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Everything posted by lenoir

  1. Thanks teppo, Here's the error message in the error log: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'web338a_pw2.fields' doesn't exist The database isn't on a localhost, it's now hosted somewhere else apparently. The host said it's 'pxchap.oemsites.net'. I've been working with this host before, and it used to be "localhost", and PW worked well.
  2. Hi there, I'm having issues installing the latest PW version. Upon installing i get this weird error message «mysql 1146 table doesn't exist», although it does. I went through the forum and looked for answers elsewhere on the internet, couldn't find a solution. I tried to comment out a few things in the .htaccess, as often suggested, and went so far as to comment out everything, it still won't work. I can get to the frontend every now and again, i can even log into the backend sometimes. But most of the time i get a «Internal Server Error» message. I contacted the hoster but they think it's an issue with PW and not with they're hosting (of course ;-). Any suggestions as to how to fix it? Thanks!
  3. Hours hitting my head against the wall for a 2-minutes fix… ;-) Thanks!!
  4. Hi, Since the latest PW update 2.5.3, the image description field appears in whatever language the user is using. In my case it's inconvenient because i have this particular website in german only, and i would like the image description to be the same whatever language the user is using. The image description used to look like this: "Treppenhaus" or "Situation" And now it looks like this: {"0":"","1052":"Ausblick Küche"} I've tried able-ing and disabling the multi-language descriptions, it doesn't solve my problem at any case. I would like to get whatever the user is entering in his language. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot!
  5. Hi, I'm using the image description field on a multi-language website. I've updated recently to PW 2.5.3 and now the image description is written as an array instead of a string in the database. The issue i have is that a lot of images have a description of the kind: "description", and the new ones look something like this: {"0":null,"1052":"description"} Is there a way of going back to the old way? I mean, to get a string? How do I get the description in an array? Has anyone had the issue before? Thanks for your help.
  6. Hi, I have a similar problem: I upgraded a website to the latest PW version (currently 2.5.3) and the image description stopped working all of a sudden. It's also a multi-language site, and same as above, only for the backend: the front-end is in german. I checked the database and noticed that the old descriptions are strings, and the new ones arrays. Is there a way to have them be strings again? The "Disable multi-language descriptions" function didn't quite do the trick so far, except that it hid the multi-language field in the backend, which is in my case an improvement already. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  7. I had the same issue with a new server and I had to comment the following: # Options -Indexes # Options +FollowSymLinks # Options +SymLinksifOwnerMatch AND: # <IfModule mod_php5.c> # php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off # php_flag magic_quotes_sybase off # php_flag register_globals off # </IfModule> Works fine now.
  8. Thank you Arjen, That solved my problem, i had forgotten to update the config file…
  9. Thanks Martijn, I followed your instructions but it didn't solve the issue.
  10. Hi, I've been setting a website with Form Builder (great!) on a development subfolder. When I went online with the website this morning, everything was working except Form Builder. It gives me a 404 File Not Found in place of the forms… The Subfolder is located on the same server. dev.mywebsite.com to www.mywebsite.com Any idea why? Is it a license issue? Or a setting I'm missing? Thanks for helping me out here.
  11. Probably basic, but can anyone tell me how to show a particular field if the 2nd element of a radio is selected? Thank you.
  12. Soma, I have the exact same problem as you had, and it took me quite a while to find out that only german users had that problem… Did you find a workaround? Could you share it? Thanks.
  13. Thanks Tina for this post / question. I've used the Export Profile Module before, which is easy to use. Unfortunately it didn't export the roles, users, etc. This time i simply copied the files, exported + re-imported the databases into the new server, changed some permissions and the config file and that was it. Really mirrored my development site. Although i still would prefer using a module that does all the work if possible.
  14. Hi, I have 2 page fields in a repeater field, and they both have the same pages as selection. For some reason it works fine with one page field, but is acting completely odd with two page fields. Can't change them anymore, they seem to overwrite each other or to conflict with one another. I don't have the impression that I'm doing something out of the blue here. Any idea where that could come from? Thanks.
  15. I've encountered something similar with a page field: can't access it anymore, i'm getting the following error message: Recoverable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to InputfieldPage::___findPagesCode() must be an instance of Page, none given (…) I wish i could simply correct the field or at least delete it, but i can't access it at all. I'm a bit reluctant to get into phpmyadmin to delete it, but I don't really want to leave a trouble field in the field list. Any way to delete a field with php?
  16. Super. Opens up a whole set of new horizons. Thank you!
  17. Hi there, Quick question: I want to have a page field that displays only the children of the page where it's used. I can't figure out how to do this (although i'm afraid it should be quite easy)… thanks!
  18. Hi, I'm currently working on an event website. Each event has 1 or more children containing among others a datetime field. (Each child is a different day in a different place) I would like to move the event page (with its children) to a folder called "past events" once they're history. Anybody have an idea of how to do this? I'm lost here. Thanks a lot.
  19. Is the future past already? This function would be great.
  20. Thank you Alan. It only solved the issue with the email address for the auto-response. As for the email to the administrator, it's still got this weird auto-generated address. And now both mails end up in the spam ;-) There aren't any html links in the email, though.
  21. Hi there, the email confirmation always land to the spam folder, and the sender address is ftp051214@www05.servertown.ch (which is the name of the server i'm using). Where can i edit the sender Email address, and will it solve the spam issue? Thanks
  22. Did a clean install this morning, solved my issue. Lost quite a lot of time and data, but the website's up and running again. Thanks for your help anyway, i appreciate.
  23. Ok, I'll look into this. Weird though, because it worked flowlessly until this morning. Thank you for your time Soma!
  24. Removing htaccess didn't help. You're right though, there is an apache error log. it repeats 5-6 times the following: [Wed Jan 15 11:20:46 2014] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/var/www/vhosts/neuland-film.ch/dev.neuland-film.ch/wire/core/ProcessWire.php' (include_path='.:') in /var/www/vhosts/neuland-film.ch/dev.neuland-film.ch/index.php on line 87, referer: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/5330-error-argument-2-passed-to-languagesupportpagenamesgetpagepath-must-be-an-instance-of-language/
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