinary legit site, so I got caught without even doing anything obviously silly. I can't remember what it installed now, but it ended up mashing up just about everything. Thankfully (sort of) it was on one of my own sites and not something important, so I was able to chuck the whole lot away and only kick myself. This is one of the things that put me off systems that rely on lots of functionality from a lot of different sources - it is difficult to keep track of everything. With ProcessWire, I haven't had that worry. It is one of the reasons I am not keen to see lots of front-end display modules appearing and making the PW network too wide with functionality being downloaded from hundreds of different, un-policed locations. Probably me being paranoid.
  14. One thing you could try, just as a process of elimination, is with the containers where you are getting the overlap, set overflow to none. If they then are chopped off, then it is probably not the monitor, but the web browser - perhaps very old firefox or something. If that is the case, then you will need to change the way the elements are positioned within the container to make sure they stretch the container down. Make sure they are not using position absolute, for instance.
  15. Hi, just thought I would have a go with this. I got this: Error: Call to a member function size() on a non-object (line 2504 of /home/foodloversdiary/public_html/site/modules/ProcessMigrator/ProcessMigrator.module) So, it seems to have imported the categories and a load of tags, but only 5 posts and they have no content. Any thoughts? Edit: forgot to mention that it was with a Wordpress import
  16. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .... hic!... Burp! .... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  17. Sorry, a birthday bottle of wine got in the way ... I will try in the morning! (One has to get old disgracefully, you know)
  18. No, my music programs work horizontally - I need to work longways!
  19. I am installing through classname The error at the top of the page just says: Module is not installable because not all required dependencies are currently met. Under requires it says: 0.0.0 >= 0 - with a downward thumb icon next to it. And that is all it says.
  20. Joss

    Before PW & After PW

    No, your idiomatic use was fine - I am just adept at bending and twisting idiomatic language to breaking point
  21. Okay, well there must be a conflict going on somewhere. Hanna version? Mine is 1.9 What else could it be conflicting with? The Download and install page says: Class HannaCodeHelper Version 0.5.0 Installed? Not yet Release State Beta Compatibility 2.3, 2.4 Requires 0.0.0 >= 0
  22. I have hanna code installed and working fine - this is an existing project.
  23. oh Unless this is a conflict somewhere and not to do with the PW version.
  24. Joss

    Before PW & After PW

    I know that using PW compared to many others can make you FEEL like you have died and gone to heaven, but as far as I am aware, Matthew is still very much with us!
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