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Everything posted by Joss

  1. I already talked about translations earlier, if the developer of the module or whatever has time/money/inclination. I personally would not force anyone to supply multilingual docs. Translations are always a problem with me. I spent many years producing corporate and TV programmes in multiple languages - up to fifty or sixty in some cases - and was used to very high quality idiomatic translations done by the best technical and interpretive translators around. But they cost huge amounts of money to do. (We used to do translations for Philips electrical for an annual staff day full of videos, workbooks and so on. The budget just for the translations was over $100,000 before we started recording) The one thing I have noticed about translations in the open source world of, especially, complex technical documentation, but non-tech as well, is that much of it is just dreadful. But then, the source material is often interesting as well! (fun, though) ProcessWire is unusual in that Ryan is a very fluid writer and his initial docs are high quality. The problem seems to be that techy people are happy to squint and read through interesting translations to get what they want. Clients, who are putting up the money, are not - and quite rightly so. I was involved with a Joomla project a few years ago (just on the sidelines) where the devs passed over the translations for a couple of the plugins that were done centrally by one of the mass translation systems. The client just found them amateurish and started losing faith in the entire project. Thankfully, there was enough budget and I had a couple of my old voice overs sort them out, and the client's faith was restored. So, I would be very cautious of using any centralised system where I did not have proper control over what my client saw and exactly how it was presented. The whole point of my suggestion is that the basic docs, having been installed locally, can then be edited and played around with by the dev to customise them for that particular installation, taking account of that client's particular needs and so on, including the addition of any other info that is peculiar to that client and may be private. I was not trying to suggest something that needs an entire central server, huge amounts of maintenance, cost, mass collaboration or anything else so complicated or unwieldy.
  2. Joss

    Social networks

    Yes you can delete your account, but it is hard work, or it used to be. You had to manually delete all posts and stuff first. I think they were forced to make it easier at some point.
  3. Joss

    Hanna Code

    That has caught me out a few time ... its fine knowing all this stuff, but I am having a struggle actually remembering at the moment when it is most useful! Ouch!
  4. ProcessWire is already halfway there with it's current structure perfect for creating a catalogue. That has the advantage in that you can create a catalogue how you want to lay it out rather than in a fixed way, as with all things ProcessWire. I am fighting with Woocommerce at the moment for a friend who has installed it on his blog. Part of my fight is that I would not have structured it that way. The other part of the fight is that every couple of weeks it wants to install yet another update and always asks "do you want to create the shop pages?" As if you have never installed it before! Apeisa's PW shop module is a pretty good starting point for thinking further on this.
  5. But doesn't that rely on the browser refreshing?
  6. Yep, me and windows 3.1.1 are doing fine......
  7. My clients are obviously different from your clients. They do not want to know what the software is, or where the website for the software is. They have no interest in security upgrades and so on - that is what they pay me for. All I am talking about here is a certain amount of basic user information that comes with specific modules (core or third party) which is loaded into the system and can be added to if needed for site specific reasons. Nothing huge, nothing heavy, just a simple use and update system that the developer can customise on a client to client basis without having to worry about external repositories, loads of unnecessary pictures, videos or all those other things that my clients simply don't have the time to use. All they want is something so when they are adding to the few areas of the site they have been given access to, they can say, "what the hell is this Hanna thingy?" and click the Docs button to find out. That is all. You have to remember that my clients are tiny companies whose main concern is their bricks and mortar operation and not their website. They do not update daily or even weekly, maybe not even monthly, so they forget how to do things. This is just a simple system to address that basic need, but that can be expanded for more complex solutions and even involve things like editorial guidelines, staff contact lists or anything else that is completely non-technical. (Things that the client would definitely NOT want on some central resource )
  8. In the RTF editor, can you not just put mailto:email@address in? You should also look at http://modules.processwire.com/modules/email-obfuscation/
  9. That is different documentation. This is about having specific docs relating to a completed site that would be site specific.
  10. Only that it was done in dreamweaver in the first place by the client
  11. In brackets? You switch on live preview on the file and it opens up chrome (has to be chrome for the moment) and then as you type in the code it updates the page in front of your eyes. Same with editing css and so on. So it is not refreshing, but pushing the update continuously. Quite fun!
  12. Have you switched debug on and does it report anything on the front page?
  13. Though, what needs to be developed? I think we can get to a situation where we think a product has lost its way because it hasn't been changed. And yet, if it is doing exactly the task set out for it, why would it need to change?
  14. Ah, filling in ..... Martijn, the more I look at your solution, the cleverer it gets It is also one of those that I would put a big comment above because when I look at it again in a year's time I would be thinking, "Now, what the hell was I trying to do there?"
  15. I agree with what you say about modules. I have a couple already installed, and I have a little bunch of uninstalled ones which are there as much to remind me they exist as anything else! I was thinking that the development environment/workflow also has an impact here. For instance, I have Bourbon installed with Bower as part of my SCSS kit. (more like a bag of bits!) The current way I am working may not be ideal, but I am also a writer and composer so I am trying to compromise around all those things while having just one main work computer. So, I have a filthy great big windows machine with three monitors (well, four if you count the optional screen for music to picture work). It is running windows 7. I also have a small Ubuntu server with Virtualmin on it. It is not accessible from the outside world (a peculiarity of my current broadband set up), but that is not important. For each project, I create a virtual server (no mail or stats or anything) so that I am always working in "root". I just give them strange ending like dot bear, or dot bloke or something and then edit my hosts file in Windows. I create a samba share. (Downside, I cant preview on my kindle since I cant edit its hosts file easily) On my windows machine, I map a new drive to the /site/ directory of the project. I then create a new Sublime Text project for the site directory. I then add a new project to Prepros to the /site/templates/ directory. I also create a companion folder on my windows machine and that is favourited in Adobe Bridge. And I am ready to go! Prepros deals with most silly things, So it does my SASS, it will minimize JS and it automatically converts md to html files, if I want. It also has live preview of sorts, but that is not a lot of help in the PW environment! Part of what I am trying to do is put enough things at my fingertips so I can play with the imagination rather than search for utilities. It is not perfect by any means and maybe a terrible way of working. But it is educational
  16. I have had a little static job come in which has just taken me back to dreamweaver!
  17. There is a php linter https://atom.io/packages/search?q=php
  18. Quite. And with search engines (well, Google) saying they would "prefer" to see secure sites at the top of the results, there will be a need too.
  19. If you want a more idiotic way of doing it, you could add the comma with CSS and just not do it for the last child...... (PS: Idiotic because it separates out the content into two places, but worth mentioning.) You could also identify the last iteration and not add a comma for it. So, if NOT last, then add comma, would be the way.... PPS: Going by the questions, does this mean you got some work???
  20. Adobe have announced the end of the Edge Code project and are reversing back into their Brackets project. http://blogs.adobe.com/edgecode/returning-to-our-roots-edge-code-is-now-brackets/ Atom (Github) have now launched a windows version of Atom in alpha and a more useful install with Chocolatey https://atom.io/ These are two very well supported and functional products that look like they are hot on the heals of Sublime Text, which as a more mature product has a much slower dev cycle. (No new stable for months and months and the last dev in October). This is an interesting market place - code editors which are more than just text editors, but are not the full on IDEs of Exlipse and Netbeans. So, will people be looking to the new kids on the block or stick with the old faithful? Brackets and Atom seem far more web orientated. Brackets particularly with its rather sweet live preview mode and inline editing of a separate CSS file. Very useful for prototyping. Atom, of course, is neatly welded onto Github making that process much smoother. Both are developed with a lot of HTML, JavaScript and CSS which should make creating extensions easier. (Would Anyone want to make a PW API "hint" plugin for Brackets? Interesting thought....). Brackets boasts that "Brackets is made with Brackets..." All three systems look pretty similar, but have subtle differences. I have not installed Atom, so I will avoid comment, but it seems to be getting a lot of fans. I have only had the briefest of looks at Brackets, but as a photoshop user, the adobe extract extension, allowing html extraction of a photoshop original will certainly have some people interested. I think I am agnostic, partly through laziness, partly because I already paid for Sublime and partly because I risk getting my self completely confused. I think it will depend on workflow. If you tend to flow towards github, then Atom will tempt you. If you are solely web orientated, then Brackets is focused exactly in that area. If you have wider needs and want maturity, then Sublime ticks the right boxes. Sublime is the mature product of the three and it shows in many ways. But that does not mean it can keep its place at front - these others will mature too!
  21. Just in case anyone missed it... https://letsencrypt.org/2014/11/18/announcing-lets-encrypt.html The headline is: Let’s Encrypt is a new Certificate Authority: It’s free, automated, and open. Arriving Summer 2015 Extract: Let’s Encrypt is a new free certificate authority, built on a foundation of cooperation and openness, that lets everyone be up and running with basic server certificates for their domains through a simple one-click process. Mozilla Corporation, Cisco Systems, Inc., Akamai Technologies, Electronic Frontier Foundation, IdenTrust, Inc., and researchers at the University of Michigan are working through the Internet Security Research Group (“ISRG”), a California public benefit corporation, to deliver this much-needed infrastructure in Q2 2015. The ISRG welcomes other organizations dedicated to the same ideal of ubiquitous, open Internet security.
  22. Wellllllllllllll Kind of depends what you want to do! If you want the output of that specific field to look the same every time for consistency, then do it at the field end. if you want to change it (sometimes have only a bit, sometimes display as a shorter format), then just output it unformatted and use the php date thingy to do what you want. http://cheatsheet.processwire.com/page/built-in-methods-reference/page-getunformatted-field/
  23. I will get him to add a bit about servicing snowmobiles immediately!
  24. Is your template blog-post or blog_post? (underscore or hyphen) And to display all tags the should you not have, for example: echo "<strong>Tags:</strong><ul>"; foreach($mytags as $taglet){ echo "<li>{$taglet->title}</li>"; } echo "</ul>";
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