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Everything posted by JeffS

  1. What are the settings under details for the featured_project field in the admin? You state that the images field is included in the page reference field. Do you mean that the images field (a repeater) is a field assigned to a template that is used on a page you referenced with the featured_project page field type? Sorry but I am also not clear on your field names. Could you tell us what are the field names of the repeater field and the image field assigned to the repeater field. Also what are the settings for the image field , multiple images or just 1? I will try to help you work through this if I can.
  2. I officially started my computer career on what was purported to be the second computer photo typesetting machine in California. Punch tape output. Paper all over the floor. Edits involved tape and scissors, feed the paper back into the machines reader. Sure beat lead and possibly catching your hand in an offset press. Got me hooked anyway.
  3. A solution might be to create a profile with some common elements, blog. sliders, galleries, portfolio, etc.. using something like twitter Bootstrap or Zurb Foundation for example. Then have a couple of different stylesheets to "customize the look". You get the same effect as a "theme". People could easily install the profile, customize the site stylesheet , add content, and be up and running. PW is not WP and that is a great thing.
  4. Welcome to the forums. You could modify the attributes of the /ProcessWire/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldTinyMCE/InputfieldTinyMCE.module in the core, but your modifications would be overwritten on subsequent updates of Processwire. The better choice would be to copy the InputfieldTinyMCE module to /sites/modules and update the name of the directory as well as edit the InputfieldTinyMCE.module. Then use your new new input field with the new settings. Or add the changes in each fields' input settings tab..
  5. @soma- I said invite. I really should have said "could". I did more additional research on this and G say's it won't and Matt Cutts debunked this a while back. I had seen googlebot on some dev sites and was sure they had not been shared. Could have been a tweet or some other crawled resource that shared it. I stand corrected. Note that they do collect URL's in chrome if you have Google as the default search engine (for typeahead or missing URL's), and in the Google Toolbar when "page rank" is enabled the URL's are phoned home. Just not shared . Yet
  6. Don't forget that visiting a page with chrome or the google toolbar, that is not indexed in G, will invite a crawl from googlebot. For SEO control I usually always add a field that allows the editor to set the correct meta robots for the page in the admin. And in code I will usually cascade or inherit the value of the parent unless override was present.
  7. Here is an example function to render a bootstrap carousel. Using a repeater field called slider with title and image fields assigned. The image->summary is used for the optional caption. Also added a checkbox field to control the display called slider_visible. This should get you going. EDITED - moved source to gist. https://gist.github.com/netdoctor/b6f3694c6c472084d467
  8. Welcome to the forums siulynot. If you are talking about replacing the H1 tag used to display the homepage headline with an image on the blog profile pages, then you would need to modify /site/templates/main.inc include file starting at line 60. <div id="site-headline" class="twelve columns alpha"> <?php echo "<a href='{$config->urls->root}'><h1>{$homepage->headline}</h1></a>"; ?> <?php if($homepage->summary) echo "<h5>{$homepage->summary}</h5>"; ?> </div> Example: You could add a span tag in the H1 containing the $homepage->headline , use css to move it out of the flow, and add a background image to the H1 tag in your css. Or get rid of the text and just use an image. Hope that helps.
  9. You can always add an entry for this IP in your OS hosts file so that you can locally resolve a host / host.domainname.tld to the IP address of your dev site.
  10. Here is an example of a portfolio listing with bootstrap structure for the html. I coded this as php-html but personally prefer to make something like this a reusable function. /** * (c) Author - Jeff Selser * * Example of a portfolio listing using bootstap 2.2x and Processwire * as the CMF/CMS. Add this chunk of code * to a Processwire template where you want to render children using * boostrap's thumbnails (with content). * * I set the li to span 6 since they are in a span8 parent row (nested) * and I wanted 2 thumbs per row. * * Assumptions: You have a page with children (that are visible). * * You created a template with a portfolio_image field that is an image field * (http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/images/), with cropimage added * (See http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-crop-image/). * * You named the cropped image thumbnail. We set ours to 375,250. * * You created a page with a template that has that field assigned AND * you uploaded an image to it that is also published ;>) * */ <?php $selector = $page->children; // set the var here to be whatever selector you want ?> <?php if (count($selector > 0)): // no point in showing html with no children right? ?> <section id='portfolio'> <?php $i = 0; ?> <ul class='thumbnails'> <?php foreach ($selector as $p):?> <?php $image = $p->portfolio_image;?> <?php $thumbnail = $image->getThumb('thumbnail'); ?> <li class='span6'> <!--Set the class to control the width of the element in boostrap --> <div class='thumbnail'> <!-- we are showing image and content. Regular thumbs would just be an a>img.thumbnail --> <a href='<?php echo $p->url; ?>'><img src='<?php echo $thumbnail; ?>' <?php echo ($thumbnail->description) ? "alt='{$thumbnail->description}'": "" ;?> /></a> <div class='caption'> <h3><?php echo $p->title; ?></h3> <p><?php echo $p->summary ?></p> <p><a href='<?php echo $p->url; ?>' class='btn btn-primary'>View Website Profile</a></p> </div> </div> </li> <?php $i++; ?> <?php if ($i % 2 === 0): // if row number divided by two equals zero, close the ul and open a new one ?> </ul> <ul class='thumbnails'> <?php endif ?> <?php endforeach ?> </ul> </section> <!-- end #portfolio --> <?php endif ?> Note: Bootstrap thumbnails in a .fluid-row have a margin issue on the subsequent rows (versions 2.x). That is why I closed the ul and opened a new one since it would resolve the issue across all browsers. Other fixes for this bootstrap bug are css :nth-of-type or require javascript.
  11. @joss - here is an example function for rendering a full top bar with bootstrap. https://gist.github.com/4699020
  12. @tyssen - You could assign the canonical URL to your "primary category" which could be the first selection from the page reference field (assuming multiple selects allowed) as en example or a better choice for users would be to create an additional field for this purpose (another page reference only allowing one selection of a "category" page). Apeisa is correct in that using the canonical meta tag does address the duplicate content issue with Google, and Bing (and thus Yahoo). Therefore if you have duplicate content at different URL's and you care about your sites ranking, you should absolutely be using the meta tag.
  13. I would recommend adding additional the additional classes to your markup with javascript (JQuery for example) since this a presentational issue. Saves you from writing presentation logic in your core code. Look at http://api.jquery.com/last-of-type-selector/ or http://api.jquery.com/last-child-selector/ for examples.
  14. Andy Clarke release a complete redo of "320 and Up" which is mobile first based off HTML5Boilerplate. No docs but CSS.
  15. I used to build and run data centers and have pretty high expectations. Liquid Web and their StormOnDemand offering exceeds my requirements and their support is excellent. (US Based)
  16. Google page speed test shows 88 out of 100. With some recommendations. https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights#url=http_3A_2F_2Fwww.lentovertailu.fi_2F&mobile=false
  17. Where do I send the money? I have been embedding forms generated with a self hosted form builder and integrating that into installations. Having a native solution would be preferable. I ask that you consider selling a developer license as a onetime fee for unlimited PW sites in addition to a site license. Another exciting edition to PW's impressive capabilities. Thank you Ryan.
  18. Adam - without seeing the code I am not sure we can help. It's a mystery meat question, no? How about an outline?
  19. Just a note for those following this thread : The fix was committed by Ryan on 07/22/12. https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/commit/cca37369a0c68a76f6e824430e2b0b57f77dac54 Nice work Nik and a quick fix / improvement by Ryan. @Ryan - maybe you should change Niks' forum status from "Newbie" to something more reflective of his skill. A manual override.
  20. I am not clear on what you intend so I can't render a direct answer. I see that you are using at tab and within the tab a field group. You don't need a field group unless you are trying to break up the fields into groupings within the same tab and need to provide context (instruction) to the editor for that grouping. All the fields and the field group between the tab open and tab close appear to be displaying correctly in the admin screenshot, based on that structure (in a tab). Maybe what you want is not to have a separate tab since the amount of fields on this template are logical and the number is small. Can you provide more clarification?
  21. August 2013 -- hmm.. that gives me a year to make the list of pubs I want to visit again, after the conference of course. Seriously though, thats a ways off but I will add it to my GTD calendar. I would help with a US Midwest conference (motor city here) if your inclined.
  22. The modules directory is a really nice addition. Thanks for the hard work and also a big thanks to the module creators. @ryan - Regarding the link out to the forum topic (the module), I ask that you consider creating a child forum for each module since pointing to a topic becomes a frustrating experience since the conversation tends to end up "all over the place" versus within specific topics. Not sure if your structured for that though.
  23. Rock on Ryan! Nice addition. Putting it to use already. See you fixed the image folder issue as well.
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