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Everything posted by Joss

  1. The Thumbnails field has the same setting for showing thumbnails in the admin as has the normal image field. Go to the input tab and check "show thumbnails in page editor"
  2. Hi Do you mean you want the child pages as dropdowns under home? That is possible if you get a simply by how you mark up your menu code (and Soma's Simple nav will probably make that easier. The only problem, however, is if you want other top level menu items. In practice, Home is the head of the tree, with everything else as a child. On menu markup, what normally happens is that the top level of the menu is actually made up of all the first level children of Home, ignoring the home page entirely, and then Home is added as an extra link on the front or the end (append or prepend) What you may need to do is to create the menu as normal, but leave out the home link initially, then add a home page link with a custom drop down just for this case. As Arjen said, if you want to give a rough outline as to how you want your front page to work, then we can give you some help and advice. Joss
  3. (Thought I should put a direct link to this on this forum - somehow I forgot to!) This tutorial is aimed at anyone starting out with ProcessWire (whatever their level of expertise) who wants to get a good but basic understanding of how the system works.. It goes back to the beginning and looks at creating fields, template files, templates and then demonstrates how those elements are put together very simply with very ordinary HTML/CSS and a few very simple bits of PHP. This is not a definitive way of creating a site (ProcessWire has no set methods and allows you to work they way you wish), but it should answer some basic questions and get you going. http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial Note: This tutorial also forms the basis of other tutorials such as the Simple News System and Simple Gallery System.
  4. Thanks Aaron - it rather depends on me learning the stuff first, however! Joss
  5. The link side is just hitting the link button in the TinyMCE editor that comes automatically with the Body field or can be added to any textarea field (under the details tab). With images, when you click on the image button on TinyMCE it will open a popup that will list any images you have in images fields for that page. NOTE: If you are going to allow users to insert images into the TinyMCE editor, probably ought to make sure there is an images field in that template! (You can also insert images from other pages on the popup). When you select an image by clicking on it, you can select alignment, select whether you want it to be linked to a larger version (the original) of the image, and select the size. PW will create a cached version of that image size automatically. There are some extra tricks you can do. If you are using a lightbox system like Colorbox (as I use on the Simple Gallery Tutorial) you can add a little bit of JQuery to insert the right classes into the image you have inserted into TinyMCE. The html produced will be something like: <div "myarticlecontainer"> <p> blah blah blah </p> <a href="/path/to/image.jpg"> <img src="/path/to/image-300x200.jpg"> </a> </div> This is the result of you returning your textarea/TinyMCE field inside a container of some sort. So, if you add some JQuery to your page that looks for that sort of construction, then you can add the correct class and any other attributes for your lightbox. $('.myarticlecontainer img').closest("a").addClass("colorbox ").attr('rel', 'group'); This looks for image fields within your <div> and then adds a class and rel="group" to the <a> tag that surrounds it. By keeping it within a specific container, it stops it adding it to strange places! Obviously, you must have JQuery and Colorbox installed in your tempates, but I cover that in the gallery tutorial.
  6. Just noticed this: http://www.solarium-project.org/ Which is a Solr library for php.
  7. Mike, can you post this over to the thumbnails module forum thread? http://processwire.com/talk/topic/643-release-thumbnails/ Apeisa, who maintains the module, is more likely to see the post there. However, just to double check you have got the most recent version, go to: https://github.com/apeisa/Thumbnails And replace you FieldtypeCropImage.module in your site/modules/ directory, with the one from Github. We thought this issue had been conquered, but obviously you are still getting problems. In the mean time, you may want to use the normal images field. You will need to do a couple of small changes to the functions: On the newsLIst() function, where on the line for the image, change it to $out .="<img class='align_left' src='{$newspost->article_newsimage->size(280,170)->url}'>"; That will create the thumbnail when the page is accessed and cache it. Obviously, you cannot recrop the image (which is the huge advantage for the cropimage module), but for the purposes of the tutorial it will keep you going! You need to do a similar change on newsDisplay(), but I will leave you to work that out!! Joss
  8. Yep, I have had that problem too. My workround was to look for the first() image (even though I am not using it as such) and check that. If no image is uploaded then it will return false. I have a suspicion that if($page->images) on a multi images field (one that is set as having more than one possible image) that all you are checking is if the array is there - even if it is an empty array. Or something like that. Me long-haired hippy muso - there is no such thing as emptiness!
  9. Something I have played with before is rather than allow lots of different standard elements, create a series of fixed styles and get users to select those instead. That has the advantage of being able to match them accurately to the rest of the site as well as having specific styles to deal with in a very fine grained way without affecting other uses of the same elements.
  10. I think finding a balance here is quite important. If you did too much via a settings page it could get very unmanageable! On another demo I am doing, I am creating alternate style sheets in my CSS directory and then using a page select field to include them into a page. So: create alternate CSS styles sheets for specific classes (try to keep it carefully defined rather than do everything) create a template without a file with two fields - title and another text field. Call it "my-themes" or something Use that template to create a series of pages - in the Title put s friendly description of the style sheet (blue one with a fringe!), and in the other text field put the actually name of the style sheet Create a page field that looks for your my-themes pages and use that in your normal templates. In your header template file, look for this page field - if it exists then use the value to link to that style sheet, if it doesn't, then make it use a default version. This way you can create lots of style sheets and the user can just pick the one they want - and then leave fields for specific classes just for the occasional bits, like the background in a box or something.
  11. You can either loop through them or grab them by index - $repeater->fieldname->eq(3) ... etc Looping would be just using foreach as with any other array in PW. $myrepeater = $page->course_page; foreach($myrepeater as $course){ echo $course->fieldname; }
  12. Well, bit of fun - and it is meant to be what I do as a living! It is rather tatty, I am afraid, but I got the challenge at 7:58 on the 23rd feb from Diogo and got it finished and posted at 9:26 the same day - so I didn't have time to refine it! Glad you liked it.
  13. I have just added a new simple gallery/album tutorial to the wiki which includes using Flexslider in both carousel and slideshow mode. By "just added" I mean that I added it a couple of minutes ago and haven't proof read it fully! But it may still be useful http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Simple_Gallery_System
  14. Here is the new Simple Gallery tutorial http://processwire.com/talk/topic/3046-simple-gallery-tutorial-for-processwire/
  15. This is a companion tutorial to the Basic Website Tutorial and the Simple News Tutorial. This tutorial teaches you how to create a multiple album gallery system in processwire using a lightbox plugin (colorbox) and a slideshow plugin (Flexslider). As with all tutorials, it is meant as a starting point for you to create your own system rather than an instant plugin. This can be used standalone on a new installation of ProcessWire, but it was initially designed on top of the Basic Website Tutorial structure. If you are new to ProcessWire, then I suggest doing that tutorial first. http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Simple_Gallery_System Joss
  16. HI Apeisa Just a note, if I am using, for instance, "thumbnail1" in my template, and I remove it from the list of thumbnails on the field, rather than just not working, it actually throws a server error, The code in my template is: if($newspost->article_newsimage){ $out .="<a href='{$newspost->article_newsimage->url}' class=''>"; $out .="<img class='align_right' src='{$newspost->article_newsimage->getThumb(artthumbnail)}'>"; $out .="</a>"; } While messing around with your update, I accidentally removed "arthumbnail" - so the image exists but the thumbnail doesn't. Is it worth adding something to your script so the result is not quite so dramatic?
  17. This week I will be doing a gallery tutorial with Flexslider. But to be honest, rather a lot of it is down to how you do your template. For the moment, have a look at two tutorials I have done and one profile The first is a basic get you going tutorial: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial The second has more relevance as it teaches how to do a news system - that is relevant because if you are doing lots of albums with possibly categories as well, then you would use a lot of these techniques to sort it out http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Simple_News_System Lastly is my Bootwire Demo Profile This is a Bootstrap profile with some Bootstrap elements demo'd - and that includes a very, very basic gallery: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2411-bootwire-basic-twitter-bootstrap-profile/ Make sure you go for the Demo, not the starter, as the starter has nothing in it! Other than that I will work on a Gallery/album demo with categories and so on in the next few days, I hope. But it really is very straight forward.
  18. OH, ask Soma - he told me to do it that way! I think I say why in the main wiki version, which is the one I recommend new users go for.
  19. Well, at the simplest you could just set up several fields in ProcessWire (one for each module) and then just add them to your template. So amusing you have a separate head and foot, your basic-page (or whatever template you want to create) could be as simple as: <?php include("./head.inc"); echo "<div class='myfirstfdiv'>{$page->modulefield1}</div>"; echo "<div class='myseconddiv'>{$page->modulefield12}</div>"; echo "<div class='mythirddiv'>{$page->modulefield3}</div>"; include("./foot.inc"); ?> That would display the contents of the fields. How you wrap it up is up to you and you would do that in your template. It depends if that would be the end of it, or would you want to get more versatility - have more block positions on a page, be able to chose different content from a library of content and so on. If you haven't done it already, have ago at this tutorial to get you going: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial Joss
  20. When things are tough, and that loop is forever looping without producing a result, and you cannot work out whether or if that function ever will, then you have no choice but to resort to dear old, lamented and very definitely late, Viv Stanshall - one of my favourite people He always knew how everyone else felt.
  21. I always tend to look at it this way: There are two reasons a large corporation stops support for something 1. It becomes a huge resource burden 2. To encourage users to a version that will be properly resourced because the resources are not being spent on the old version. Oh, there is a third 3. The old version will become a branding liability That is fine for a company with a couple of hundred people working on a project and huge investment worked out years in advance. Your average OS project has anything between 1 and 5 people working on it on anything like a full time basis. And often has no investment available. I am pretty amazed how long some old versions are supported for, to be honest!
  22. Is there a way to fake that? Effectively run a crawler over the entire site based on a generated map or something? I don't see this as high priority, but interesting all the same!
  23. Hey, ask the evil genius - I haven't the foggiest!
  24. Are you going to update this so that it can update through Soma's Module Manager?
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