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Everything posted by renobird

  1. Seems like the moderation setting for the comments field is overriding your setting. Does adding this way make any difference? $root->comments->add = $c;
  2. I've never used FieldTypeModules — didn't realize they weren't all fairly similar and straightforward. Antti, would FieldtypeModulesTemplatesFieldsRelationSelector not work? haha!
  3. Nico, I used to have the exact same setup (it still lingers on a site that I haven't transition to PTE yet). In my case, it always seemed to work great. However, it sounds like Ryan has no plans to provide any further dependency support for repeaters. I'll be moving the repeaters shown above to PTE soon — just feels like a better solution.
  4. Nice one Owzim! Great screencast too. Can't wait to experiment with this.
  5. Perhaps "Min Crop Size" could be specified separately? I can see a scenario where I want the Min Image Size larger than a crop size.
  6. That is a hanger-on from some other type styles I was experimenting with part way through working on that theme. I noticed it a while back, but just keep forgetting to fix it. I'll make a note of it — don't want to set off anyone's OCD.
  7. Dang, I should have lived in Germany as a young man.
  8. The URL you listed above is how the service pages module works. I think LostKobrakai had it right...
  9. There isn't a guide or tutorial that I've seen. A good way to start is to look at the 2 core admin themes and pick them apart. You can learn a lot by using either one as a starting point.
  10. adrianmak, Have you installed this and given it a try? It's fairly straightforward (and really cool).
  11. I would love to have full featured options for both RTE and a block editor. As much as I would like to do away with RTE's — they are still relevant and essential at times. In my case, we won't be abandoning the RTE anytime soon, but there are a lot of times where a block editor would make things simpler. @ryan, These new additions are awesome, and make images inside RTE (CKEditor) a lot better. Thank you! @Pete Your implementation sounds great! Having it look/feel like part of the admin seems ideal. Can Ryan loan you one of his clones to help get it release ready?
  12. Sure, although I think yours looks better and would make a better default. I'm on mobile now, will send later when I can get to a computer.
  13. Looks great Nico. I've been using a custom one here that matches AdminThemeReno. I've been meaning to get it out there, but yours looks great, and would likely go well with any theme. Looking forward to checking it out. *assuming you will release it.
  14. You can apply the same concepts to multiple product types. Either nest them under a larger parent /products/ or create additional roots parents for other types /apparel/ and /computers/ You question is a bit too general for me to give a detailed answer. Every product catalog has it's own specific set of requirements, so there isn't really a one-size-fits-all answer.
  15. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3987-cmscritic-development-case-study/?p=36867 See this topic, Ryan mentions how to achieve that about 1/2 way down the first post.
  16. It's more complicated for sure, but seems like it could be done. Create x number of floated/inline-blocked containers (based on columns defined in field settings). Count the number of total checkboxes. Round to whole numbers for each container.
  17. Ryan, Whatever train you are on -- don't get off. All this new stuff is great! I should just go to bed now (7:00pm here) so I can wake up at 3:00am and check all this stuff out while my kids are still asleep. Of course, that can be risky, one "this rules!" that's a little too loud and I have a one year old up several hours early. That's no picnic.
  18. I will likely reposition a few buttons, and tweak some of the layout a little, but this is pretty close to done.
  19. I'm building a series of Process Modules for internal business functions. We have several processes that require complex forms. More than would be feasible to create using pages. So I decided to use FormBuilder to allow the appropriate users create and maintain the forms. There would be way too many fields required to send all these forms to pages using the built-in FormBuilder process. These are all lengthy forms (and this is a University), so think 10+ forms — some with up to 60 fields. Rather than save the form to a page, we hook into 'FormBuilderProcessor::saveForm' and create a page that references FormBuilder entry. (The page title is the same as the form entry, for example 1.817) I got a few tips from Ryan on that part. There is one base module called "ProcessAdminForms" that has all the common functionality. The modules that extend it can get as specific as needed. The screenshots below are from the "ProcessAdminIPIFs" module. It is an internal HR process that is required to hire a new employee or setup a new vendor. List of entries Show/hide columns (state saved per user via cookie) Viewing an entry Administrative comments & notifications
  20. netcarver, I love that project — can't wait to see the fill write up!
  21. ProcessWire has ACF's older brother. See above.
  22. Haha. Yeah… Also, I'm super stoked on all this payment stuff.
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