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Everything posted by Joss

  1. Yes, but just add a popup warning that says: Are you sure you want to add another field? Are you certain you will know what to do with it? Have you calculated how much money it will cost to deal with the data created by that field? Will you customers hate you for adding that field to their stressed, high-blood-pressure, sleepless, anxiety ridden, miserable little existences? Are you happy to have that extra field on your conscience?
  2. Actually, I would argue they are not fine for enterprises either. I sat on a help line today while a furious amount of typing was going on the other end - complete with lots of "needed" questions. The call probably took 3 or 4 minutes longer than needed. Okay for me, but multiply that up by however many thousands of calls that company receives and the wasted time and resources is vast. Even with internet forms. I was submitting a bug somewhere the other day, and I needed to fill in OS, Browser, browser version, my machine OS, date, full name, dogs name, and so on and so forth. Then in the bug fields I wrote "You have got the date wrong on the script." So, a ton of information that was not required, got stored and some poor bugger had to read before getting to the actual information. The clever thing about old fashioned help system (some trained individual standing behind a counter with a pencil shoved behind their ear) was that they asked what the problem was FIRST and then asked for additional information based on not what the system said do, but what the problem actually was. And it was 100 times more astute than the automated variety. Enter your problem. "My site is offline." Please choose one of the following from our helpful FAQ: "What to do when your lawnmower breaks down." "The best place to buy chickens" "How to get your wall vertical." I once wrote a TV sketch about it (that didn't get used). A person walked into a store, went to the information desk and said hello. For the next ten minutes the helpful person asked loads of nice questions, took down details and so on at the end of which they asked what the problem was. "I have just backed into your car."
  3. Build your own sounds nice - you can then leave out all the huge amount of data, reports, additional fields and so on which looks wonderful when trying to sell it, but just creates a vast amount of work for the users and a ton of meaningless reports and stats that no-body reads. There are a large parts of the IT industry who have never got their heads round the idea of "the more you add to something, the more useless it becomes." So, go for it!
  4. Oh, I reckon they saw the word "latest" next to where is says php 3 and went for it.
  5. There is a date field as one of the fields you can create. It has lots of lovely options!
  6. This is where pages are your friends It is worth splitting everything up on to pages somewhere if you are going to treat them in different ways. Then you can just go and grab them and so what you want. And, as pages are part of the page list, then you can drag and drop them. You can grab ->created and ->modified. If you are using a find() system (see selectors in the API) then you can sort by date. You can also create a data field which will allow you to intentionally re-date things (for instance if you are importing archives). So here are some options: You can create pages just as children in the page tree and have them appear on the menu You can create pages as children of a hidden page on the page tree (they wont appear on the menu) then import them into a template using $pages (see cheatsheet) You can create a multi Page field, choose the asm type on the input tab, then manually choose pages from a parent and drag and drop the order to your hearts content. You can create pages anywhere you like but have a common template then import them using $pages->find("template=mytemplate, sort=-created, limit=10"); and then loop through them you can ... oh, loads of other ways. You can have fun, basically.
  7. I always liked the MAM licence. Its "Mine!!! All Mine!!!! Otherwise known as "precious".....
  8. Not to mention they still support php4. I wonder if they do php3 as well?
  9. An old, old client of mine (we produced some dramas together in the early 80s) wants to upgrade his website to something a little more "dynamic." He has asked for some help, and to get the ball rolling, he sent me over the specs for the server space he is using. Apparently it is running php 4 or 5.1 - you can choose either! I asked him to send a support ticket to see if they would upgrade to php 5.3 at least. The reply has come back "Newer versions of PHP are still unstable at best, and until they are better tested, we will be staying with the more reliable 5.1" I moved my old friends website in about 30 seconds flat first thing this morning. Joss
  10. Just for interest, how old is the existing site? Haven't seen an .htm ending in quite some time.
  11. I like the sound of this. One of the most important aspects is to make the interface as non-tech as possible; with smaller sites/companies, they will quite probably be responsible for their own backups, so this should be kept very simple. Go to a page, hit the backup button. Yes, I think restores are a potential issue - depending on why the site has to be restored, the archive may need to be scanned for malware or other problems first. (I have twice now had a site hacked and found the recent backup had issues - just bad timing, normally). I think on a manual back up version (or even a cron-driven one) an email to all admins saying that the site has been backed up and go and grab the download is always a good idea. And where a manual back up has been triggered, being re-directed to a download page once it has finished (assuming you are still on the backup page) would also be good. Maybe a little modal window appearing on the admin, whichever page you are on. The best version is always going to be to back up to a remote location - but some small users may simply not have that remote location to back up to, so making the local backup with lots of nags to download it is nice. Good one, Pete!
  12. Just reading Soma's post on delegation and thinking about how I am using functions more and more, I am wondering if I can sort of mix and match. Basically, it more or less follows what Soma is doing, but in addition, using the template name to define additional includes or functions (however you are working). So, you would perhaps have a template that you called category-news-headlines Exploding the name gives you three parameters - category, news and headlines Category would be the name for this particular template for purposes of differentiation but also may be defining that this is listing something by category. News might be the general theme you are calling in, a wrapper theme with a certain layout style or something Headlines would be something more specific, perhaps - some way of laying out the actual articles that has a big main article, is looking for featured content or something. Another variation would be a template called category-news-list which does the same thing, except the news would just appear as a list. On the actual template file, you split up the template name and use the parameters to call in the right elements. The advantage here is that you can create more variations without actually having to create more than a basic set of included files or functions. You are simply mixing and matching. This only works on a site (or a sections of a site) where you are using identical fields for all the templates. Of course, there is a rather valid argument that it would be better (and a lot easier) just to define the additional parameters with select/pages fields, but it is an idea that might have other uses.
  13. Joss

    Code Dreams

    By an odd coincidence, Bill Gates more recent foray into "anti-virus" has rather centred round the dear mosquito!
  14. Glad to see that some of my landscape photography appears in the results! (which is a whole lot better than ME turning up in them)
  15. Yeah, they stop me from being an idiot too!
  16. Yes, this sort of delegation can be useful for even basic sites where you have a couple of departments that need to update their own couple of pages One of the things about having an Owner role is that the owner can then delegate responsibilities within their own hierarchy. That means they have full control over their space
  17. There are a couple of things I add: In additional settings I add: paste_text_sticky: true paste_text_sticky_default:true Which automatically takes all formatting away from pasting. I add H1 to my dropdown, spell checker and a few other bits. here is my settings (I dont use the all at once, but it gives me a good starter): buttons 1 formatselect,styleselect,fontsizeselect,|,bold,italic,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,forecolorpicker,|,bullist,numlist,|,link,unlink,|,image,|,code,|,fullscreen,spellchecker block formats p,h1,h2,h3,h4,blockquote,pre,code Plugins inlinepopups,safari,table,media,paste,fullscreen,preelementfix,contextmenu Valid Elements - note, to enable things like font color, size and face, you must use span and NOT font! @[id|class|style],a[href|target|name],strong/b,em/i,br,img[src|id|class|width|height|alt],ul,ol,li,p[class],h1,h2,h3,h4,blockquote,-p,span[face|size|color],-table[border=0|cellspacing|cellpadding|width|frame|rules|height|align|summary|bgcolor|background|bordercolor],-tr[rowspan|width|height|align|valign|bgcolor|background|bordercolor],tbody,thead,tfoot,#td[colspan|rowspan|width|height|align|valign|bgcolor|background|bordercolor|scope],#th[colspan|rowspan|width|height|align|valign|scope],pre,code Content CSS /site/templates/css/editor.css Additional Settings paste_text_sticky: true paste_text_sticky_default:true theme_advanced_styles:Lead=lead;IconCell=iconcell;Blueheader=blueheader Third party plugins spellchecker : /site/tinymce/myplugins/spellchecker
  18. Joss

    .pw domains

    How about get.pw madewith.pw The landrush is open now - so if someone is really fast, they will get something useful http://registry.pw/premium-landrush-domains/
  19. Hi Apeisa TinyMCE has right click context too - for tables as well. You do have to turn it on, though by adding "contextmenu" to the list of plugins.
  20. Damn, that is scarily close - I actually have a hat like that sitting right next to me! (checks for spy cams) Thanks!!
  21. IP Board. But I have a suspicion someone will try a forum with PW - there is already a discussion module. Maybe a wiki too? Basically, in theory anything can be developed with the system. The problem is with something like a forum, it can take a hell of a lot of time and trouble to maintain, and that is not something to leap into lightly!
  22. Okay this was very short notice so it is incredibly rough! But this is for Diogo and all those others wedded to PW http://21stcenturyblues.co.uk/pwdream1.mp3 (Organized, try listening at less than 120db!)
  23. @Diogo. And if I want jazz, I just have to spin round on my chair and play the piano that is behind me!
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