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Marty Walker

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Everything posted by Marty Walker

  1. My mind works in mysterious ways Not every site I build is the same, there are always subtle differences. For things like blogs and galleries being able to export a basic page heirarchy (& fieldset) and recreate it on a new site build would be a huge, huge time saver.
  2. So theoretically I could have one parent and one child page with all my fields setup, export it, and and then use this to import a field setup?
  3. Hi Peter, Indeed. Something like that could be a good option too. Even some of the smallest of modules would save me more than $2.50 in time over the span of a month. - Marty
  4. There were a few textpattern plugins released via 'ransom' - a custom fields one too if I remember correctly (hilarious!) - which went along the lines of 'I need this much money and I'll release it'. Personally if I was putting money towards module development I'd have no problem letting everyone get the benefit of it. I'm still blown away by not only the generosity of Ryan releasing ProcessWire but the dozens of module devs here that have made my life as site builder that much easier. Perhaps another approach would be to have a PayPal donate button (or similar) in the existing modules section where folk can send their cash to.
  5. Hi all, I'm working on a small shop for a client. I have all the product info in ProcessWire (of course) - no problem there. I'm looking for some recommendations on a simple cart setup. I've tried plum.shop but I'm not that jQuery-literate. When it comes calculating taxes and shipping based on country (really just Australia & Rest of World) I fall over. I'm not that interested in splitting the site between PW and say, shopifry, it's just not that big a store. Has anyone done something like this before? Has anyone done anything this simple in PW where PayPal is the end destination? I'd love to keep it in the PW family if possible. Regards Marty More detail: Products added to a cart need GST added if the purchaser is based in Australia - if they're from overseas no tax is added Shipping is calculated differently based on the purchasers location - AU or overseas - either a flat rate for each or a percentage
  6. It might seem like treachery to mention this one but it got me over the line when I needed to get some documentation done quickly: http://www.daux.io/
  7. I'm using OS X Chrome (Version 28.0.1500.95) and each time I 'save and keep unpublished' using a CKEditor field it goes completely blank. When I refresh I get it all back. Is anyone else having this issue?
  8. Thanks Wanze, has($user) did the trick.
  9. Hi everyone, I'm working on a site that gives users access to parts of the site. It goes something like this: - Your Pages -- Seminar 1 --- seminar page 1 --- seminar page 2 -- Seminar 2 --- seminar page 1 --- seminar page 2 ... and so on On the Seminar 1 & Seminar 2 pages I have a field called 'Allowed users' which is a Page field that looks at the admin/access/users page. I have it setup to display all the users as checkboxes. I thought that I might have built an easy way for the admin to add selected users to each Seminar but I'm having trouble. What I'm trying to do is match the logged in user with the checked username on the Seminar 1 & Seminar 2 pages and a) only show that user the seminars they have access to and b) all the pages below that belong to that seminar. They're going to have quite a few seminars. Getting them to setup a Role for each seminar and then adding that role to each user would be quite tedious. I haven't done much with user management at all in PW. Any ideas on how I might approach this? Is there a better way? Regards Marty
  10. That's ok. I wasn't clear in the first place. You can imagine the strife I get into at home
  11. I think I have something sorted (thanks to Ryan of course): http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1716-integrating-a-member-visitor-login-form/?hl=%2Bpassword+%2Breset#entry15894
  12. Yes I have seen that. I probably wasn't clear that I'd like to do this from a front-end form.
  13. That's right Antti's module does send a new password. And that solution is ok too. All I need is some way to communicate a password to the user - either their old password or a new one. If it can happen without getting the site administrator involved then great. -Marty
  14. Hey adrian, Right that doesn't sound like best practice at all. I found this from Antti: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2145-module-send-user-credentials/?hl=%2Bpassword+%2Breset Being the PHP noob that I am I know there's a way to tie this to a form but I know not how -Marty
  15. I know there's a few topics on 'forgot password' but I'm after something simple. In this case the site owner will setup users in the PW admin and there'll be a login form to allow them to get access to some of the site content. All I really need is a way for a user to punch in their username and to then be emailed their password - I'm not looking for a reset. Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks Marty
  16. @macrura I use Synk here too and I love it. I also recently discovered BitTorrent Sync which is useful in some situations: http://labs.bittorrent.com/experiments/sync.html And one for the photo nuts: http://rawtherapee.com/
  17. Marty Walker


    There was a study done here (Australia) recently about why so few Americans visit: mainly because, as you mentioned, you get short holidays and secondly, Australia is a *really* lengthy plane journey from the States, especially the east coast. The other problem with coming here is it's such a huge place and to get around you have to fly everywhere. So y'all use up your precious relaxing/sightseeing time with more flights. Pffff. And that's not so good with kids either. If I was taking the fam to Europe for two or three weeks I'd most likely pick three cities and stay at each one for a week. My choice would be perhaps: Paris, Prague and Berlin.
  18. Thanks Dave. I thought as much. It might just be me being daft somewhere along the line.
  19. Hi Antti, So I have Fredi installed, the header and JS code in place. My template edit access is set to admin as well as another role. I have a user setup with that role enabled. Can I still use Fredi for that non-superuser user? Regards Marty
  20. Hi Adrian, This is great. It'd be nice, as you say, to have this as a TextFormatter (I couldn't see it as an option anywhere), and be able to use it selectively rather than as a default site setting. I'm not sure if I'd rather use the description field at the insert stage or not. I can envisage situations where the option to choose either would be great. Regards Marty
  21. There's always ifttt.com too. Pair his short posts RSS feed to a FB status update.
  22. Thanks Martijn. Does this also remove with the <p> tags that get wrapped around an image in TinyMCE? - I've been using jQuery for this. -Marty
  23. Hi Martijn, This is great. I can't wait to give it a go. Stupid question: what happens if the image is square? Regards Marty
  24. I work locally using MAMP Pro (OS X). The 'problem' for me has been getting a development version in front of a client. I can't use port-forwarding and DynDNS at all and I'm a command line & GIT noob. But I recently discovered Pagekite which lets you tunnel your localhost to a publicly available URL. With a bit of tweaking on the MAMP Pro side of things I can serve a locally running site to a client for, not only review, but for them to add content. Example. The last bit of the process is uploading the site files and moving the database when going live. If anyone is interested in more details of my setup let me know.
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