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Everything posted by Joss

  1. eeek! I just had to download and install a Joomla extension for someone! It was for adding a simple twitter timeline - you should see the amount of rubbish it added to what should be such a simple thing. Someone get me a glass of water** quick! (** trans. Water = Middleton's Irish Whiskey, one cube of ice, no water)
  2. Pages in processwire should not be confused with Pages in anything else. In ProcessWire a page is purely a grouping of one or more single rows of data. Thus a page can be used (via a template) to output the data necessary for an entire web page, or it could be used for just one line of data - it is perfectly proper and economical to use pages for a country select, for instance. Although it sounds like complete overkill, it is not - just sounds like it! For even more on the relationship between processwire and pages, see this important post ... http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2296-confused-by-pages/?hl=%2Bpages+%2Bjoss By the way, yes pages are fine for what you want - it is possibly more about how robust your server is.
  3. It is a bit of an odd one this, but I can see where Martijn is coming from. You see this in surveys where your answers may be Choose "1" or "2" or "none of the above apply" Actually, the third option is a defined answer equal in weight to the other two, but to the user it is like saying "ignore this" or "deselect my first thought and move on" The use of radio buttons, as opposed to a dropdown select, is always interesting. I tend to use it where I want the user the opportunity to gaze over all the options in one go before having to make a decision. But they do lose a bit of the usability of a dropdown where you can have a default or selectable "no value" blank, if you wish. My rule of thumb is if it is complicated (like a survey) then use radios. If it is simple (Yes/no perhaps or a simple list) then a drop down is fine
  4. When it comes to the layout on the front end, well the world is your oyster. PW does not have any themes as such as with Drumlapress - instead it has a system where you can use any way you want of putting together how your site looks. You can use a framework like Bootstrap or Foundation, or you can simply hand code some html. For fun, when I wrote my basic site tutorial (http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial) I actually used a really old copy of Dreamweaver, just to prove the point that PW is completely agnostic. Of course, this also means that if you want to use any fun JQery plugins, rather than have to create something that somehow works with a maddening API to make it even available to the site, let alone work, you just have to follow the normal instructions as if you were adding it to a static site, then bung in a bit of PW to produce the content. So, unlike the others, your hands are not tied - PW will serve up the content, it is up to you how you want to treat it.
  5. This is something I learned through using Liferay which has the most comprehensive (and therefore mind boggling) permissions system I have ever come across. The rule was (much as had been inferred above) to create a core role that basically gives access to the areas for that particular group of people. You then create additional roles (call them addon roles if you like, though that is not how they are displayed) that give fine grained and specific access to functions - create, delete, edit, view and so forth, or access to specific applications - forum moderator, community manager .... Where Liferay gets a little more complicated is that you can then apply scope to roles - so you can have a global scope, or scope for just one area of the system (an organisation, for instance, as they are called in Liferay), or the scope can just be for one page. But then you can also allow access to certain roles within a specific page, or item and so on. The reason it is so complex is that roles need to be managed both globally and also locally within parts of the site, for instance, the Liferay version of Groups, where there is a local group manager, admin, moderator and so on who need to assign users to functions but not have those users suddenly gaining equal power with other groups! If you ever want to learn how a completely over the top permissions structure and management system can work, I strongly suggest you play with Liferay just as a learning tool Good luck!
  6. One interesting thing I have read about SEO and images is the way google looks at both the alt and the title tag. Generally, they look at the alt attribute most, but (and Teppo's point is well made) it scores better if it is used how it should be - a simple, readable phrase that has a direct relationship to the image content. But the other thing to note is that some SEO specialists say that if you are using a title attribute then it should not be just a repeat of the alt, but be a clear and separate title for the image. If you are putting your keywords into alt and title, therefore, you should ensure that they are a) relevant and b) different to each other. But as with every thing SEO, there are probably a thousand conflicting ideas out there, proving that there is an entire industry making money by basically guessing!
  7. Yep One of the really good things about PW is that it is also a pretty good way of learning PHP! If you follow the various tutorials people have put up, copying and pasting the code where you need to, you will soon start grasping some of the more commonly used parts of PHP in websites and get a better idea of what you need to research for those bits you don't know Good luck
  8. Hi Teppo I have had to leap over to Ryans module for the moment, just so I could get the site up. But I will see if I can test with your suggestions somehow. I had already checked whether it was a link, and it was okay - it just seems like it was not reading the field somehow and not doing anything other than printing out the URL wrapped in a <p> tag. Thanks mate
  9. I have had that issue with other forms (not PW). I am not sure of the way around it other than using javascript to disable the button once clicked - but I am not sure if that runs into other problems.
  10. HI Teppo Just installed this on PW dev using CKEditor and it is not working. I am using it with default settings and posting in the normal map address. All it is outputting is the address in text. It is within <p> tags. Any ideas? Joss
  11. Does Processwire have an icon? What, apart from Ryan, Soma and, of course, me? (I will now go and duck in case of flying objects....)
  12. I know too well how difficult it is to hit everybody's wishes - you ought to try designing a site for a gaming community. "The whites! They hurt my eyes!!!" "I have a condition and your design will give me an epileptic fit" "Why would you use a bright colour?" And my favourite when we put a picture of a Troll (from a game) in the forum header: "We think your use of a troll is highly insulting - are you trying to drive all the players away?" I think that was more or less the point that I went into graphic detail about exactly where they could shove their 50 inch, 3d, multidimensional, ultra-HD, luminescent, thought-controlled monitors. It is enough to make you yearn for the world of old fashioned, stiff-shirted corporations.
  13. Macrura - you could create one and put it up for everyone
  14. One interesting thing about working with ProcessWire is that since you have to program in your own bells and whistles, rather than just installing some extension, it makes you pause and think whether you actually need them or not. The trouble with Drumlapress is that it is easy to just hit buttons and add things - so you do** Web design, like any sort of creative discipline, should be about the minimal. Even Van Gogh with his layers of oil was minimal - we don't know what he MIGHT have added to his pictures, but we do know that what he did put in he meant to put in. Oil painting is slower than sketching (especially for a lazy bugger like Van Gogh) and there was no way he was going to shove in anything that didn't work for its living. And so it is with ProcessWire. PW is not hard, but it requires you to actually do some work rather than hit buttons like most CMSs, and that makes the lazy ones of us take our time, keep it simple, and make sure we only put in things that actually need to be there. --------------------------------- EDIT I added two asterisks above and forgot to put why! So .... ** The situation has been slightly alleviated since, in Joomla at least, so many of the extension updates are now commercial (even some of the ones that really shouldn't be!)
  15. Cant wait to see how he does attachments and thumbnails .... paper clip? Drawing pin?
  16. Ah, that is why I have used curly brackets everywhere - I had forgotten. I knew there had to be a good reason. Also, I tend to use single quotes rather than \" - it just makes it more readable. No idea whether it is good practice or not.
  17. Are they using different templates? In which case you can either add their templates to the search, or divide them up later by saying if($tdsphoto->template =="name-of-template") { and then set out the layout you want for each type.
  18. The template management and field management is not such a headache as long as you draw up some sort of group policy. That would include, for instance, saying that all sites use the same framework (Bootstrap or whatever), that certain central fields must be used over all the sites ... and so on. Really, it is the same approach as if you were creating 30 standalone sites and were having to manage them all - you would not want them to be using 30 different CMS and frameworks! I have not worked on multisite with Processwire, but I have with Liferay. The main issue we had was not so much the technology, but in making sure the right people from the right departments had the correct access to their bits, without treading on anyone else's toes or without making it too complicated. That was far harder to get right than the actual site - the politics was a nightmare!
  19. Add New button problem Got this slight issue with the add new button. I have a parent template that can have 4 different child templates. The conditions for the add new button are met. However, when I use the add new button and select one of the templates, the resulting form asks me to choose from one of the four templates, listing them in the same order each time, rather than restricting me to the one template, or at least defaulting the select to that one template. Any thoughts? EDIT: It really needs to carry the template->name across, but that also means that the new page form needs to be looking for it, which I suppose at the moment it doesn't - it just takes the template info from the parent.
  20. Good point well made. However, i think I could do without constant emails from Gavick Pro et al.
  21. One of the problems with using Joomla on an off since, well, since it started, is that I appear to have signed up for a whole heap of sites so I could download extensions and so on. For some reason, perhaps now would be a good time to try and delete myself from a few or more of those sites...... Oh, a new little collection of PW sites will be appearing shortly ....
  22. Depends on the client a bit. Certainly with my music it is often a case of "look it works, you are selling more biscuits - here is the bill" I could tell them exactly how my harmonic fifth on the cello adds that sense of pathos that just gives the brand that edge more authority, but you would be amazed how often clients glaze over and pay the bill just to shut me up. I have that effect on people - very useful.
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