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Everything posted by zoeck

  1. You have to use $config->pagefileSecure https://processwire.com/api/ref/config/#api-pagefileSecure like @wbmnfktrSaid.. (then you have to set the rights to the page/Template!)
  2. Have you also checked if the configuration of phpinfo() is correctly displayed? Just check this values: upload_max_filesize post_max_size memory_limit max_execution_time max_input_time Is an error displayed in the browser dev tools? Or also in the Processwire log file?
  3. Did you increase the PHP settings post_max_size and upload_max_filesize or only one of them? I think the normal setting is 32MB
  4. And why should this be? As you can see from Berhard's example, it is possible.
  5. Does the selection page then also have its own domain? Or how can it be reached, since the pages have their own domains?
  6. I think if the sites should not access the same data, then it is best to use 2 individual installations. This way you are most flexible and you can use processwire "normally" ?
  7. Aren't these actually two separate websites that have nothing to do with each other, Apart from a common landing page? Or should page 1 be able to access data from page 2? (this is not clear from your graphic) Or just have a look at the multi site support: https://processwire.com/docs/more/multi-site-support/ (but I don't think you need that at all?)
  8. Do you already have the numbers in the pages (as a field) that you show in the selection? Because you can change the label field in the input tab (from the page select field) to "Custom Format" and also display multiple fields.
  9. Just have a look at the Hanna Code Module Example ? https://processwire.com/modules/process-hanna-code/ <?php namespace ProcessWire; foreach($page->children as $child) { echo "<p><a href='$child->url'>$child->title</a>"; } You are probably missing the processwire namespace in the php file ?
  10. Go to your Repeater Field configuration, and then To the Details tab. there‘s a „Repeater Element Label“ ? you can use the Repeater fields for the label…
  11. Looks like there is an exitIf node now ? But it seems there will be no include with condition and only one template ? {if $foo == 'bar'}{include 'somefile.latte'}{/if}
  12. I honestly haven't even been thinking about it, but I actually had a case where I used this - without "renderIf". But this is actually more of a workaround, as I simply include an empty latte file (the "blank.latte" file is displayed in the Tracy Panel) {include $pages->find("template=test")->count() ? "test.latte" : "blank.latte"} I think that is "a bit renderIf" in latte syntax ? Two templates have to be specified at all times, otherwise an error will be displayed. It would be very cool if it would also work with a single template... I think currently you only have this benefit ?
  13. The panel is quite interesting if you have a latte project, with layouts, different sections etc. - This makes it easy to see which files are being used. I think I use RockFrontent differently than you do ? Actually, I mainly use the standard functions of Latte as described in the documentation, without "extensions" of RockFrontend (But I use the styles/script functions ?). Of course, this may also have something to do with the fact that I'm still using latte for the first project. What real drawbacks do you see in the panel? Apart from the fact that it doesn't fit so well with your workflow I think I need to take a closer look at the panel again
  14. Hello @bernhard, as posted in the other thread, I tried adding the Latte Tracy Bar to RockFrontend. Just Added this to the RockFrontend.module.php: // Top of the Module add the LattePanel Class use Latte\Bridges\Tracy\LattePanel; // Add inside the "protected function renderFileLatte($file, $vars)" // After "$latte = new Engine();" add this to initialize the LattePanel if($this->modules->isInstalled("TracyDebugger")) LattePanel::initialize($latte); After that you have the LattePanel in Tracy ? I have not been able to detect any problems so far.
  15. Or Check this Post from bernhard: (Important: only works with the new master version 3.0.210 ?)
  16. Have a look at this Thread and/or Module ? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2458-module-fieldtypeconcatenate/
  17. <div id="content"> <?php // get all children as $child foreach($page->children() as $child) { // get all images and output the single images foreach($child->get('images') as $image) { $thumb = $image->width(250); ?> <div class='favs'> <a href='<?=$image->url?>' data-uk-lightbox="image"> <img src='<?=$thumb->url?>' alt='<?=$child->title?>'> </a> <div class='text-favs'> <span><?=$child->title?></span> </div> </div> <?php } } ?> </div> Something like this ? I think you should have another look at the php foreach function how it works ?
  18. You Can change what Field is Shown inside of the Admin Panel, you can find it in the Modules -> Core -> Page List -> Config It is also possible to change this setting for each template individually, Just Go to your template and Open the Advanced tab, there‘s a config for this ? Just add a „Short Title“ field to your template and Show it in the Page tree…
  19. Okay then I'll have a look at it, I hope it's not that difficult to implement ?
  20. Happy new year ? and another rockfrontend question ? I saw this information in the Latte documentation: https://latte.nette.org/en/develop#toc-debugging-and-tracy Is there an easy way to use this with the Tracy debugger and RockFrontend module? is it possible to add it here? https://github.com/baumrock/RockFrontend/blob/c7ac651f198f6470710b814ec50530b71dcfafb2/RockFrontend.module.php#L1443 When the templates get a bit bigger and more nested, that's definitely interesting ?
  21. Sorry that i hijack this post ? But how did you divide the fields into 2 columns? That looks really good ? Are you using "Fieldset (Open)" for this?
  22. Config() is your Problem ? (it’s only available when the functions api is activated) <?php echo $config->urls->httpRoot; ?>auction_longpolling.php
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