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Everything posted by flydev

  1. @theqbap The YAML thing is an extension of PHP which need to be activated on your server configuration.
  2. Hi @wbmnfktr It seem that your are using the wrong version - try the 1.3.12-ATO version on the dev branch please, it work as expected.
  3. Yeah thanks, I remember a post about that but sorry for not explaining my main issue. The issue is not performances about creating page, but importing those 300k files without being able to use the PCNTL functions, and thus, I ran into memory limit and max execution time issue. PS: I have not control for these two settings.
  4. Hi Peter, take a look a at this thread :
  5. Hello guys, I need to import about 300K text files (each file has ~256 bytes) and turn them into pages on a website hosted on a shared host. I know I could use the PCNTL extension functions to do this job but its not available (I asked the support to enable it but I think that the answer will be negative). Do you guys have/know a work-around, script or any other idea I am not thinking of now ? Thanks ?
  6. $mydb = new Database('localhost', 'user', 'pass', 'my_other_dbname'); $result = $mydb->query("SELECT * FROM a_table"); [...]
  7. Damn, too much work coming on ? Thanks for the new version @dadish ?
  8. Hi Abdul, The solution is already in this thread ?
  9. Hi @Christophe Badoux It sound like a permission or maybe a server cache issue, but we need more information about your hosting. Things to check : browser cache disk space available value of session.save_path and permission of this value permission of site/assets server caching (depending on the server setup, could be NGINX, Squid, Varnish, Memcached, etc..) I bet on the last one. Oh and Welcome to the forum ?
  10. @Tyssen you could try to add <?php namespace ProcessWire on the top of the module file.
  11. Hi @Marcel, please tell me which version of Duplicator, ProcessWire and PHP you are on.
  12. I hope its just a corrupted database. if you encounter again the same problem, in a terminal, enter in mysql shell then type `show databases;` Is there a table name `PLEASE_READ` ?
  13. Hi, sorry the module does not support ReCaptcha v3 at this moment. If you are using FormBuilder I should have a working code example.
  14. https://wiki.php.net/rfc/nullable_types https://www.php.net/manual/en/migration71.new-features.php
  15. @Sebi Really great additions ! There is a small issue, in site/api/Routes.php, the call require_once wire('config')->paths->RestApi . "RestApiHelper.php"; should be require_once wire('config')->paths->RestApi . "classes/RestApiHelper.php"; I really like the idea of applications key. I didn't spotted problems using it yesterday but still need to be tested deeply - I have three mobile native apps in which I will test it ? The Process Module is cool, I vote to stay with it.
  16. I am using this module in all my install now (it's a modified version with Basic Auth implemented) and all these additions look super ! Looking into it this afternoon, I will give my opinion. Thanks guys for the hard work ?
  17. Oh yeah excellent ! ? PS: The Github link lead to a 404 page due to a typo in the url.
  18. I use FSNotes on MacOS - and it's open-source ? : https://github.com/glushchenko/fsnotes
  19. Hey @elabx , I am tempted to say that yes it's related - (edit) it's related to your issue, not the locking one - Are you on MySQL 32bit or 64bit ? Quoting the official doc :
  20. Yes, in Pages2Pdf module settings : You can stay with PHP 7.3.x, and you can also try the same method to update it with the last mPDF version. If it didn't work, then use an older mPDF version like I did.
  21. Hi @iNoize inside the Pages2Pdf folder module, rename the folder mpdf to mpdf.old then paste the folder mpdf-master downloaded from Github inside the Pages2Pdf folder and rename it to mpdf; Refresh the module. That it. FYI: This workaround worked without any issue with mPDF 6.1.0 in 2018.
  22. Hi @KarlvonKarton thanks for reporting it. Can you tell me on which version of ProcessWire the module didn't work for you ?
  23. hi @iNoize Looking at the error and the corresponding line (26) pointing to an empty line, I bet that you have some unwanted char in the code caused by the copy/pasta from the forum. Try to open your file (contact.php) with another editor and clean weird chars. The plain HTML code should work as is. Please have a read to those post : If you still have an issue, ping me, I will check your templates.
  24. Hi @bernhard cool to see that you needed this module for your case. About your question, I quote myself : That's not the first time this question is asked, I will make the Process module installed automatically on the next version (which should be ready for the end of august).
  25. Sorry mate, still not downloaded a Windows image as I am now on a 4G router, no more fiber ? I have to retrieve it from a friend this afternoon or tomorrow, again stay tuned ?
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