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Everything posted by renobird

  1. Thanks Peter. Do you mean how they work from a PHP/PW standpoint, or JS?
  2. Unless I'm not fully understanding (entirely possible), you can just have them all saved under the same parent. The pageTable field handles the association.
  3. You can save all your pageTable pages to a hidden page (same as repeaters do). I put mine under /admin/. Think of it as a closet in the basement that you will never look in.
  4. A project like this isn't really funded in a big chunk. It comes from different sources, so we had to make some concessions out of the gate to build what we could with the first round of funding. The next phase has funding now, so we can start work again. Might take 3-4 phases to get everything done.
  5. It's already fairly fast with template and markup cache, but up next is a little ProCache. The images are served a 2x resolution for everyone, but at 20% quality. $images->first()->size(556,416,array('quality' => 20)) The file sizes are decent, but I also want to add a lazy loading so that only images that make it to the viewport get loaded.
  6. Thanks Adrian, That's part of the minimum viability. There is a proper contact form already built (as well as several other forms via FormBuilder), but the contact form has other options that we weren't ready to introduce, so we decided to go with the simplest option for now.
  7. http://assessment.ifas.ufl.edu I've been working on this one a good while now. What's there now is essentially a phase one MVP (Minimum Viable Product). We start the next phase of the project soon, which migrates a lot more data, and takes all the paper processes and turns them into web forms and/or calculation tools. More on that another time. For those of you familiar with the pitfalls of infinite scroll — I'm still working out the kinks with history.js, but I wanted to go ahead and post the site here as it's now officially live. Some of the more crucial modules used: ListerPro AIOM ProFields: PageTable FormBuilder (not live yet, coming in phase 2) Homepage Search Page Filters Species Page
  8. renobird


    Happy Birthday Joss!
  9. I've been using this method Ryan posted. As Ryan mentioned at the end of the post, rsync copies them to my local HD, which is then again backed up via Time Machine. The shell script for backing up the file system is a little more complicated. My version is essentially a tweak of this script on github. The major drawback is that the backups eat into your server space. I've been meaning to explore the option of moving them Dropbox/Amazon. So far I have plenty of space, so I'm just letting it ride.
  10. Ryan, The new @ option in selectors saved me today. Just wanted to say thanks.
  11. renobird

    My Backend Redesign

    If you start with AdminThemeReno, a lot of what you've shown here shouldn't be too difficult with just some CSS changes. A small bit of markup change to move the search input into the sidebar. Give it a shot. I think you'll be surprised at how easy it is.
  12. Sass is one of those things that will save you tons of time in the end. The mostly difficult part (depending on your code editor) is getting your environment all set up. I use Sublime Text 3, so there are packages and build systems for it that can be installed in a minute or 2. Might take a little longer depending on what you use.
  13. The alternate domain option is probably uncommon in general. If you include it, would you mind making the status codes configurable? That way I could potentially use your module.
  14. Hi Mike, I originally had hardcoded the module to only redirect if the alt domain and URI returned a 200, but in my case the alternate domain has 13 years of vanity URI's that I don't want to migrate. So I figured it would be good to have it configurable. 200, 301, 302 are the ones I get back most.
  15. Hey Joss, Once you switch fully to Sass (.scss syntax) it's just like CSS, but with nesting and variables. There is way more to it than that, but if you start there it's easy to switch. After that, look into Bourbon and Neat (on mobile or I would link), With neat you don't need grids. Just code semantically, and use media queries nested right inline. Sure, the complied CSS has a lot of media queries, but it'll get minified and maybe gzipped anyhow. I don't use break points at all anymore, I just make adjustments to elements where the layout starts to break. So from a mobile first perspective, start widening the viewport until the layout needs to adjust, and then make an adjustment at that point. Neat makes all this super easy. Anyhow, just my 2 cents.
  16. Hi Adrian, I'll need to see how complex that would be. I don't have an immediate need, so not sure I can devote time to it at the moment. EDIT: I bet what Mike Anthony is building would accommodate that. His looks to have a lot more features.
  17. OK, I think I'm all done fiddling. This latest version seems really stable, and ready for primetime. I would still suggest that you test it in a development environment first. ProcessRedirects.zip Configuration fields Wildcard redirects
  18. Just a quick note. We did a lot more testing here over the past few days. Made a few tweaks to the SQL, and added a new config option for response codes that trigger the redirect to another domain. Defaults are 200 and 301. I'll post the updated version when I get to the office tomorrow.
  19. I wouldn't use this in a production environment yet. You should be able to install over your old version, no DB schema changes.
  20. Hang tight on that version. I just realized that wasn't the most current. I copied an earlier version by mistake in my rush to get to lunch. I'll be back in front of my computer in a bit and will post the correct version.
  21. This isn't something I've ever needed before, but in this case, I need to maintain an aging IIS/MSSQL/.NET infrastructure that has sites and applications that don't warrant the development time to rebuild. There is an assortment of reasons why it needs to live on.
  22. Here is a beta version for anyone who wants to test. [updated Link Below] Use an asterisk to specify a wildcard. Example: /somepage/* This will (should) catch everything under /somepage/ The main differences: - Hook is now "addHookBefore" - SQL has changed to allow searching for wildcard - Alternate Domain config field under module settings.
  23. Mike Anthony, Sweet! That looks super cool. A bit more than I need, and longer than I can wait. I extended the module this afternoon and added support for: Wildcards: /somepage/* Alternate Domain: http://legacy.site.com The alternate domain is specified in the module config settings. If set, the module will also check the alternate domain for the request. If it gets back a status code of 200, then it will redirect to the request on that domain. That may be a fringe feature, but I need to maintain a legacy.site.com scenario, and this takes care of everything. @apeisa ​I may not be the best keeper of this module, as this kind of thing is a bit out of my wheelhouse. Can I just submit a Pull Request? I could also just release a beta version first for those who want to test it. We have about 80 redirects active here (a lot of which will go away with the wildcards), but I've been testing it on a production site all afternoon. Seems stable.
  24. Thanks Steve. I needed to use this on an install that was pre getHttpCode() - no worries though php's get_headers() works fine for what I needed. I only want to redirect if the status is 200 (there are a zillion old redirects that could cause loops). $request = "http://legacy.site.com{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"; $response = get_headers($request); $status = $response[0]; if(strpos($status,"200")){ $session->redirect($request); } I modded the Redirects module this afternoon to support all this. Might be able to get a PR in before the end of the day.Keep an eye out over there.
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