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Everything posted by Joss

  1. Good! Now, go and do the tutorials so you can work out all about pages and templates and template files! http://processwire.com/talk/topic/693-small-project-walkthrough-planets/ and http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/Basic_Website_Tutorial
  2. Ok, enough of the chat! Back to the Musik, bitte.... Currently listening to some old and well loved S&G "Hello java my old friend, I've looped into that break again...."
  3. @Horst Now, he swore to me that Cool was a German word and we and the Americans had stolen it!!
  4. And you have forgotten a per-field basis, which is almost the most useful! I think you have to look at it this way: Global Scope: This is changing read/write/edit/create/copy/own on everything that is page shaped (and not part of admin only) So a user can be given global edit rights (via a user role) and they can edit anything. That is sort of as it is at the moment. Local Scope (or page tree scope) - this is based on template hierarchy as now where the permissions on a template can be modified by a template higher in the page tree. Now, we need to break free! Template Scope - this would be the rights on a template that are exclusive, where-ever they are in the tree. This overrides other settings for that user, but does not affect the hierarchy. Page Scope - this is also exclusive (and there is a module for this) Field Scope - this would be either prevent someone from entering data and/or reading it. However, this might be extended to allow different interfaces (this is possibly only for textarea, but might also be for page field.) So, a registered user might get a very limited TinyMCE, but the editor gets the kitchen sink. Out of these, the first two are the only ones that that need to be managed globally, since the other ones work exclusively. However, as a separate function, it might be nice to list all exclusive permissions belonging to one user group or one user and to be able to either change them in their own grid or change the entire lot for that user or group. Something like that.
  5. Okay, just knocking together the very beginnings of the Kickwire profile. It will be very rough round the edges! At the moment, I have bashed around the menu Soma did for me for Bootstrap, so that works (but will need cleaning up a bit more), and I have a gallery function working. erm,,, About it so far Joss
  6. There is a discussions module around you might want to start with. And there is also a threaded addition for comments - both of those might give you some clues. If you are looking for ideas, I suggest you go and download and install Liferay.com (the community addition comes complete with a tomcat server and database, so you can just install and run it.) It is probably the most complete community system I have come across, but it is HUGE and runs with JAVA and can bring just about anything to a shuddering halt. But it is full of incredible ideas and will give you an idea of what is possible.
  7. Three, actually. Das ist cool... I had a very laid back German Colleague years ago, with a slightly strange high pitched voice. His English was perfekt, but every time he like something he would nod slowly and say "Das is cool... sehr cool...ya?" It used to send the German voice overs we worked with into fits of laughter, which he found very puzzling. He went back to Germany about ten years ago - no idea what they thought of him on his return!
  8. To be a little fair to Joomla, the theory behind the system was okay but the management is just dreadful. The ACL manager (premium 3rd party plugin) made some sense of it - though not totally. Mind you, if you want to see completely bonkers, try the Liferay version. When you draw it out, it makes sense, which is a good start. Everything has a owner, administrator, manager and user. Each of those have the possibility to edit, create, delete, etc. You have additionally groups and roles which allows sensible combinations. Next you have scopes - so you can have a group who has global scopes - that means they can edit, for instance, on one type of asset where ever it is on the system. Others might just have local scope, so you can only edit on one type of asset within your organisation or site. (Liferay can have multiple organisations and/or sites all with every type of asset like blogs, forums, wikis and so on) Okay, so a little head spinning, but actually quite logical when you start working with it. But then they made it possible for fine grained permissions on everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. If you did the same on PW, it would mean that you could create a full permissions structure of owner, administrator, manager, user on every single field, every page, every template, every module (including all core modules), every word, it feels like sometimes. If you use Liferay the way it starts it is fine - but if you start messing around with the fine grained permissions it becomes a nightmare! Just thinking about it, that is one thing that was rather nice in Liferay - the idea of an "Owner" of an asset. It was a bit different from just being the author as it gave implicit control rights over the asset and anything that was a child to that asset. In the liferay world, it meant that if you were an owner of a Blog, you had automatic ownership over any posts made within that blog, even if you did not make the post (anything can have more than one owner). Ownership meant you also had control over other users, groups or roles, who had rights over that asset. In a normal website that is not needed, but if anyone is thinking about making a community site with PW, looking at the two ideas of Scope (local and global) and ownership is strongly advised.
  9. Vielen Dank! (Which are the other two German words I know.)
  10. Possibly because I am a sound engineer by original trade, I really don't like stuffing things in my ears. But then, in my "office" I do have a couple of grands worth of speakers and several sets of professional studio headphones (You can tell they are pro, because they are twice the quality and halt the price of the domestic equivalent. Hardly trendy though.)
  11. Just finishing a site for someone and deciding to create an editor role. Depending on how many templates you have it can be really long winded to work through them to sort out the permissions! This is a problem common to many systems. On Joomla (which has one of the most cross-eyed systems I have come across) one chap has made it a bit easier by creating a manager that basically creates an editable chart/grid. A ProcessWire equivalent would basically allow you to list all templates for each user group in a grid - templates down the left, permissions across the top. Then, you would be able to change permissions on the grid itself, live updating via ajax as you go. Apart from speeding up the process, it gives a nice holistic view. Another thought is to be able to group templates arbitrarily together, so that permissions changed for one in the group can affect all in the group. This has probably only specific uses for things like complex news sites. Though, that grouping ability might have other uses. Yesterday, I added a new field which I wanted to add to most but not all templates. If I had a group called "article templates" for instance, then there is the possibility to add a field to all templates within that group. To a certain extent, we already have the grouping functionality with tags - though it maybe that we need to use multiple tags because you may want to group templates together in different ways for different reasons. Anyway, two thoughts in one that are aimed at very complex sites. Joss
  12. Redactor and TinyMCE are very different beasts. If you want to find an interesting alternative to TinyMCE, you need to look at Mercury. http://jejacks0n.github.com/mercury/ - there is a non rails version For basic editing, there is this for Bootstrap - http://jhollingworth.github.com/bootstrap-wysihtml5/, and this that it is based on https://github.com/xing/wysihtml5, though I am not sure how much it is developed. Possibly worth forking just for PW. Loads more on Github. I do think there are three sides to this argument. If you want an editor that is like using Dreamweaver, then you go for TinyMCE or CKEditor - well developed and supported. If you just want some basic rich text functionality on your site (which is what is mostly needed) then you go the HTML5/JQuery route - minimal and easily customisable and as light weight and mobile friendly as possible. If you want front end, in-line editing, then you look at something like Aloha.
  13. If I get time next week, I will have a dig through it and see if I can get some starting point somewhere, A little like I am doing with Bootstrap and my Bootwire stuff. Kickwire?
  14. Yes, I have just ported over a site from Joomla and I started with my Bootstrap Starter Profile. But having finished and worked out what I am not using (no collapse, no carousel, etc) I will use the customisation tool at Bootstrap to create a slimmed down script. It is not responsive either, so I have dumped the responsive css too - just gone with the grid which I like.
  15. HI thomasandman The admin section is just a page that is called (by default) processwire So there is no admin folder as such nor is there an admin file as you are thinking of it (like in joomla or wordpress, for instance) Do ryan's check about the htaccess file above. Have you gone through the install procedure and did that show any errors?
  16. Hi Dave The problem with that is that when I open the Joomla Page to try and work out why I did what whenever I did it, it now doesn't open because I have removed half the code! I sort of want an editor that is a cross between a text editor and something like OneNote. I want to be able to wrap nice, pretty visual boxes around code, so I can move them out of the way or close them up, but still have them clear and obvious (not like collapsing sections where you have no idea what you collapsed) A bit like some of the more visual database designer systems would be fun It wouldn't be any more efficient, but if you have lots of huge screens complete with a kinect thingy, you could have a great time and get exercise too!
  17. Hey, I don't even understand the code I write for myself - I have total sympathy for the chap!
  18. https://www.youtube.com/the21stcenturyblues Call me modest......
  19. Oh, you are so right! Just need to try and get some cash for all these hours!
  20. Doh! ... I knew that! Thanks, Wanze More sleep needed!
  21. I am using a file field that has two files in it. I want to check anything is in it before displaying it, so: if($page->Files){ echo "<div class='attachments'>"; echo "<h3>Attachements</h3>"; foreach($page->Files as $file) { echo "<p><a href='{$file->url}'>{$file->description} - {$file->name}</a></p>"; } echo "</div>"; } The problem is, even if I have no files loaded to the page, the DIV still displays. I have been up half the night with a bad shoulder, so this is probably just my brain dying help! Joss
  22. Strangely, I am just doing that. I am moving a site from Joomla to ProcessWire and have been doing it basically by copying and pasting the elements. Mind you, it is REALLY easy to lose your place, when you are trying to throw out all the Joomla bits in the process. It may have been quicker just to rewrite the bloody thing!
  23. You need to read up about Repeater fields. Basically, they allow you to group fields together - so for your external URLs, you can have the URL, friendly title, description, image, review - whatever you need. And then repeat that little collection as much as you like. You need to actually install the repeater field - it comes with the installation but is not installed by default. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-repeater/
  24. Don't worry, many the time I have wished for a program that you could say "just go and produce all my text for me - automatically." Well, I suppose there used to be such a system. It was called a typing pool....
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