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Everything posted by fmgujju

  1. I haven't done any particular setting or configuration on the admin side or on the url rewrite. Mine page order is working as it expected. No issues so far. Have you change any configuration?
  2. I have installed "Elegance" Admin theme on the Windows Hosting and its working fine. Make sure to installed inside /site/templates-admin/ directory.
  3. Do we have to sanitize the password before storing?
  4. Apeisa: Is your module FieldtypePoll ready for production use? I was looking into Modules page on the main website but couldn't find anything about this module.
  5. Congratulations to you and your family! Very beautiful pictures! Take time off as much as you want Ryan because you deserve it.
  6. Perfect solution. Very short! Thank you!
  7. I have created Page field type and set as Multiple pages (PageArray) option under details and set Input as "template of the pages" (template-X). I am using this PageFieldType on other template (template-Y) to select multiple pages by providing checkbox. I created some pages with template-X and selected some of those pages on the template-Y page. I can able to display selected pages on the template-Y page on the front-end but I want to display all of the pages created by template-X on the template-Y page with flag that can tell which one was selected and which one don't. I was able to display only selected pages list and all of the template-X pages on template-Y separately. If its unclear then please let me know. Thanks!
  8. I have windows hosting on which I setup ProcessWire successfully. Please read this thread in which I have mentioned URL Rewrite walk through link.
  9. Regarding the Mobile-First approach, I really like this HTML5Rocks Tutorial. Creating a Mobile-First Responsive Web Design
  10. A large distributed brute force attack against WordPress sites is understood to be occurring. A large botnet with more than 90,000 servers is attempting to log in by cycling through different usernames and passwords. Read more... http://www.siliconrepublic.com/strategy/item/32269-major-brute-force-attack/ http://thehackernews.com/2013/04/massive-brute-force-attack-targets.html
  11. fmgujju

    learning php

    Ten websites that teach coding and a bunch of other things http://pandodaily.com/2013/04/05/ten-websites-that-teach-coding-and-a-bunch-of-other-things/
  12. I use http://lorempixel.com, it similar as hhhold.com.
  13. I thought this might be the best place to post this: Apress.com: Save 50% on a eBooks during SXSW!: http://app.streamsend.com/s/1/hbs1/GJF8Ay2/7xgk9
  14. Thanks Tippo for looking into issue and reporting to GitHub.
  15. Whenever I create new page and then I type few letters in the "Title" field and then my chrome browser gives me list of values as pre-fill selection to auto fill text field data and when I select it then the next field which is "Name" which fill out automatically based on "Title" fields value, only gets value of whatever I typed but not what I have selected after I typed few letters. Anyone have having same issue?
  16. I have copied Ryan's custom login code and tested out on my server and it work great! Thank you so much Ryan! Since I was testing with various users which I just created using Admin panel and provided same email address to different users and I find that I still receive email with temp password but when I supply username with new temp password on the custom login screen I got "Login Failed!" message! I was wondering if its going to work with same email address for different users?
  17. fmgujju

    learning php

    I stumble upon Object Oriented Programming in PHP tutorial. I quickly glance over it and looking good. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/php/php_object_oriented.htm
  18. I have shared hosting with http://host4geeks.com cheap prices and prompt service. I just found about them in last December.
  19. The problem is at the first IF condition where if there is no image then you're continue to loop which will skip rest of the code in the loop and look for next staff. if(!$image) continue; Here is the updated code: (not tested) $outMain .= '<ul class="nb staff">'; foreach($page->children as $staff) : $outMain .= '<li> <h2 class="h3">'; $image = $staff->images->first(); if($image) $thumb = $image->size(140, 190); if($thumb) $outMain .= '<img src="'.$thumb->url.'" alt="" class="img-r bdr">'; $outMain .= $staff->title.'</h2> <p class="location">'.$staff->position.'</p>' .$staff->body.' </li>'; endforeach; $outMain .= '</ul>';
  20. Thank you for your valuable post. It's quite a bit of information to digest so it will take little more time to get back to you but meanwhile could you please clarify one item. Do I still have to create PW fields to hold the data?
  21. I am part of one of the non-profit organization where they give scholarship to student. Here is the business logic: - Student create their user account online to apply for scholarship and upload their documents/pictures/reports - Admin user login to review scholarship application and approve/reject application. - Once application approved, they assign donor to the student - Student upload their progress report, results and expense details every semester or whenever ask for. - Admin generate report of accounting how much donation they received, funded, admin expenses. - Donor logged into to see student's progress and communicate with them I think above will give you better idea of what I am trying to build. Please note that I will be using PW to build the website for that organization and so I would like to use PW for Web application as well. Thanks!
  22. I would like to build web application using PW because I love ProcessWire so much the way it's built. What I am looking for is that to use my own relational tables to store data instead of the PW fields. Can anyone help me out to build web application using PW?
  23. I wonder if they ever visit this page... http://www.php.net/eol.php
  24. fmgujju

    .pw domains

    Here is some cool one: ilove.pw we cannot get showcase.pw then poweredby.pw themes4.pw
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