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  1. Hi Gebeer The main scss is foundation.scss in the scss folder. That in turn imports all the various foundation.scss files. This is then output to foundation.css using whichever method you want. Other than that, there are four other css files: editor.css has some basic foundation typography styles that can be used by whichever RTE you wish foundation.min.css is just the normal foundation download and is not linked - it is just there for reference. normalize.css - this is the normalize script included with foundation site.css - this includes some PW styles and any oddments that you want to have at your fingertips - for instance I have used it for some header styles and row styles. The reason I have laid it out like this is so that the foundation framework is distinct from anything else. If a dev then wants to combine elements, that is up to them, but their starting point is the same as if they had imported foundation straight from the zurb repository. They should be able to replace my foundation.css file with the original from Zurb and the site will still work, other than some colours. After that, they can bend it as they wished, but in this particular version, I did not want to add too many surprises for people who have used Foundation elsewhere
  2. ooh, okay this is interesting since this is something I have played with in various systems. I like to look at this sort of system in the following ways: 1. Departmental - this is where you divide the data up into departments of responsibilities. In a company this might be "HR" "Sales" "R&D" and so on In a newspaper this could be "Sport" "Politics" "Movies" and so on In a shop it could be "Womens clothing," "mens" etc. So a User can belong to one or more departments. They can only have permissions of any sort within a department they are part of. Some systems make departments hierarchical, but this can be problematical and you can end up switching off permissions rather than switching them on. So, really it is better to keep these isolated. 2. Global Roles These are the roles that already exist in PW and are applied globally, throughout departments. In a complicated site, these are not much used as it is better to work within departments. 3. Local Roles These are roles specific to one department only So you might be an editor in one department, but only a dishwasher in another! 4. User Groups - these can work horizontally across departments. So for instance, A user group might have three departments associated with it. Any member of that user group is then automatically a member of those departments. 5. Page Roles This last is exceptional and is where a specific user may need access to a specific page that is not covered by their existing permissions structure. This access could be given exceptionally to either a single user or a single group. This looks very heavy, but in reality it makes just about anything possible and once it is set up for a particular site, can make the day-to-day operation manageable.
  3. Voting patterns are interesting. I mentioned television talent show voting earlier. An old colleague of mine more or less invented the system used for that in the UK and he has made a lot of studies of voting. For most things, especially is stretched over a period, you get an initial run from pleased supporters, then it sort of levels out at a steady pace at which point the main contenders tend to get isolated. And then, at the end, you get a panic - a sort of sprint for the finish line. It happens with any sort of voting - though it is more pronounced if the voting is over an extended period and where the progression of the votes can be seen. With television voting, they have discovered that they actually get more votes if they reduce the time allotted for voting - you can basically join the initial rush to the end panic and leave out the ticking over stage from the middle. It would be interesting to see how the voting patterns worked in this case if the running total was not shown, but the votes on declared after the vote closes. This is how political elections are run, of course, which is why parties try and get some sort of exit polls going so they can rally support during the voting period if needed.
  4. @teppo Going by the number of votes involved (not exactly in the hundreds of thousands) I suspect it is pretty balanced - it will be mostly communities voting for their own project and they are probably all equally liable to cheat. Its like voting for TV talent shows. They used to try and stop people doing multiple votes, but research showed that the same percentage of people multiple voted for all artists, so it wasn't worth the hassle trying to police the system. So, proportionately, it is probably still about right and whoever wins wont be in the next competition anyway.
  5. I only have the one way of voting - don't use a smart phone.
  6. I would think it would have to start from scratch each month as the list might well be different - open source projects come and go all the time.
  7. Ooh look! We are only 13 votes off first position ....
  8. Oh, there are plenty. Finding them awake, sitting upright and facing front is another matter, however.
  9. Ah, Soma has his "brevity" hat on today.
  10. Just done another tweet to my handful of followers: https://twitter.com/Joss_Sanglier/status/423744548498464769
  11. Joss

    Another villas site

    Very, very smart. This is the kind of site that should be used as a long case study (small ebook, to be honest) going through details such as why dedicated work-flows are so important (and how to define them) the importance of rigidly defining the brief, the necessity of being able to recreate ideal workflows in the back-office for the editorial/site management reasons, the creation of an editorial hierarchy and managing it the level of expertise required to attack such a project the importance of a consistent and understandable API to have a chance of a) creating the site and b) modifying and developing the site over a sustainable period why developing such a site within a rigid structure such as Joomla or Wordpress would undermine most of the above, underlining the importance of being able to create a dedicated application And the finally, why ProcessWire made all the above not only possible, but delivers a fast, effective, enterprise class solution. So, a big PW advert, basically. ProcessWire needs such a write up.
  12. Well, there is no link from anywhere to the sub folder mysite.com/myaddon.com, so how would they find them in the first place to browse to them? The zone records only point to the domain name myaddon.com and the records in apache direct that request directly to the correct folder. So, I don't see why a redirect would be needed. Browsing to the subfolder via the parent folder would break a lot of systems simply because they would reference the wrong "root" for that particular domain - but that is not an issue because that path is not publicly recognised.
  13. I use CPanel with several servers and I have never had this problem. I normally have a site in the public_html folder and then one or more add-on sites in public_html/mysite.com/ folders. Some of these are true add-ons and others are sub-domains. I must admit, I never have any redirects though.
  14. WHen you add a field to a template (and save the template), click on the field name and it will open a pop up where you can specify required, label, description and width.
  15. And since XAMPP is used by developers often, not a bad place to be listed.
  16. Not if it also available as a module - the they can either chose to include it in their profile or not since users can always choose one from the module catalog I think the point from my perspective is that if the philosophy is to not touch the core (which is a good one as far as I can see) then any functionality that people might want to tamper with should be in the site directory. Now obviously, you can always override stuff (and if it is not permanent, then it can be uninstalled), but having it available as a module in the same way as CKeditor is just makes it more obvious that you can play without messing things up. And of course, this also allows for updates that do not rely on updating the core, but just the module available through the module manager.
  17. My strap line is "Bloke wot does websites"
  18. Hehe! Actually, as a marketing person, if it is in the modules directory as part of the standard download, then it still qualifies as coming with the product. And this does give the opportunity of offering different profiles with different RTEs or, as has been mentioned on other stuff, choosing which you would like as part of the installation. One of the benefits of having TinyMCE as part of the core is that it is all ready to go. The big downside is that it can put off people who prefer something else. So there are marketing negatives too. With my marketing hat on, being able to say "And you can choose from a range of the most popular RTEs or decide not to have any" is a much stronger marketing position. Car dealers have had the same problems with Sat Nav. In the UK there are two main makes, Tom Tom and Garmin. Car dealers have learned that if they wed them selves to just one "We will throw in a tom tom free" it puts off all the people who hate Tom Tom and want a Garmin - they go buy the car somewhere else. Customers are wonderfully fickle!
  19. This weekend I need to: Buy a new headlight bulb Finish a Mobile First PW blog site (not about PW but with PW) Go shopping Earn some money from someone Write another chapter Learn to play the Mandolin by Monday (Mandolin with spare strings being delivered by Amazon tomorrow - demo needed by client Monday evening) I have had less complex weekends. Joss
  20. If you do not want to display the "name" which is the user's Username, you can create a couple of extra fields (call them first_name and last_name, for example) and add them to the user template (On the setup > templates page chose to display the system templates by opening the filters) Now you can display $page->createdUser->first_name rather than expose the login user name.
  21. Well, that is what everyone does - the profiles are mostly just starting points and demos. Once you work out the way you like working - what framework if any and how you like to split up logic and layout - then you will just create your own profile starting point for your self. That is the nice thing about PW - you can just do as suits you and the project best; no compromises!
  22. Hi Joe It is not that spontaneous edits on the front affect the site differently so much as the temptation to do so It is the old adage about the button in the empty factory. If it is just a button it either gets ignored or only attracts people who are actively looking for it. If it is big, bright coloured with a big notice that says "do not press this button," it becomes almost irresistible!
  23. Yeah, somewhat incomplete, I notice. Only missing about 60 odd films and programmes, most as sound something. Trouble is, I can't remember my own credits to be able to update! (not that I care very much)
  24. Hey, I wrote the music for Bigfootville - the (in)famous big foot documentary. Small world
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